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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I’d I unironically say that philosophy and logic classes are extremely helpful for programming.

Lines of separation are bad? I like adding a few empty lines to denote a different logical section so it’s easier for me to read back later :c

Level 5, I still go back to play dark cloud 1 and 2 every couple years. Now if they’d just make the third one I stead of another professor Layton or yokai watch that’d be great!

You could try installing gamesnacks.com as a pwa on their phone. They have a bunch of little games that I assume children would like.

I just got off work and you’re here bringing me back writing ptsd for that party of programmers

I’m currently in dependency hell trying to compile a zip formatted react native program I’ve been given

If you want to use python, you could try Flet. I’ve been using it for some projects at work and it’s dead simple to create an acceptable UI and the docs are very easy to read through with frequent examples. In July they added support for Android and iOS via progressive web apps, I haven’t tried it out yet, but it seems interesting so I might start a project in it soon…

I’ve been having fun with it, if that’s worth anything!

Otherwise, depending on your phone I’d just do native code with Kotlin + jetpack compose for Android or Swift + swiftUI for Apple. I always greatly preferred android development in school but once jetpack compose and swiftUI came out I find them both to be about the same level of enjoyment.

All three of those options are all declarative (describe how you want it to look in code) and I find it much easier to deal with than iOS storyboards or Android xmls.

Bethesda was only the publisher for Doom, Id software were the developers.

It’s easily anticheat for me; I’d still like to play genshin or paladins but their anticheat either makes it very difficult/risky (bans) or just impossible

Oh good, I’m not crazy, I thought the sky looked wrong today but I thought maybe my eyes were just going bad.