Software engineer, nerd, homelaber

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Correct. They now embed ads directly into the subtitles. There is a python program to strip those ads out, but doesn’t work with Plex directly. It can be setup with bazarr, but that requires sonarr and or radar…

Where is the phase where management spends all the dev time getting contracts in place, then gets mad when they can’t keep the same schedule?

It could have just said: c++ programming for masochists.

Often when binaries are decompiled specific internal structures and code can be exposed and that can be used for comparison to source code to make an argument in court. Thats established case law already.

Either way it involves the person’s with the GPL copy right taking a company to court. IE openwrt comes from linksys taking the Linux kernel and BusyBox source. Both are GPL.

Or it’s because every time they make a ticket it’s so messy it can’t be understood.

Of course the grizzly way to respond back is to reassign it back to the QA and demand clarity and reproduction of the issue.

And then assign it back to them requesting they specify all the details so it can be groomed in the next scrum (hahah)

IDK but I agree with you about the GPL

And RiF. The ability to search for subs and create topic groups, etc.