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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


From experience, older thinkpads usually sell for cheap, come with an inbuilt monitor, and are built sturdy. Highly recommend.

I think my love of the font comes from how comfy everything feels. A lot of nice curves 😉.

Ya, okay that is understandable.

To be honest I have never tried a wasm reversing challenge. I may need to give it a shot.

I completely agree.

However, I still would rather have all the websites I visit pass through my browser’s api than be making straight syscalls.

I think it’s not perfect security but a good line of defense.

Hmm i guess I just haven’t spent enough time trying to parse unminified js.

I still would think though, if the code is simple enough to understand when you unminify the js, equivalent code should be similarly simple to understand if it’s wasm passed through IDA.

I’d argue that having a sandbox that can run binaries with a limited and customizable feature set is actually a good thing for the web. I think there are more technically competent solutions, but the fact that WASM is available on virtually every machine and os, makes it pretty powerful.

If implemented right WASM might speed up our web apps, keep the browser sandbox that is actually quite nice, and run on pretty much any machine. If they open sourced the code, that’d be even better.

Between minified js and WASM, I think I’d take WASM (I can’t understand minified js anyway). Between a pure html site and WASM, I think I’d take the pure html site (but I don’t think we will be living in that world anytime soon).

I see. On the surface, that seems to make sense. I might need to rethink how I configure my batteries.

First off, I think you’re completely right in that laptop batteries are definitely a non-ideal solution. And, I’m really not an expert in this, so take my words with a grain of salt.

You could mitigate a bit of the dangers by doing some of the following (I only did the first):

  • Reducing the max charge level to 50% of the capacity.
  • Monitor your batteries health to alert for any discrepancies.
  • Switch out your batteries every couple of years (which is super easy without downtime on the aformentioned old thinkpads).

If you are an under $100 budget, there seems to be an argument that maybe you are willing to risk a little bit for that extra power reliability.

To give a different opinion than all the thin-clients, old laptops can be a good choice too. I am a bit preferrential to really nice old thinkpads.

If you buy them used you can get insane prices (~$40) and also you get all the laptop conveniences of a keyboard, screen, battery (for power failure). Also I think the power/performance ratio is pretty much the same to the thin clients.

My algorithms prof recommended tim roughgarden’s course.

I haven’t watched the videos but his textbook is pretty nice.

In the spirit of selfhosting, you can also host headscale. Its an open source implementation of the proprietary tailscale control plane.

It allows you to get over the 5 device limit (different depending on tiers), as well as keep your traffic on your devices. And, imo, it is pretty stable.

The only issue is that the control plane (by nature) has to be publically accessible. But imo it’s way less of a security target than a massive app like nextcloud.

Edit: device limits were wrong

I really like hugo. Everything is written in Markdown and its pretty light. Definitely not as heavy as a full CMS. I also think the themes are pretty nice.

To deploy it you can use github pages or some cloud services (the hugo site lists some).

Its also pretty flexible, so its pretty easy to change how you want to deploy it, or change the look.

Federation would be super cool. Lemmy has really sold me on it.

Are there any feature differences between gitea and forgejo?

I can’t figure out any differences other than the ownership structure.