• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Yeah, like others have said, play them in order starting with 1. If you play them backwards or out of order, you aren’t very likely to finish the first one, maybe the second, the first is kind of a slog, but worth playing. This way they just get better each time you go to the next

Yeah and YouTube joined in a while back with image and text posts

Funny the sponsor of this bill is the president and owner of a lawn and landscaping company. I imagine he’s probably mad he has to pay his workers fair wages and just wants more money in his pockets.

If a company hires you and you live 90 minutes from a job, that company damn well should pay for your trips. You can agree not to, and that’s fine, but workers should expect to be paid for long commutes which are work related.

I spent 3 hours on the road 5+ days a week for 8 years and never got a cent for it, and when my vehicles crapped out the companies didn’t give a crap.



You’re exactly right. I didn’t read the article yet, but you can build a to do list app in a handful of minutes if you know your way around. I’m still green as a coder, but have been through dozens of tutorials, one of which was a simple to do list in JavaScript. I managed to complete it in about an hour. Seeing that someone thinks it takes weeks to do, that makes me wonder about them.

Somewhere between English and Sumerian

Those are dispensers; you put the item you want to dispense (water bucket) inside and when activated, they dispense. If activated again while containing a bucket, they will “grab” the water and store back in the bucket

I get that. I like to create things, it feels like legos

That’s faster, easier and more efficient than this boat elevator! During the development process of the elevator, I did have a block switcher at the bottom which would swap a stone block for soul sand when the elevator was activated and the boat would rise very quickly (I didn’t have to put a delay in like with this one.) It would also descend more quickly because the dispensers were faster. It was VERY noisy, though, because when you’re on top of a bubble column it constantly makes splash noises

What do you mean by elements? The components of the build?

It goes down faster because the wiring is one way, bottom to top. So the water gets picked up starting at the bottom going up, and the last one just drops the boat at the water fall speed

I tried posting to the Minecraft subreddit, but the post would get deleted immediately. I just want to show someone! It's mostly silent, minus the dispensers clicking and occasional water splash, but it's much smoother than a flying machine, and not to terribly slow, rising at a little over 2 blocks per second. It's a good way to transport things vertically

Yeah, so many companies require mac’s for their coding needs. Any classes I’ve ever taken have used macbooks

That’s the one! It was called Viper Racing, and this came out in 1998! Here’s a video of a guy doing just what we described lol


A long time ago (at least 15 or 20 years) I played a game on PC with physics like this. I specifically remember driving a Dodge Viper, and every crash would crumple the body a little more where it took a hit. At one point I ended up crumpling the entire car into a single tire I could drive around, as the tires were the only thing that didn’t squish.

Anyone know of this game?

I’ve had YouTube premium from the inception of their subscription model prior to/at the beginning of YouTube red, as I initially had a paid Google music subscription.

Personally, there isn’t a better option for the amount of hassle involved in my opinion. It’s a family account, and managing so many people’s YouTube experiences on at least a dozen different devices would be a nightmare I don’t want to think about. (Multiple of each TV’s, Roku’s, Android phones, iPhones, pc’s, etc)

This isn’t really relevant to your friend, it is quite silly when it’s just one person not willing to do it for just themselves.

I actually started looking at firebase today. I’m confused by it, but that’s the case with everything new to me.

Thanks! I kind of figured it out after a lot of searching and trial and error.

I removed all but one page, and removed all content on that page. In website settings, there’s an option for “code injection”. This is where I pasted all my code, but I had to do it in a weird way.

I built the website with React, and each page was it’s own component. I had to build the project, and then take all of the JS created from the build process and wrap them in script tags, and wrap the CSS in style tags. Then I had to make a div with an id of root within the code injection body. Afterwards, I copied and pasted all the JS and CSS under the root div.

It’s not perfect and I need to tweak some things, but the site is 90% intact.

How to add hard-coded website to square space?
I have a couple sites on Google and since they sold to square space I thought I'd try to keep my stuff there. But I can't figure it out. Square space is a site builder with a GUI and I can't find anywhere to just deploy my site to them as a react app. I have found a few areas where I can add some code, but they are for specific areas of the provided templates. I've even tried to use developer mode, but it looks like you still need to follow their template rules to get anywhere. It's been a huge headache, Google made it so easy.

