If you’re competent, a SM is invaluable, however it’s one of the easiest to replace role. As an example, almost all of the engineers in my division has a PSM I certification. So all the SM do is just facilitate meetings. When we started we have around 5 SMs but currently only have 1 because all of the SMs are redundant since the team already know how scrum works.
TBH compared to the old versioning system people used to use like SVN and Mercurial. Git is a godsend. Just taking your time in learning and not using a GUI client works wonders in learning how it works. Especially when all the GUI clients are basically a collection of commands being executed so if you fuck things up on CLI you know what happened vs using GUI.
Nvme PCIe 4 SSDs are quite fast now tho, you can get between DDR1 and DDR2 speeds from a modern SSDs. This is why Apple are using their SSDs as swap quite aggressively. I’m using a MacBook Pro with 16 GBs of RAM and my swap usage regularly goes past 20 GBs and I didn’t experience any slowdown during work.
Blame management for that. I implemented Scrum in a project that I took over without any changes to the framework and it is great. We are able to keep a healthy work life balance, no overtime, good relationship between the product and the engineering team, and the most important thing is on time feature delivery.
I think it’s a behavior from work got carried over answering questions in StackOverflow. Usually when there’s a request from client/PM/PO, I usually ask them what they want to achieve by requesting said feature, usually after asking that question they will think and find out that making that pet feature is not the best way to achieve that goal.
As a Software Engineer we’re conditioned to respond that way to a question, and when we go to websites that’s specifically to answer questions, we are still answering questions from fellow technical people in that same mindset, which is not helpful.
However, I’ve used the condescending answers from StackOverflow to my advantage. Sometimes in a project we’ll get businesspeople with a technical background, either they used to be an engineer 15 years ago or they studied computer science in university but transitioned to product management after graduation. If they are really insistent on some technical detail, I usually created a StackOverflow question based on their request and show them all the comments telling how stupid that idea is.
Banking and finance industry in general is a nightmare to work on. Chock full of company politics, shit project management, shit work hours, although the pay is good but it isn’t worth it for my sanity.
We had a crunch time where the devs basically need to live in the office, only going home to get new clothes. Even after all that work, the management decided to switch focus and we had to scrap all the work done for the past 3 months.
One project basically got delayed for multiple years and ended when the PM died of heart attack.
Thankfully I’m out of that industry and now working in a consulting company that’s managed by engineers from top to bottom. Although there’s still some politics, at least it’s on the client side.
If your work is bleeding edge enough, even ChatGPT won’t be of help since it’s not in their training dataset.