• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I didn’t know they stored local copies — had a very, VERY quick skim through their privacy policy on their website and couldn’t see any reference to that (sure it’s there but I didn’t see it).

I’m not a Spark user btw, was just following the conversation. I use plain ol’ Apple Mail.

I could be misinformed, but this isn’t just limited to Spark as I understand it, I believe a lot (maybe all?) third-party clients do the same thing. They act as an intermediary between you and the server so they can deliver push notifications.

However, as I understand it, Spark’s privacy policy outlines that they don’t read/scan the contents of your emails, and the use of app-specific passwords rather than your email password ensures they only have access to emails and nothing else.

Pretty sure others such as Canary, Airmail, Edison, etc. all do/did the same thing, but it was the lack of clarity in Spark’s privacy policy that made them the main target for scrutiny. I think they’ve since cleared that up.

I could be mistaken, though.

Will definitely let you know if I figure it out, for sure.

Before putting Pi-hole behind Traefik, it worked perfectly via :/admin. And the logs for Pi-hole now in Traefik show that it is up and working, and I get the login page. But just can’t get beyond it.

The guides I’ve seen show how to structure the Traefik labels with and without the addprefix middleware, and both apparently work. So I’m wondering if by following several guides and taking bits from each, I’ve ended up overlooking something.

I’ll try and expose 80 and see if it makes a difference, but like I say everything is up and running in the backend, I just can’t get past the login screen on the frontend.

Thanks. Yeah it’s really frustrating. There are guides out there that show that it’s possible, but I think I’m missing something somewhere. I’m combining guides together so more than likely I’ve missed a step somewhere.

Pi-hole via Traefik in Docker?
I'm trying to access my Pi-hole container from pihole.mydomain.com without any ports or /admin, and I swear the multitude of posts on the internet make this seem really straightforward. Perhaps it is and I'm being dumb, but I cannot get it to work. Below is my current docker-compose for both Traefik and Pi-hole: ``` version: "3.7" services: traefik: container_name: traefik image: traefik:latest restart: unless-stopped security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true networks: - medianet ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 environment: - CF_API_EMAIL=${CF_API_EMAIL} - CF_DNS_API_TOKEN=${CF_DNS_API_TOKEN} - TZ=${TZ} - PUID=${PUID} - PGID=${PGID} volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro - /path/to/traefik:/etc/traefik - /path/to/shared:/shared - /path/to/traefik/logs/traefik.log:/etc/traefik/logs/traefik.log - /path/to/traefik/logs/access.log:/etc/traefik/logs/access.log labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.traefik.entrypoints=http - traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`${TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_HOST}`) - traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-auth.basicauth.users=${TRAEFIK_USER_PASS} - traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-https-redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https - traefik.http.middlewares.sslheader.headers.customrequestheaders.X-Forwarded-Proto=https - traefik.http.routers.traefik.middlewares=traefik-https-redirect - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.entrypoints=https - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.rule=Host(`${TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_HOST}`) - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.middlewares=traefik-auth - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.tls.certresolver=cloudflare - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.tls.domains[0].main=${TRAEFIK_BASE_DNS} - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.tls.domains[0].sans=*.${TRAEFIK_BASE_DNS} - traefik.http.routers.traefik-secure.service=api@internal pihole: container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: - medianet - npm_network domainname: mydomain.com hostname: pihole ports: - 53:53/tcp - 53:53/udp environment: - TZ=${TZ} - WEBPASSWORD=${WEBPASSWORD} - FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4= - WEBTHEME=default-auto - DNSMASQ_LISTENING=ALL - VIRTUAL_HOST=pihole.mydomain.com volumes: - /path/to/pihole:/etc/pihole - /path/to/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d cap_add: - NET_ADMIN labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.pihole.rule=Host(`pihole.mydomain.com`) - traefik.http.routers.pihole.entrypoints=https - traefik.http.routers.pihole.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.pihole.service=pihole - traefik.http.services.pihole.loadbalancer.server.port=80 ``` The Pi-hole one will load the login page and, upon entering the password and logging in, it will simply bring me back to the login page. So just keeps looping around. The Traefik config is working with lots of other containers, all of which are using SSL certificates, so I'm pretty sure my Traefik config is okay. I've tried middlewares to addprefix=/admin, which just ends up looping round with multiple /admin prefixes and also doesn't work. Anybody got any ideas? I'm aware I don't ***have*** to put Pi-hole behind SSL as I'm not exposing any of this stuff to the open internet (ports 80 and 443 are not forwarded on my router, and I'm using local DNS records in Pi-hole to access via subdomains). Happy to post my traefik.yml and config.yml files if needed. ***UPDATE:*** I seem to have figured it out! Below is my final Pi-hole docker-compose - the Traefik one remains unchanged from the original post: ``` pihole: container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: - medianet - npm_network domainname: mydomain.com hostname: pihole ports: - 53:53/tcp - 53:53/udp environment: - TZ=${TZ} - WEBPASSWORD=${WEBPASSWORD} - FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4= - WEBTHEME=default-auto - DNSMASQ_LISTENING=ALL - VIRTUAL_HOST=pihole.mydomain.com volumes: - /path/to/pihole:/etc/pihole - /path/to/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d cap_add: - NET_ADMIN labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.pihole.entrypoints=http - traefik.http.routers.pihole.rule=Host(`pihole.mydomain.com`) - traefik.http.middlewares.pihole-https-redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https - traefik.http.routers.pihole.middlewares=pihole-https-redirect - traefik.http.routers.pihole.service=pihole - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.entrypoints=https - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.rule=Host(`pihole.mydomain.com`) - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.service=pihole - traefik.http.services.pihole.loadbalancer.server.port=80 ```

