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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Canada post is a lot more popular than what i hear about usps. I’d say most packages that aren’t Amazon (like 30% of amazon too) go through canpost, until now at least it’s usually the cheaper option, and at least in my area much less likely to damage a parcel. They also have more locations. In my town of 600k there is 1 FedEx package pickup with no transit options or bike lanes, but canpost is in every other drugstore.

I always thought of it more like “give me some motivation to add more stuff” in that “I turn coffee into code” sense.

The bolt ev and euv is an amazing car I love it and it fits your criteria.

I think you might be underestimating how large a distance 200m exclusion covers. It effectively makes it impossible to build these sites anywhere in the suburbs. One of these sites in an industrial complex is kinda useless. Consider that a school’s grounds can be quite large, maybe 200m^2, which means that the exclusion zone is actually more like 600m^2 around the center of the school (anyone who has played a grid based ttrpg with different sized creatures is familiar with this idea). In Ontario we can have up to 8 schools per community (french&English, primary&secondary, catholic&public) and remember this applies to more places than just schools. The type of place that makes a good school and a good safe injection site are also quite similar (cheap land, high population density, access to public transit and major roads etc)

Also keep in mind that the process to get these drug sites is already very involved, you can’t just plop them down. Existing rules requires a lengthy public appeal process, a process that takes into account proximity to schools. But unlike ham fisted rules like these it can take into account the specific realities of that site through a democratic process. For instance, if you have to cross a highway and a fenced private property to reach the school then they aren’t going to interact much even if they fit within some arbitrary circle.

I live next to a safe drug site (that will have to close over this, its 195m away) . I can say very definitively that this community is far safer with this site then without. It greatly reduces the number of high people on the streets and the number of needles on the ground. Most importantly far less ambulances.

I agree with you in general (would it be so hard to have pagination), but I imagine in the case of a disaster like this is designed for all the top picks from the editor would be of that disaster.

I find if I trace a figure 8 in the screen with my mouse the captcha passes much more often. I think it probably reads the small variations in your mouse movement to sus out bots, so the figure 8 gives it more data to work with.

That’s the second Microsoft Game studio to unionize isn’t it. How excellent!

I think if it’s going on every windows computer

It’s not, its just popular. Its not windows job to police what software you choose to run on it.

However Windows does actually have an optional certification program called WHQL for kernal level drivers. Getting this certification lets updates get posted via windows’ internal updater. It checks the driver calls apis correctly and doesn’t misbehave with interrupt handling among other tests. Crowdstrike driver did pass this, and in fact there was no bug with the driver, the bug was with the configuration file. The configuration file updates about once an hour (and it really needs to do that), and does so outside the windows update process, making windows powerless to control its rollout. whql certification takes a few days to run and configuration files aren’t really in scope.

Back in the day when stormfront was relavent, they had organized attacks on location subreddits. They tend to be easier to take over than general interest subs and have an outsized influence on politics. /r/canada was the crown jewel of this strategy.

Cynically, there’s a lot of incentive at every level to cut corners and kick things down the road to when it’s different people’s problem, But otoh things can go fast when sufficiently motivated. Hope it all works out.

If your on windows (yeah yeah windows bad) I would suggest Windows Power tools. It’s developed by windows as a 3rd party tool so it’s relatively easy to get approval to have it installed if you need it. and it comes with many other useful tools besides the always on stuff

A perfect Electrolysis reaction takes about 39kwh to produce 1kg of hydrogen that if burned at 100% efficiency would yield 33kwh of power. More realistically it takes 50-60kwh to produce 1kg that is burned to produce ~25kwh of usable energy.

I’m not too sure about converting hydrogen to methane but that will have energy overhead as well, and then you have to deal with the fact that 6% of natural gas production today is leaked into the air, which both further hurts the efficiency of synthesizing it and also has a significant climate impact.

I think it willl almost always be cheaper to just provide electricity directly except in cases where energy density is far more important than efficiency, which is not the case for stationary homes.

And what about heating water?

A heat pump water heater is pretty great, if my basement ever gets too hot I run the dishwasher or take a shower and the water heater cools things down nicely. In winter I close the door and vent to the utility room and it doesn’t hurt the heating very much. It’s smaller than my previous gas water heater but it lasts significantly longer and heats up faster if you do end up using all the hot water. My house of 4 uses about 50kWh of hot water a month, which works out to about 5bucks a month. I’ve messed with it a bit so it runs mostly during off peak hours.

I replaced my water heater, got a heatpump and improved insulation at around the same time (through the greener homes loan program) and on the whole saved about 50bucks a month overall, and will save another 30 when I cap off the gas pipe and get to stop paying all the bullshit fees for just having it connected. I live in southern Ontario, away from the lakes, so -30 - 30 weather typically. (All this week has been 40+ though, wonder why…).

