Chris Remington

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

  • 18 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 28, 2022


I have not followed this story closely, if not very much at all. Is this just another example of the uber-wealthy getting away with crimes in broad daylight? Or is this something else entirely?

There is always an incredible amount of fear-mongering and general negativity in the US media. This is especially so for politics. Here is my unsolicited advice: 1. Ignore the media including polls. 2. If you are capable, then please do some [canvasing]( 3. Vote and encourage those around you to vote.

Did you forget to add the trailer?

At the very beginning of learning about Assange, over many years, I was conflicted. I didn’t know how to process his actions against the legal system (USA or otherwise).

I believe, deep inside my self, that he should be free and has done a great service to humanity.

I, also, believe that I will learn more about his service as time goes by.

Laughing about the demise of other human lives is not nice. Please, remember to be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Also, consider this a warning.

I’ve used Firefox for so many years…can’t remember precisely. If there was a better option, then I’d be open to it.

As we get closer to the election, and more people start paying attention, that ‘53 out of 100’ will be higher.

Please, remember to be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Demeaning accusatory language, targeted at another user, is NOT nice. Thank you.

Interesting back story incoming. My brother and I worked at one of the best restaurants (at the time) in Greensboro NC USA. My brother’s roommate (Mike), for several years (1989 - 1992 I believe), had only a high school education. After working a shift at the restaurant, he’d return home and shut himself in his room for hours (this was almost every day). My brother inquired out of curiosity and Mike showed my brother his computer set-up and the types of digital graphics he had been working on. Mike sent a 3 dimensional application to a digital graphics arts school (I believe in Raleigh NC) and was immediately accepted. After easily completing this program of study (Mike was highly gifted and driven), he was snatched up by the company that developed Myst. He went from barely scraping by to making a substantial amount of money in the field he dreamed to work in.

As far as the argument against the argument for your point, the logical argument was complete in the first paragraph:

the academic community has failed to produce any negative relationship between video games and real life.

I have not been able to find any evidence that would support the claims of talking heads, etc.

My other son is ‘on the spectrum’ and is a joy with all of his uniqueness.

Our overarching rule, here at Beehaw, is to be(e) nice. Your words are very far from nice. Consider this a warning.

Still having lots of fun playing Diablo 4 Season 4. Got a necromancer and a barbarian to 100. Now, I’m leveling up a sorcerer.

…I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

For now, we must encourage all of the younger people to vote. The younger people are, understandably, frustrated by the current American political system. It can be changed with more participation over time. Doing nothing (not voting, etc.) just worsens the problem.

The far right GOP knows all of this and makes it difficult for anyone to vote. They use tactics such as gaslighting in order to cheat their way into office.

Is it the average American news sources messing with people’s minds that much?

I’d estimate that 98% of American news sources are either very biased or straight up propaganda machines. I can only rely on National Public Radio and The Associated Press.

We can still find engagement in small niche subs on Reddit. We’ve known, for many years, that people were going to move away from large corporate-controlled sites such as Reddit, Twitter etc…

The Fediverse is addressing this. It isn’t a panacea. However, it is a re-imagining of what we want the Internet to be.

There are many others, that will come along after us, to address this further.

Season 4 has been the best so far. They made a lot of improvements to the game. It’s the most fun I’ve had with Diablo 4.

I’m sorry you feel that way. I did not intend for anyone to be uncomfortable.

…does this mean that saying “Joe Biden is acting like a fascist autocrat”, is ok, but applying it as a title, as in “Joe Biden the Fascist Autocrat” is not?

In my opinion, yes. However, this is something that I would want to discuss with the other administrators/moderators in order to reach a conclusion.

Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

Labeling Joe Biden as a ‘fascist’ is name-calling. Whether or not he is, truly, a fascist is not what is being addressed here.

Beehaw is a space that strives to be(e) nice apart from the thousands of Internet spaces that could care less.

…staff here defend these people from criticism.

Show me where Beehaw staff have defended anyone from criticism.

The subject at hand is name-calling. It is not nice.

The subject that you keep reiterating is current events and politics.

Do you understand the difference?

Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

That’s what we, at Beehaw, don’t want. It is not nice.

This is a ‘soft warning’ about name-calling. Generally speaking, name-calling isn’t nice. Please, be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Thank you.

‘Traumatic’ just means emotionally distressing. He was disappointed. He wasn’t harmed.

You have made a mountain out of a molehill. Neither of my two sons have ever experienced trauma.

Go through and read the other comments in this thread. Has anyone else raised alarm bells? The answer is no.

Please, don’t make accusations here at Beehaw. It isn’t nice.

I’ve expressed this many many times to him over the years. I’ve said something like “I want to play games to have fun. If the game isn’t fun for me, then I will not play it anymore”.

I believe that he understands this. However, he just wanted so much to understand Elden Ring and beat it.

Personally, Elden Ring is NOT fun to play and that’s why I don’t play it.

I’m just astounded that my 8-10 year old son persevered so much to beat it.

A personal argument for a benefit of gaming
I grew up hearing all the talking heads (media), religious groups and parents strongly criticizing video games. You've, probably, heard some of this. For example, video games involving any type of violence causing people to become more violent, etc. As far as I know, the academic community has failed to produce any negative relationship between video games and real life. At the age of 8 my son began playing Elden Ring with me. We were both new to Souls-like games. I, quickly, became disheartened by the difficulty of Elden Ring and stopped playing altogether. On the other hand, my son continued to play Elden Ring. He had several meltdowns, over the next two years, trying so desperately to advance in this game. One of his most recent meltdowns was so traumatic for him, that he smashed the PS5 controller into our brand new TV screen which caused a square inch of it to be irreparably damaged. He was punished severely for doing this. Two weeks later, he continued his quest to overcome Elden Ring. I remember hearing him say to himself, his mother and brother "I am not going to give up until I beat this game". Three weeks, and many more meltdowns later, my 10 year old son beat Elden Ring. I remember hearing him scream "YES! YES! FINALLY!". I ran into the room and found him sobbing with tears of joy. I hugged and congratulated him. I ran outside to tell his older brother and he ran in to congratulate him. His mother was overjoyed with his accomplishment. For someone so young to persevere, spending over 300 hours, trying to overcome a tough game like Elden Ring is a huge accomplishment. I am so proud of my son to have learned such a valuable lesson, **on his own**, at such a young age.

You could reach out for help if you were running into problems. AskBeehaw would be an example for inquires. Also, there’s nothing preventing anyone from asking for technical support at Beehaw’s technology community which has the largest viewership on Beehaw.

I believe most people in this thread are missing your point in which I agree.

This was posted here 19 hours ago. Removing this duplicate.

All of that needed to be said. Thank you.

One of the most intriguing and disturbing stories I've seen recently.

Big changes/improvements coming to season 4 which has been delayed until May 14.