Just a quick update on where I’m up to…

I’ve managed to get all my containers working behind the Traefik reverse proxy with SSL. I’ve also deployed a Cloudflare DDNS container in Docker and have linked the external IP address of my Synology NAS to Cloudflare. I haven’t port forwarded 80 and 443, though, so it’s not accessible over the internet. So I’ve added local DNS into Pi-hole so I can access all the containers using subdomains.

I’ve also deployed an Authelia container and have started running through my containers adding 2FA in front of them all.

I should probably point out at this juncture, that if I encounter any errors, the HTTP 404 page that I get is a Cloudflare one - I assume that’s expected behaviour?

So, the final three bits I’m struggling with now are:

  • Pi-hole behind the reverse proxy
  • Portainer behind the reverse proxy
  • Accessing Vaultwarden over the internet (because as soon as I leave my house, if the vault hasn’t synced then I don’t have access to all my passwords) - unless anybody has a better suggestion?

Portainer - I have no idea how I do it, because I use it to manage my containers, so don’t have the config for Portainer in Portainer (obviously). So if I screw up the config, how am I getting back in to Portainer to fix it?

And the far more troubling one is Pi-hole. I just cannot get that thing working behind the reverse proxy.

I’ve followed a few different guides (though none of them are recent), and the below is the latest docker-compose I have. It will bring up the login page, but when I login it keeps returning me back to the login page - it won’t go to the main admin page.

version: "3.7"

    container_name: pihole
    image: pihole/pihole:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - medianet
      - npm_network
      - 8008:80
      - 53:53/tcp
      - 53:53/udp
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - WEBPASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxx
      - WEBTHEME=default-auto
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=pihole.mydomain.com
      - /path/to/pihole:/etc/pihole
      - /path/to/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d
      - NET_ADMIN
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole.entrypoints=http
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole.rule=Host(`pihole.mydomain.com`)
      - traefik.http.middlewares.pihole-https-redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole.middlewares=pihole-https-redirect
      - traefik.http.middlewares.pihole-addprefix.addprefix.prefix=/admin
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole.middlewares=pihole-addprefix
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.entrypoints=https
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.rule=Host(`pihole.mydomain.com`)
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.pihole-secure.service=pihole
      - traefik.http.services.pihole.loadbalancer.server.port=80

    external: true
    external: true

Update from this morning.

