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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I mean, fuck Apple, but …

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Hanlon’s Razor (Wikipedia)

Still, though — fuck Apple.

Never heard of Meshtastic before, quite the rabbit hole, and sounds super awesome!

Had a look at your other thread (not a member there so seems I can’t comment, or maybe it’s just my client), and trying to understand what you guys are using these for.

Official site says “Hiking safety GPS”, something to that effect, but all this talk of “local topics” has me confused. What’s your use-case?

  1. Most of the world uses Google.
  2. Everyone must accept Google EULA to use.
  3. Google adds arbitration rule to EULA.
  4. Google adds “EULA covers all Google subsidiaries and partners” to EULA.
  5. Google sells “partnerships” to every company that can afford it.
  6. Profit.

Partner killed by a faulty Ford truck? Never signed a Ford EULA? No worries, Ford is a Google Partner™! See you in arbitration, bitch! 😂

No, no! You see, the specific combination of sounds that we use to identify and address a given person shapes that persons body, especially their facial features!

How else would you explain how every person over 50 named Henry looks exactly the same‽ Or why people over 50 named Charles and Charlie look so similar?

I’m 44, and have a friend who is 43, and has the exact same name, and everyone we know always comments on how they’re 100% certain we will look like twins in 7 years.

It’s just science. Get your head out of the sand!

Hell, I wouldn’t be the least amount surprised if everyone over 50 named Gretchen not only look identical, but are also the exact same height. I guess that’s an idea for their next study. I can’t wait to be proven right.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to read how my day tomorrow — and, incidentally, that of the other 1/12 (roughly) of the planet born with the same zodiac sign — is going to turn out.

That’s actually pretty good. And then they’re open to getting sued when caught.

I guess it could be done on an instance basis, although I’m not sure how happy fediverse users will be if their instance has an official policy of open-sourcing (or maybe it’s public-domaining?) all their content by default.

Thank [some deity] for video chats, those little bastards couldn’t spell to save their lives 😅

Lifetime jail + lifetime jail for X generations of offspring, depending on severity?

Or instead of jailing children at birth, maybe just confiscating X yachts, depending on severity.

You missed an S in enShittification.

And I completely agree, Cory seems to be good at coining terms and making them stick 👍

I think we need to look a bit back in time for the answer:

“If they pay a penie or two pence more for the reddinesse of them…let them looke to that, a foole and his money is soone parted.”

— From Dr. John Bridges’ Defence of the Government of the Church of England, 1587.

It’s pretty funny how you can’t keep I/he and my/his straight in your post. And the “not mine” label is a nice touch! 😂

I think you owe it to yourself to make this into a post on /r/amitheasshole. I have a feeling the results will surprise you.

Don’t have any data to back it up, but I’ve been using Photoshop for 25+ years, and got the clear impression that this was 100% part of marketing; from what I gathered from friends back then, pirating Photoshop was so astonishingly simple that it seemed deliberate. If you’ve got the software that’s the easiest to get hold of for kids and students, that’s what they grow up with, that’s what they know, that’s what they expect to have access to in future employment situations.

Now that they’ve managed to pull off Subscriptions (and consequently fucking us all over by making it a legitimate business model, which instantly spread to, what, +60% of all paid software?), I’m sure they’ve calculated that the higher bar for gaining access to their software is more than adequately offset by the readings on the yard stick in their Scrooge McDuck money vault building(s).

And still, nobody has managed to make something that can replace their bloated, shitty software for professional users.

First one doesn’t work without the comma, I think you meant “Stop killing games”.

Yay, space opera! 🥰

Highly recommend almost everything by Peter F. Hamilton if you haven’t read them, arguably top 3 space opera authors ❤️

Edit …: and Boo! Google!

Thank you! I may just take you up on that, but think I need to read some how-to’s first 😁

I’ll see if I can’t figure it out, think it’s mostly a question of lacking available time to get into it properly 👌

Always make a backup! Hopefully, they remembered the 1-2-3 rule 🤔

I tried setting up Audiobookshelf in Podman on my ancient Mac mini recently (now running Fedora x KDE), and turns out I don’t know the first thing about running “dockered” servers/apps and absolutely couldn’t get it to work 😅

Thanks! I misunderstood completely, thought you were downloading from Spotify and uploading to YouTube 😅

Genuine question: Spotify TO YouTube? I’m trying hard and not coming up with a use-case 🤔

Or is it just “Spotify or YouTube”?

Wow, that looks great! I was beginning to think you’d missed my comment, or, worse, that it was too annoying 😅

Happy you managed to translate the acronyms and found some of it helpful; I spent way too much time on it 😅

Think the changes are really good! Being allowed to enter words that don’t live up to the dot requirement really takes a lot of friction out of it and makes it so much more enjoyable!

Looking forward to seeing future updates, keep up the good work!

