• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I am markdown and latex programmer.

Idk it just feels wrong.

Yeah I am realizing now that unless that someone stands up to NVIDIA with a somewhat competing product I am better off just building my own stuff.

Honesty that speed is more than enough, I just use AI for coding, I dont mind reading docs while wainting a couple seconds.

Damn that sucks, really though the it would be able to run some stuff like llms and tts due to the n TFLOPS and alI.

But that about the OS is just a deal breaker, not being able to load any distro on it just like any other SBC is some NVIDIA BS. Gotta check that out.

nvidia jetson + media server + ollama,stable diffusion, . . .
Not upgrading just taking notes. I got a rasberry pi 5 running most of my services now, and it's doing fine. Usually for my movies and stuff I go to streaming sites, legal ofc *cough *cough, but down the line I intend to build a media server too. The stuff I got laying arround wont do much with upgrades. So if I indeed wanted to upgrade my setup and run a media server + some AI stuff, I think I would be better off just buying a nvidia jetson SBC than building a tower from scratch. What do u guys think?

I heard tailscale/headscale was easier to setup, but other than that is there really a benefit over wireguard?

When forgejo brings federation to the table will selfhost it a and switch to it but for now it’s the best.

Home server 1.0
Tried some times to get a home server up and running but never followed it through, last week got some time, grabbed my new rasberry pi 5 8GB (it's a f*cking beast) and came up with this [setup](https://codeberg.org/Disco-Robot/homelab.git). Nothing unusual besides the podman quadlets/systemd thingies which I did not saw much out there. Any tips and services recommendations?