So far I’ve got the Traefik dashboard and my Homepage container using subdomains. Pi-hole is still an issue that I need to figure out.

I’ve decided to start on the SSL certificates and am following a couple of guides. Once I have those in place, I’ll start moving more containers behind subdomains.

I might have to expose my NAS IP to the internet and link it via Cloudflare, because I use an ExpressVPN on my Mac at all times, and when it’s turned on I can’t access ***any ***of my subdomains - this is obviously because ExpressVPN use their own DNS entries and don’t use the ones I’ve set. That will probably prevent me from using Vaultwarden (which is the whole purpose for all of this in the first place) because if I’m on the VPN I won’t be able to access the Vaultwarden container.

Unless anyone knows of a workaround for that?

Next steps:

  • Get SSL working
  • Figure out how to access subdomains whilst on the VPN (or get a DDNS account, create an A record in Cloudflare and point it at the DDNS IP, and open up ports 80 and 443)
  • Spin up a Vaultwarden container via a subdomain
  • Put all my other services behind subdomains
  • Figure out how to get Pi-hole working via Traefik and subdomain
  • Figure out how to get Tailscale access to my containers when not on my LAN

Figured it out. It’s a weird setting on Netgear routers whereby you have to also update the MAC address. All been working well for the last few hours and getting queries running through Pi-hole.

I’ve also got my Homepage container setup at http://home.mydomain.com and configured Traefik a little further so it’s now accessible from http://traefik.mydomain.com (no port).

For the past few hours I’ve been struggling with getting Pi-hole behind Traefik and accessible using http://pihole.mydomain.com. Only works if I stick /admin on the end, which defeats the object of using a subdomain. Found a forum post suggesting to use Traefik’s addPrefix after declaring the Host as pihole.mydomain.com, which works great for accessing the login screen, but when you enter the password it just loops back to the login screen.

Also tried a few other things that ultimately broke the Pi-hole container and took out my entire connection, as everything is dependent on Pi-hole for DNS! So need to figure out some kind of resiliency/backup for that (my router is using the NAS IP as it’s primary and only DNS server).

So, some progress. I’ve set Pi-hope back to IP:port and I’m gonna focus on getting other containers behind Traefik and leave Pi-hole till last. Then and only then will I look at SSL certificates (unless it’s advised to do it earlier?)

Any pointers on any of the above would be appreciated! And thanks again for getting me this far.

I’ve just added in a macvlan network to my Pi-hole compose as well, not sure if it’s making any difference or not.

I wasn’t planning on using Pi-hole for DHCP - I have a LOT of reserved addresses on my network and I don’t fancy having to move them all over. My hope had been to use Pi-hole for DNS but keep the DHCP reservation with the router.

I’ve manually updated the DNS on my Mac to and I can now access the Traefik dashboard via http://traefik.mydomain.com:8080 (so, getting there). So some kind of issue with the DNS on my router I think - caching maybe?

Actually, no I don’t see anything coming through.

So the IP address of my router is, IP of my NAS is

Checked the DNS on my Mac and it’s Checked the DNS on my NAS and it’s I changed the DNS in my router to

Have I missed a step somewhere?

OK so made a start with this. Spun up a Pi-hole container, added mydomain.com as an A record in Local DNS, and created a CNAME for traefik.mydomain.com to point to mydomain.com.

In Cloudflare, I removed the mydomain.com A record and the www CNAME record.

Doing an nslookup on mydomain.com I get

Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find mydomain.com: No answer

Which I guess is to be expected.