I actually stumbled upon a small issue: in Chrome on my Android phone, I’ve enabled a flag to force dark mode, and it doesn’t play nicely with the game. An edge-case for sure, but might be worth looking into. See screenshots below 😊


  • Chrome Dark Mode flag enabled, game in Light Mode:


  • The flag in question:


  • Dark Mode enabled + game Dark Mode toggled:

Agreed, which is funny because he’s an intelligent guy, and I wouldn’t normally take him for someone who’s fall for this type of confirmation bias, but tech is a blind spot.

Also, I think he sees me as someone who is overly cautious (for one thing, there are some differences in opinion about how my wife and I raise our kids), which probably means that because the warning about his IT setup is coming from me, it’s already somewhat tainted by that.

* adult son is over reacting; take with grain of salt; roll eyes *

Thank you 😊

I’m happy to help, and she wrote a very sweet message to say thanks, she was very happy 😁

And I’ll be very pleased once we get it all sorted. I left her computer copying the files from that sketchy drive to the other one, so at least, until I go back, there should be a bit of redundancy 👌

Just spent 3 hours today with my stepmom trying to tame the “backup” situation on her work computer (a Mac). I’m just going to dump the (somewhat angry) rant I wrote my wife on the way home on the train:

… and then helping [stepmom] with computer backup for ~3 hours. Made a lot of progress but will need to go back for round 2, need her to get another external drive first.

Apparently her “IT guy” is some old colleague from previous job. Most braindead setup I’ve ever seen 🤢

Use Carbon Copy Cloner to “backup” (copy) her Desktop and Documents folder to a local OneDrive folder, hope that gets clouded from there. Last time I was there, OneDrive wasn’t even running, so nothing was happening. Even if it had been, it was set to “leave local files where they are”, so her HDD was almost out of space. This time, it couldn’t even be opened because her OS is too old to run it 🙄

Another CCC backup set to copy “full computer” to an external drive (to external root folder, relevant later); CCC full backups are 1:1 clones, so can be restored onto new hardware … unless the external drive isn’t formatted with same filesystem as computer. Of course, it wasn’t (FAT32 for a 5TB drive🙄). Oh, and only set to backup on “drive reconnected”, so no backups if she leaves it plugged in. Which of course she did.

On top of that, her main working folder is, of course, her Downloads, all 400 GB of it (and none of it added to any cloud backup in any way) 🙄 So once in a while she would manually move (not copy) files to both of her external drives, one reliable LaCie Rugged, one sketchy no-name drive, to clear up space. Except that “full system” CCC backup that runs on “reconnect” is pointing at the reliable drive’s ROOT folder, so every time that runs it would delete ALL the files she had manually moved there 🙄

Luckily she has that secondary (sketchy) external drive; all the files on the rugged one are gone forever.

Also - OneDrive for “backup” - what would happen if that folder was deleted locally? It’s fucking SYNC! OneDrive would simply remove the files from cloud (if the program had even been (capable of!) running)!

What an idiot 🙄 Wonder how many other people he’s “helping” 😬 I should just follow in his wake and make a living fixing his stupidity.

Also on the To-do for next meeting:

  1. set up a password manager, as her current system of manually copying her passwords (all of them the exact same 5-letter word, followed by the exact same 4-digit year, followed by one of 5 symbols, rotated for “security”) from last year’s paper calendar to this year’s paper calendar (with little or no notes about what they’re actually for) is … less than ideal.

  2. install software (Eagle) to manage her ~600 GB collection of work image files, half of which are in folders in her Downloads folder, the other half living dangerously on that sketchy external drive, all of them in semi-randomly named folders with nothing even remotely resembling any sort of system.

  3. copy the files on the current Rugged external drive to the new Rugged external drive so I can format the current one to a FS that can handle TimeMachine.

  4. upgrade her OS so OneDrive can actually run, although I won’t be using it for “backup”, because:

  5. setting up a proper cloud solution (B2) with proper backup software (Arq or Kopia) to make daily cloud backups of the primary external.

  6. setting up her external drives (at that point two Rugged drives) so one does daily backups (CCC + TimeMachine), and the other does a weekly backup of the first one before getting locked in the safe, with primary also hosting all her images.

Wish me luck 🙄

  • They don’t like the phone.
  • Battery life sucks.
  • Camera sucks.
  • Stopped watching at that point.

Hope that helps 😊

I second @ben@feddit.dk, it’s a really nice game! Extremely well-polished, the UI and color theme are gorgeous, and the sounds work perfectly.

Initial thoughts on the game difficulty:

Having to add up the number values adds an incredible amount of complexity (for my brain at least) — even finding a word to start with takes a lot of time, especially since you don’t know how many letters you’re aiming for.

I don’t want to spoil the current daily, but my first word gave me three greens. I thought I remembered the tutorial saying that green means “correct letter”, without saying anything about the position.