Does anyone know of any kid-friendly “horror” games out there for children ~7 years old?
My son loves the adrenaline rush of getting scared, particularly with jump scares, however, I have a lot of difficulty finding a game or show which is appropriate for him. He is prone to nightmares, and more adult-oriented "kid horror" is too much (Poppy's Playtime, Cartoon Cat?) And others like Siren Head. His peers exposed him to those things and made my own nights pretty sleepless for a while. It's a tough plate to fill, but surely there's gotta be something. He's played Luigi's Mansion and got a kick out of that. That game would be a good example I suppose. Thanks for any suggestions!

Wow, I remember playing this waaaaaay back in the day on PC. And then I heard it was coming to the 3ds and got it there.

I don’t know how to do spoiler tags, so I deleted that comment 😵‍💫

Well… I didn’t finish it finish it. I didn’t:

  • Complete the path of pain
  • Beat Nightmare Grim
  • Complete the Pantheons.

I felt like I was missing out on other games, so I opted to shelve Hollow Knight. I was spending so much time trying to complete the path of pain and defeat nightmare grim, I didn’t even want to attempt the Pantheons. I instead just moved on, lol.

I think I was at 107% completion or something

You do get a way to combat them fairly easily later on, but it’s still usually best to avoid them unless they are very dense or blocking your path directly. It does not become less frequent, it gets more frequent, but you can actually engage them

X is really dumb, and I’m not a fan of Twitter personally… But twitters reputation shouldn’t be completely obliterated because of who now owns it. Not that it matters, I guess, because there’s no way people don’t know X was once Twitter.

So I don’t know, guess I don’t care either way. But X is dumb.

The only way to sustain an economy indefinitely is through equal trade of goods and services. Jim the carpenter fixes John the farmers roof, and John gives Jim food.

Any form of economy built on profit will crash. We do not have unlimited money or resources. We can substitute some services for money (as we clearly do,) but it’s the for profit part that destroys everything.

This is vastly oversimplifying things, but at the root of the matter, there’s only so many M&Ms in the bowl, and people getting greedy are taking the candy from people who haven’t even reached the bowl yet. Then those people with a surplus are trading their M&Ms for Skittles and marking them up for everyone else

But what will all these hardware companies do if we stop raising system requirements!

I am just now playing The Stanley Parable on Switch and am having a great time with it. I’m not a PC gamer, and rarely a console gamer, so I missed when it first came out.

I have recently finished Hollow Knight, Deaths Door and Fire watch.

Hollow Knight was great, and I was pretty sad when I finished it.

Deaths Door is really good, but it felt a little lacking of content to me. But it’s a small game and is a good introduction to more complicated games in similar genres.

I liked Firewatch, but I remember being disappointed by it for some reason. I can’t remember why exactly.

Japan should be thanking us! Look at how successful it is, now! So us bombing them has only been helpful.


I feel sick after that

Don’t forget to save regularly! Because it was a glitch that happened to me yesterday which caused me to start saving every 30 minutes or so.

So yesterday I was building a base from the surface down to a couple stalkers (to farm teeth). It was really simple; and observation room connected to a T with a door, and vertical connectors going to the surface to an I corridor with a solar panel for air.

Well, I was curious and started to build out of the water, was 3 pieces high, and the game just froze after I placed a room at the top. I play on switch, so I just put it to sleep without saving when I’m done sometimes. So I had lost hours of progress and farming stuff.

So be sure to save often!

[Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls…!
I know I'm playing this very late. Anyway I was pretty deep in a certain cave (1,200 ft) with a leviathan and I was taking care of some stowaways on the hull of the sub. Thinking it'd be more fun to use the cannon instead of the knife, I blasted away. A couple seconds later I watched in horror as all my lockers clip through the cyclops and sink to the bottom. The leviathan would attack on every pass and the lockers would either get blasted away even farther apart or respawn entirely. In the end, they all despawned... I was working on building a base with a platform shield over top so I could collect everything again, but it all went poof. Luckily, I saved within the last 30 minutes... But if I hadn't have, I would have lost all the resources (about 40+ lockers full) and I probably would have just quit the game lol.

