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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


The worst is when it’s buried in Github issues or in a header file with thousands and thousands of lines of code. Yes I’m looking at you DearImGui, your documentation is awful and I’m already being generous.

They should make any developers who are required to write documentation go through this step. It’ll be an interesting day and you’ll actually learn something… I hope.

The JVM isn’t free. It was a simple data collection device that interfaces with a sensor which ideally doesn’t need maintenance as long as possible. Something light written in C is more than enough.

Battery life is a reason. I’ve had clients come to me complaining their solution from another vendor didn’t last very long. Turns out it was running Java on an embedded device.

I found SourceTree to be especially bad at this. For the inexperienced, I think Fork is a lot better. It also helps that you can inspect the commands that were executed by it.

And it’s so good that Kotlin adopted them too in their journey to fix Java.