However, when I then navigate to http://traefik.mydomain.com in my browser, I’m met with a Cloudflare error page: https://imgur.com/XhKOywo.

Below is the docker-compose of my traefik container:

    container_name: traefik
    image: traefik:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - medianet
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - 8080
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - /volume1/docker/traefik:/etc/traefik
      - /volume1/docker/traefik/access.log:/logs/access.log
      - /volume1/docker/traefik/traefik.log:/logs/traefik.log
      - /volume1/docker/traefik/acme/acme.json:/acme.json
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`$TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_HOST`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))
      - traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal
      - traefik.http.routers.traefik.entrypoints=traefik

My traefik.yml is also nice and basic at this point:

  sendAnonymousUsage: false

    address: ":80"
    address: "8080"

  dashboard: true
  insecure: true

    endpoint: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
    watch: true
    exposedByDefault: false

  filePath: traefik.log
  level: DEBUG

  filePath: access.log
  bufferingSize: 100

Any ideas what’s going wrong? I’m unclear on why the domain is still routing to Cloudflare.

Absolute superstar, thanks for your help so far. I’ll make a start on some of this tomorrow and see how far I get — either with Traefik or NPM.

Do I need to do anything with the domain itself on Cloudflare at the moment? Or do I just leave it with its current A record pointing at an IP address (it was done as part of the setup in Cloudflare so I have no idea what that IP address is).

Obviously that domain in reality will just sit there doing nothing.

I don’t plan on exposing any of this stuff to anybody other than me. I do plan on spinning up SearX but it’ll only be me using it. I’ve given up trying to convince my family to move away from Google to even DuckDuckGo or Startpage, so there’s no way I’ll convince them to use SearX!

I think, therefore, for accessing away from home I’ll perhaps setup a subdomain that points to the IP of my Tailscale container — that means it’ll be accessible externally but only when I turn on the VPN.

When I’m on my home network I have a VPN on my Mac anyway.

Before I was using Traefik I used to use plain NGINX and was pretty happy with it. I made the switch to Traefik after reading some good things about it on Reddit.

More than happy to switch to NPM and give it a try. At this point I have no reverse proxy running at all, so not even like I have to swap out Traefik — there’s nothing they’re to begin with.

Thanks. I realise they’re all pretty basic questions. But brace yourself: more are on their way!

So… no, I don’t want to give external access - I’m not running any services that anyone would want/need access to - other than perhaps my Jellyfin server, but not sure I even want anyone accessing that. So let’s assume for right now, no access to the outside world. Therefore, no port forwarding required.

So to get access to my internal network from the domain, do I simply setup local DNS records in something like Pi-hole, to point mydomain.com to the internal IP or my NAS? Kind of like a network-wide equivalent of modding the /etc/hosts file on my machine?

Perhaps a(nother) silly question but, what’s to stop me doing that now with a completely random domain name? Is there some kind of authentication I’d need to go through to prove that mydomain.com is, in fact, mine? Or does it simply not matter since it’s internal only?

If I’ve understood correctly, then, I don’t need Cloudflare at all in my setup if there’s no external access? Nothing to proxy, nothing to protect?

Assuming I get all of the above working and traffic routing to my containers, how would I then go about setting up SSL? Can that be done through Traefik rather than Cloudflare? Even if the domain isn’t external?

Thanks. There’s definitely stuff in here I want to do, I just need to figure out the order of play and break it down a bit.

As per reply to another comment.

Do I have to port forward 80 and 443 no matter what? Ideally I don’t want to forward anything.

Do I need DDNS in here somewhere, i.e. create a DDNS and link it to my NAS, create an A record in Cloudflare to point my domain to the external IP of the DDNS? Is that how I get into my NAS from the domain without worrying about the IP changing? How do I then prevent anybody accessing the NAS admin on port 5000/5001, as well as anything else except the containers I expose via Traefik?

Thanks, I’d like to know more about how to go about this approach.

