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Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Why would datacenters be buying consumer grade cards? Nvidia has the A series cards for enterprise that are basically identical to consumer ones but with features useful for enterprise unlocked.

Look, I love having a blu ray player embedded into my console. But the fact of the matter is, a lot of these consoles have decently high end blu ray players in, and they are expensive. Consider the fact that low end consoles such as Xbox Series S are probably losing money for every sale. Asking them to tack on another feature means they either increase the price of the console or lose even more money on every console sale.

You should have the option to select a digital or a disc version of a console. Maybe even be able to pay extra to upgrade the blu ray player inside your console to a higher quality or more capable one for those who want them.

Make sure to sign the petition at the bottom of the mozilla report.

Erm, not in this case though. UBS was forced by the swiss government to buy Credit Suisse. Guess which company the 3000 people getting laid off worked for before the forced purchase?

I mean, the woman who had the toy story 2 backup did get fired like 25 years later. That is a quarter of a century.