That’s true. I’m unemployed, I’d probably take a job working for him. Doubt it would last long because I have a dumb mouth that can’t stay shut when it should

From my understanding, most people in the tech industry (as in >50%) are probably left-leaning. And I guess Elon believes he will either be able to just code his dream site with AI (impossible,) or he will find enough conservative techies to do it for him, which seems improbable.

Not Chromebook related, but I have an Asus G72GX laptop from around 2010 I bought refurbished, it was meant to be used for gaming, but it’s performance wasn’t very good. Got married, life happened and finally dug it out of storage this year. Replaced battery, installed windows 10 (had 7) and started using it for work as a developer. It handles it remarkably well considering it’s age.

I had to force windows 10 to install by jumping through all kinds of hoops, but I haven’t noticed a difference in it’s performance.

However, if I reboot, I often get stuck in a boot loop with a different error each time it reboots, but I somehow magically get it to the login screen by doing some kind of computer version of the Konami code, except I don’t know what the code is.

That being said, I am curious if It would be more beneficial to install Linux. I have no experience with it. All I use it for is VSCode mainly.

From my understanding, there’s no reason whatsoever to do this besides censorship, for better and for worse. There’s a possibility good, and I’m sure the good would happen, but there’s an even greater possibility it would be bad for users which would surely happen.

Can you elaborate for on this for simpletons like me? I’ve looked at raspberry Pi’s before but have no idea what I’m looking at or for because of the options.

To be fair, I’m on the fence about this reason. I really don’t like for a good show to get ruined after a long run. I hate for a good show to end, but I like it to end while I enjoy it. I’m usually okay with a series only running a few seasons. However, if the quality stays up, yes, please make more!

Tears of the Kingdom. I haven’t finished it due to time, but still even now after many hours, I often overlook the use of Ascend. I have spent a lot of time climbing or building flying contraptions when I could have just ascended

Hey man, so Linode worked after a long time wrapping my head around how to get things up and running. It was a huge learning experience, but the “fewer options” all over the dashboard helped steer me in the right direction. As my first successful deployment of an app it isn’t much and there are issues, but I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished! Take a look at the cat app I’m working on! I probably don’t need to tell you this but don’t enter personal information in the chat, it is not secure. nostchat.ddns.net

I’m a new developer and I need help learning how to get code running in the cloud
I have looked at Google Cloud Run, Microsoft Azure and Kamatera so far. These are free trials, and I deleted and removed all projects after playing with them. I am working on a chatting application for my portfolio. I'm using MERN to create the app and I can run it locally and connect to the local server with any device on the network. Before I got into this I didn't realize setting up a cloud server was going to be so confusing, and that's after trying to watch tutorials on youtube and going through documentation. On google, people have talked about VM Instances, (Bare Metal Solution?) Servers, networks, VPC's, VPC Networks, serverless VPC, etc. and I have explored all of these things and I just don't understand why it's so hard to get a node.js file running somewhere remote. Microsoft Azure and Kamatera were pretty much the same experience. I'm not the smartest or faster person, I've got cognitive issues, but if anyone can kind of give me some simple steps or explanations to get me started in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. I don't need a complete write-up or guide, just a push in the right direction for my specific project, which is just getting my node.js code somewhere so the client can connect to through it. I think?

I’m a beginner web developer and coder and just want to show this little work-in-progress Pokemon app I’m building to help me learn React and API integration
I am currently trying to build a search component so users can search for Pokemon (since it is currently paginated with 20 per page.) I'm having some difficulty figuring it out, but I'm making progress. All the information is auto-populated. It's probably an easy thing for seasoned developers, but I'm proud to have linked the card colors, types and backgrounds to their relevant Pokemon. Edit: search function is working now! But I I need to add "toLowerCase()"... And add prefix to the type images of some types. Otherwise, it's working decently! The search field works in real-time, so the page is a little sluggish to load. You can search by Name, ID, Type or Ability, just start typing and your results will appear. I opted for a single search field for simplicity and to condense the page. I can add filters, but I like it this way for now. ~~Next I am adding a click-to-zoom on the cards, and when they fill the screen, additional info will populate the card, and even more info on the back.~~ Edit 2: Instead of making click to zoom, I added a drop-down menu to change sprites between all generations. Maybe now I'll add click to zoom! Edit 3: I added the zoom feature and made some tweaks! Added official artwork, better pagination, generation links to display all the Pokemon from a generation, and sound effects! (My fav)