I guess in my head, I want to achieve the following (however I go about it):

  • Access https://mydomain.com from outside my network and hit some kind of blank page that wouldn’t necessarily suggest to the public that anything exists here
  • Access https://mydomain.com from inside my network and hit a login page of some kind (Authelia or otherwise), to then gain access to the Homepage container running in Docker (essentially a dashboard to all my services)
  • Access https://secure.mydomain.com from outside my network and route through to the same as above, only this would be via the Tailscale IP address/container running on my stack to allow for remote access
  • Route all HTTP requests to HTTPS
  • Use the added protection that Cloudflare brings (orange clouds where possible)
  • SSL certificates for all services
  • Ability to turn up extra Docker containers and auto-obtain SSL certs for them Ensure that everything else on my NAS and network is secure/inaccessible other than the services I expose through Traefik.

I have no idea where Cloudflare factors in (if at all), nor how Pi-hole factors in (if at all).

Internal stuff I’ve been absolutely fine with. Stick a domain name, a reverse proxy and DNS in front of me and it’s like I’m learning how to code a Hello World app all over again.


I guess the issue with this, though, is that I don’t always need to access it via Tailscale - I’d only do that when away from home. Perhaps there’s a way to point a subdomain to the Tailscale IP, and that’s only accessible when Tailscale is active? And then use an alternative subdomain to access it the rest of the time? Is that achievable?

Thanks. Yep, subdomains was what I’d planned on: traefik.mydomain.com to access the Traefik dashboard; home.mydomain.com to access the Homepage container. I was planning on spinning up an Authelia container as well to provide 2FA for the services I want protecting. I guess it’d also be nice to have some kind of landing page for traffic coming directly to www.mydomain.com or mydomain.com as well.

Ideally I don’t want to port forward, so would I need to rely on Traefik to redirect the traffic from port 80 to port 443, and then proxy from port 443 to the required container? How do I therefore stop traffic from hitting the DSM admin on ports 5000/5001 for example?

I need to figure out a starting point to get traffic from my domain into my NAS (safely) then start spinning up containers and have Traefik route them appropriately, then I can look at Pi-hole/local DNS and Tailscale. And then I guess SSL.

Interesting, I’ve never considered Cloudflare Tunnels. Thanks.

However I do remember seeing this video the other day, that suggests perhaps it’s not always the best solution? Not sure this applies here, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqy3krzmSMA.

Route domain name to Docker containers on Synology NAS?
I'm sure I'm massively overthinking this, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a domain name that I bought through NameCheap and I've pointed it to Cloudflare (i.e. updated the name servers). I have a Synology NAS on which I run Docker and a few containers. Up until now I've done this using IP addresses and ports to access everything (I have a Homepage container running and just link to everything from there). But I want to setup SSL and start running Vaultwarden, hence purchasing a domain name to make it all easier. I tried creating an A record in Cloudflare to point to the internal IP of my NAS (and obviously, this couldn't be orange-clouded through CF because it's internal to my LAN). I'm very reluctant to point the A record to the external IP of my NAS (which, for added headache is dynamic, so I'd need to get some kind of DDNS) because I don't want to expose everything on my NAS to the Internet. In actual fact, I'm not precious about accessing ***any*** of this stuff over the internet - if I need remote access I have a Tailscale container running that I can connect to (more on that later in the post). The domain name was purely for ease of setting up SSL and Vaultwarden. So I guess my questions are: * What is the best way to go about this - do I create a DDNS on the NAS and point that external IP address to my domain in Cloudflare, then use Traefik to just expose the containers I want to have access to using subdomains? * If so, then how do I know that all other ports aren't accessible (I assume because I'm only going to expose ports 80 and 443 in Traefik?) * What do other people see (i.e. outside my network) if they go to my domain? How do I ensure they can't access my NAS and see some kind of page? * Is there a benefit to using Cloudflare? * How would Pi-hole and local DNS fit into this? I guess I could point my router at Pi-hole for DNS and create my A records on Pi-hole for all my subdomains - but what do I need to setup initially in Cloudflare? * I also have a RPi that has a (very basic) website on it - how do I setup an A record to have Cloudflare point a sub-domain to the Pi's IP address? * Going back to the Tailscale thing - is it possible to point the domain to the IP address of the Tailscale container, so that the domain is only accessible when I switch on the Tailscale VPN? Is this a good idea/bad idea? Is there a better way to do it? I'm sure these are all noob-type questions, but for the past 6-7 years I've purely used this internally using IP:port combinations, so never had to worry about domain names and external exposure, etc. Many thanks in advance!