Personally, I think this is a bit of a shame; after the initial relief of finding a word that fits the Dot Requirement (DR), I’m now stuck with knowing three letters, but I still don’t know the word length, and I don’t know if the letters are in the right place.

I have to go hunting for words that contain my three green letters (and none of my grey ones), but even when I manage to think of something, I then have to fulfill the DR, which means a lot of the words I come up with don’t even work.

For a second just now, I thought I had come up with a workable strategy: since there is no apparent word length limit (other than dictated by PR), I could just take my green letters, and try to find a single letter to add. Slow going, but at least I’d be working towards a solution. Then I start typing my new, 4-letter word, and I realize that I’ve forgotten about the DR. Which promptly negates the word I wanted to try.

Obviously, everyone’s brains work differently, and I might just be particularly bad at this specific task, but I simply find it too hard.

I understand that optional settings that affect difficulty are a bit iffy because they could affect any scoreboards that might be added (not seeing any as of yet), but I think those could be taken into account.

Some ideas and suggestions that I think could make the game more accessible to players who find it a bit too hard:

  • Letter Placement Clues (LPC) — Consider differentiating between whether a correct (currently green) letter is in the right place or not; grey still means “wrong letter”, yellow (or maybe that delightful peach color from the Enter button) indicates “correct letter, wrong placement”, and green indicates “correct letter, correct placement”. LPC could be an optional toggle in Settings. This genre of game can usually be condensed down to “Mastermind with Letters”, and even Mastermind indicates correct placement (although omitting which letter is correctly placed).

  • Word Length Clues (WLC) — Consider letting the player know how long the target word is. WLC could be an optional toggle in Settings.

  • Tackling scoreboards vs. clue use — If the above (or other) clue settings were implemented, and if a scoreboard gets implemented, the scoreboard could have a tab for each combination of clues:

    • No Clues Used — main scoreboard, doesn’t need to explicitly say anything about clues.

    • LPC used — scores from plays with only LPC enabled.

    • WLC used — scores from plays with only WLC enabled.

    • LPC + WLC used — scores from plays with both clues enabled.

    • Maybe a simple icon could be created for each clue type, and a small icon key shown at the bottom of the scoreboards to indicate which tab has which scores, without having to actually write “LPC” and "WLC”, or some other silly acronym.

  • Point of friction: “Not a Valid Word” — When typing words, a Friendly Chime (FC) sounds when the DR is Satisfied (DRS), supported by the X/Y Counter (XYC) numbers turning green. However, when the word is submitted (Enter button), and only then, the “XXX is Not a Valid Word” notification (NVW) appears (only if it’s not a valid word, obviously). The NVW is not accompanied by a sound, nor any other visual indication, and it’s a bit anonymous. I just had this happen, and I kept pressing the Enter button a few times before noticing the NVW.

    Is it really necessary to have to Enter to get the NVW? If PRS, I’m clearly not going to add any more letters; I already spent the pip dot quota. I think DRS should trigger the NVW evaluation, without the player needing to press Enter, as it seems an unnecessary step. I’ll call this DRSNVW.

    • Suggestion: Better / more NVW indicators upon NVW-eval causing DRSNVW (in addition to current notification):
      • Entered letters could turn grey.
      • Enter button could be greyed out.
      • Entered letters could do a Little Shudder (LS) / shake from side to side.
      • A different sound from the FC could play, maybe a Low Note from a Marimba (LNM) or something similar?
  • Consistency: “There must be Exactly X Dots” notification (EXD) — Similarly to the points made for NVW notification above, EXD-eval could trigger on each entered letter, and show EXD notification if total dots entered > DR, instead of only happening after player presses Enter. Some of the extra NVW indicators from above could also carry over to EXD for the sake of consistency:

    • Better / more EXD indicators when player presses Enter without DRS (in addition to current notification):
      • Entered letters do a LS.
      • LNM plays.
      • X in XYC turns red.
  • A thoughts on learning braille — I know available space is a bit sparse, but I think adding the dots to the letters of already entered words would make it more likely that I started associating the dots with the letters. Seeing the dots in the context of a word I spelled would just hammer the point home a bit more; currently, I can see the dots on the keyboard, on the letters I’m currently adding, but not on the words I already entered.

  • Bug? “There must be Exactly X Dots” (EXD) — I actually can’t reproduce this now, but I just had a situation where EXD was displayed at the same time as DRS. Not sure how I did it, though. If DRS, then EXD shouldn’t be shown, because DRS = exact number of dots is satisfied = no need to explain how many dots are needed.

That’s what I have, off the top of my head. Would love to hear your thoughts, and will come back and update if any other ideas pop up 😊

If you made it this far through my acronym bonanza, thanks! I don’t know if any of the above is useful, but I thought it was worth spending some time on this, as I think the game has great potential, and would be something I would like to play more, were it not for the current difficulty.