Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive.

If you’re too annoying on or you’re blocked.

Things people claim I am:

Russian bot: 13

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 11

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 6

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Maybe THIS will get the Dems to ditch the filibuster and pack the court.

God I hope so. The 2024 memo should read to every voter: “Hey, the SCOTUS is a fucking corrupt thing where the only thing is to pack them and end the filibuster. Vote Democrat, get a good court you can at least have some faith in again.”

It’s not gonna happen, but every time Democrats make plans and act on it, they win seats.

If someone is unaware of piracy: Tell them.

If someone is aware of piracy and doesn’t care: “I don’t really know, I just got it off of a torrent site.”

If someone is aware of piracy and cares too much for a company they don’t work for: You can ignore them.

South Park would probably be on the side of Google and other corporations, Matt and Trey are diehard libertarian capitalists.

I meant exchanging the credits for the books, not books for books. Apologies if that came off as unclear.

And a lot of the online ads on podcasts and shows constantly state “it’s all yours to keep as long as you want” so my brother and I, both thought it was to all, not just the books. It’s why we were okay with paying for another month to allow more credits to stack up, as not every book was 1 credit.

I was slightly okay with Audible’s DRM when the credits you got each month stacked with the older ones, so you could have 4 over the months as you still listened to the books you already had, and then exchange them for newer books of the series and what not.

And then my brother and I stopped paying, and the credits were there for a month. Check back later, 0 credits. The books are still there, but the credits we paid money for are gone. So that sucks. Fuck em.

Torrenting stuff that is public domain or intended by its creators to be shared via BitTorrent isn’t illegal. You won’t get busted for sharing a Linux ISO or a copy of Moby Dick.

You would get in trouble for media made in or after 1929 (currently). A VPN would help to protect you from being caught for this, but you would most likely never get arrested for downloading, only being a major player in a scene.

And why cops don’t stop them? They do. There’s laws on books that prohibit them, but in (a lot) of countries, they either don’t have a law that stops VPNs, only piracy sites, or simply don’t have the time to care about media piracy when there’s bigger fish to fry.

Raccoons go though what others would see as trash, and make it their treasure!

Libby often had any popular books often taken up by other users, so I couldn’t read until someone else “turned in their copy”.

I get libraries in real life that have limited stock of books, but it’s a epub file hosted somewhere. The only limit is the server space and bandwidth costs.

Also the app was so laggy on even my (at the time) midrange device, that it felt like I was browsing books on molasses.

If they’ve fixed that, that’s incredible. I haven’t used it since, it left such a horrible impression. Trying to limit an endless digital supply, like making ebooks into early NFTs.

Yeah I probably just had the wrong tone or read it wrong. I am a fucking mess lately so that’s probably why.

It does and I agree, but maybe its since I just woke up and I’m short on sleep, I read:

well known method for putting a business card on paper that doesn’t require electronics: QR codes.


We don’t need any electronics at all for any of this

RFID is silly to put in a card that 99% will forget about and leave behind. QR codes are better as they are just the same ink that goes on it anyways.

QR codes require something electronic to read them.

Business cards with plain text and maybe an image require as much tech to put on them as a QR code, a printing press of some kind. Making a nice looking card or generating a QR code requires more tech however.

Alphabet gross profit for the quarter ending June 30, 2023 was $42.688B, a 7.85% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $160.503B, a 1.7% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2022 was $156.633B, a 6.77% increase from 2021.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2021 was $146.698B, a 50.01% increase from 2020.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2020 was $97.795B, a 8.71% increase from 2019.

Huh, they seemingly have money to not fuck our eyes without lube for ads, but I guess they somehow just don’t have enough money, 156 billion dollars is really nothing after all. Probably more money in between my couch cushions. Such a small indie company that has to struggle to remain afloat, like an Etsy store.

I’m sure they can take a page from every online service before we entered the 2020s, where you could pay to enter without ads, like Netflix was. But no, the ad company has to inject ads into everything.

Alphabet gross profit for the quarter ending June 30, 2023 was $42.688B, a 7.85% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $160.503B, a 1.7% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2022 was $156.633B, a 6.77% increase from 2021.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2021 was $146.698B, a 50.01% increase from 2020.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2020 was $97.795B, a 8.71% increase from 2019.

“Guys they don’t have any money, they just gotta be privacy vampires and spam us with ads, they have no other means of funding it!”

Alphabet gross profit for the quarter ending June 30, 2023 was $42.688B, a 7.85% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $160.503B, a 1.7% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2022 was $156.633B, a 6.77% increase from 2021.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2021 was $146.698B, a 50.01% increase from 2020.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2020 was $97.795B, a 8.71% increase from 2019.

“Guys they don’t have any money, they just gotta be privacy vampires and spam us with ads, they have no other means of funding it!”

Maybe stop being a bootlicker for a company that used to be “Don’t be evil.”

Also, please explain how you want people to question the government, but support that very same government banning ways to find info to question it?

Oh yeah a nation that spies on everything and arrests anyone who disagrees with Putin sure is gonna revolt.

Blaming a nation of people who are unable to change their government with voting or revolution doesn’t help them. It makes you look like someone who’d blame all Japanese in America for Pearl Harbor.

Their options are not express free thought to a nation that kills its state officials when they are done being useful, or be buried near those officials in an unmarked grave.

The same logic applies to Americans in 2004. Not every american agreed with the Iraq invasion, but I guess Bush did all Americans must be removed from the Great equalizer of the Internet.

Man the year of the Linux desktop is rapidly approaching! We now have shady websites that offer the same content available in the operating system with less features, and costs money or spies on you.

Soon enough we’ll have browsers forced on it’s users! I can’t wait to feel like a true Windows user.

Duke: Why the hell do you have to be so critical?

Jay: I’m a critic.

Duke: No, your job is to rate movies on a scale from good to excellent.

Jay: What if I don’t like them?

Duke: That’s what good is for.