Would love an up-to-date tutorial on how to do this without a domain name. I don’t own one but would still much prefer to use https://jellyfin.myserver.home than

Thanks. Yeah I originally had plain ol’ NGINX (granted, without the additional networking I have now) and using

location /xyz {
$proxy_pass http://a.b.c:123

(I forget the exact syntax now) was pretty easy to route stuff around.

But that was all done under an initial

server :80 {

section, which might be the part I’m initially struggling with. It just doesn’t seem as intuitive in NPM despite me seeing lots of people preferring it over plain NGINX and Traefik.

NPM is why I have the macvlan and bridge networks in there in the first place, because ports 80 and 443 are in use on the Synology NAS. Otherwise, I could revert back to running a script that frees up those ports on boot-up and use NPM within the same network as all my other containers.

Thanks. Yeah, .local was just an example for the sake of posting something on here. In reality, I would be using ds1618plus.home. But good to know .local is reserved!

Nginx Proxy Manager, Gluetun and multiple Docker networks
Hey all, I'm sure I'm massively overlooking something, but wondered if someone could help me out, please? I'm trying to switch from Traefik to Nginx Proxy Manager on my Synology NAS, and I've opted to run NPM via a bridge network and a macvlan, so as to not have to mess around with ports 80 and 443 on the NAS (usually reserved for Synology services). I've got the following: **Bridge network (npm_bridge):** * Subnet = * IP range = * Gateway of **Macvlan network (npm_network):** * Subnet = (same as my LAN) * IP range = * Gateway = (same as my LAN). NPM is connected to these two networks, and I have a MariaDB container connected to the host - everything works great with NPM and MariaDB - no issues. However, I have a *third* network, **medianet**: * Subnet = * Gateway = Connected to that network I have a Gluetun container (via docker-compose). I then have multiple other containers that run through the Gluetun container (several "arrs" and Portainer) using **network_mode: service:gluetun**. What I used to have via Traefik was a local hostname I created (let's say, nas.local for posting's sake) and I could simply create labels in my docker-compose for each service to assign ports. I could then access all of these containers via nas.local/portainer, nas.local/sonarr, etc. and they would be accessible via the VPN container. However, I'm completely stuck on how to do this via NPM. I've tried all kinds of combinations via the Proxy Host configuration, but I don't know how to set it up. * Do I need an overarching nas.local entry as the top level? If so, what hostname/IP and port combination do I use? * Do I think setup Custom Locations behind it, one for each service, i.e. Portainer? If so, what is the hostname/IP and port for this? * Or do I create a new Proxy Host per entry, i.e. portainer.nas.local? * Do I even need to have Portainer behind the VPN as well, or do I add that direct to the medianet network, and then somehow link NPM to the medianet network as well? I'm really at a loss, and as it stands all my containers are offline at the moment because I can't figure out how to connect them (except Homebridge and MariaDB - they're both up as they're connected to the host network). Any help would be very, very much appreciated.

Awesome, thanks. I’ll take a look (along with Homepage!).

I use Radarr and Sonarr containers with the Sickbeard MP4 Automator built in, and run some post-processing scripts in both Radarr and Sonarr to get everything in M4V (Apple household).

Does Tdarr essentially do the same thing?