Oh and fwiw, I would take my current induction stovetop over a gas stove anyway, much more consistent, easier to clean and heats up faster, and doesn’t heat up the whole house to run.

Not to be cynical, but how can you monetize peertube as a creator. Even if you are established enough to do in video sponsorships, your sponsors aren’t going to really accept views from peertube when they evaluate how much your worth. So it either does nothing or it sinks your career.

They don’t appear to even have basic protections against ai. They didn’t even get rid of the context menu to download them, and the app shows up in google image search which means google has the thumbnails. It’s a losing battle, if you can see it so can ai, but they could at least but a few speed bumps.

Inside out tracking sucks and is the main reason I still use my index. While I see the advantages of wireless, personally find it much more important to not have to charge it.

Just south of us are 26million uninsured people who desperately need healthcare and 100million in medical debt. We can’t afford to support them, nor do i really want to more directly support america. So how do we, from a legal point of view, differentiate between the small sustainable group of people above vs the potential huge group of people, niether would have paperwork, both need help.

This isn’t just concern trolling, if you have a genuine answer to that question I’m all ears, but I have 0 doubt in my mind that if there’s a backdoor way for Americans to get canadian healthcare they will take that option en mass.

I think the best way to solve the program of the undocumented workers above is to make the path to legal immigration easier to transfer into and to grant medical coverage earlier in the immigration process.

Helldivers with friends have been fun, don’t think I’ll ever play with randos tho.

I picked “the swindle” back up with the intent of 100%, just got to win in 1 life, which is challenging but easier than I expected since you start making huge amounts of cash as your win streak increases. Highly recommend this game it’s got a lot of replability for what is a fairly simple game.

I also started “chronoark” it’s a deck builder roguelike. Story seems a little too verbose at times and I think I may have to ramp the difficulty a bit (I got a fun meta cut scene for winning my first run and breaking the story) which might be why I feel like I’m spending more time in story than playing. Still having fun so far.

I prefer Dpad for platforming and top down as being able to move precisely diagonal is more important than speed control, plus the analogue stick wears out quicker and dpad allows switching directions faster. Analogue for driving and therpy gamess

I am a younger millenial and didnt have a cell phone until they got smart but most of the people I knew in highschool had blackberries or their knockoffs which had full keyboards. I still passed the capatcha though.

Skibidi toilet is actually one of the first gen alpha memes, not gen z.

It will be interesting to see if tiktoks newest big selling point (relatively free from US influence) will be able to offset it’s loss in users.

The Obama AMA was in 2012, That to me is the turning point for reddit, it’s when it’s population exploded overnight (which meant old users could no longer enforce cultural norms for the platform), it’s when news media really started taking the platform seriously and I think when a lot of the political influence of reddit was realized.

Facebook users engage with information about politics, two unpublished studies shared with Reuters found.

Get it through peer review then write an article about it.

I have a good thing going right now.

I have a csa to get seasonal stuff and eggs, a local farmers market for meat and berries. I hit up a locally owned Vietnamese grocery store for imported stuff and then costco once a quarter or so for bulk stuff and a little bit of processed stuff. Cut my food costs by more than half. Berries are 5 for 2.5 pints (5 of of those containers you get at the grocery store), I got kolbasa today, 10$ for about 2ft worth. Amazing quality too.

The rate at which things are getting worse has certainly slowed, which has me somewhat hopeful. But things are definitely still not getting better.

A big step certainly, but didn’t they still make the sale of cannabis illegal?

More bike lanes -> more bikers -> more people voting for bike lanes. And then suddenly gm is marketing their fancy overpriced bike to you instead of their car.

ok I got a bike lane put in in my city and bike ridership is up 15%.

I gave my mum a Palak Paneer recipe and now she eats it once a week

My district saw a 10% swing in the last election and surprise elected a green candidate.

I think your the delusional one if you think change isn’t possible. just a few years ago conservatives were hoarding incandescent bulbs.

Doomerism is the result of fossil fuel propaganda. The open strategy of O&G right now is to convince the public that no progress has been made, the world is already over and it’s not worth trying to fix.

They killed the vertical task bar with that update, which seems like such a pointless thing to disable.

who is playing

This is either wrong or misleading. Women make up 48% of gamers. That isn’t quite a majority, but men certainly aren’t dominating either. When you throw race as a demographic into this maybe it changes or maybe they just relied on how they feel about it, but I think it’s misleading either way.

If I commission a piece of art, and they refuse to deliver what is my recourse?

If an honest artist is issuing a refund, and adds an extra 0 what is their recourse?

If you don’t use the “review checker” feature, which I didn’t know existed until now, you will be unaffected by this change.