Christian studying via The Hebrew Bible by Robert Alter as well as watching Bible Project classroom along with their podcast.

Foster / adoptive family in NC, USA preparing to help lead a local ministry to aid other such families in the area.

Professional game designer and PHP developer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


+1 for Minetest both client and server too; we run one locally for the kiddos :)

Thanks; quite a few have recommended this one which is nice to see

Very cool design; how well do they stay put on the desk? My last split keyboard would nudge slowly during use and had to be moved back which I found annoying.

The Advantage 2 looks pretty good; bit pricey though I expected as much. Thank you!

Please recommend an ergonomic mechanical keyboard
I'm looking to replace my Logitech Wave with an ergonomic mechanical keyboard and would appreciate any recommendations from the community here. Prefer cherry brown or red switches and a single piece design (not a fan of the 2-piece keyboards). Also prefer a number pad though not required as I can always add one separately if needed.

Yeah, bigger solutions like Azure, AWS, etc. have some cool features especially for scaling but… that comes with its own headaches.

For earlier stages I personally much prefer a simple VPS where I can freely do what I want with it including total wipes, snapshots / rollbacks, etc.

If you’re comfortable working on a local VM then perhaps a VPS such as Linode or Digital Ocean would be a good place to start; they’re essentially VMs hosted in cloud you have total control of so you can install whatever you want just like a local VM. Even the cheapest VPS option is plenty for this sort of testing.

These have free trials too such as: