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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Well, if he doesn’t reignite inflation, I win. And if he reignites inflation worse than it is, I win even better. Because I don’t hold my assets in dollars.

Haven’t really directly paid attention to the news in about a decade or maybe a bit more. And I think I’m personally much better off for it. I hear about things that are worth hearing about from other people who degrade their mental health to watch that crap. Like, if it’s a big story or a big event, I will hear about it. But those little things just pass me by, and that’s okay.

Oh, interesting. I can’t stand how slow videos are, so I always turn them up to 1.5 or 1.75x. Hell, the only time I ever use the default speed is for music because obviously that does not work.

I was thinking the exact same thing actually because us normal people start getting a bit antsy when things hit a hundred dollars a month, not twelve hundred.

Well, I’m doing better than that guy anyway. I only pay $10 per month for Kagi and Proton.

Install Graphene OS or Lineage OS as notifications for the majority of apps require Google Play Services and completely are killed without them.

By not paying it to the government, I am not personally supporting killing people across the world. So it seems like the moral thing to do.

Because I don’t really know of any charities that I would support, but I could support some sort of open source software, I guess, like donate everything to fdroid, or something.

In that case, I would burn all my money rather than pay it in taxes before I died. Just put every single penny you have into Bitcoin or something and then purposely delete the private keys.

If we didnt run a dehumidifier the humidity in my house would stay above 80% most of the year. We have a decently large dehumidifier and by itself it cant get it below 45%. But 45% is much better then 80+% so it could be worse

Alright, I modified it and formatted it. However, for whatever reason, the output HTML in /var/www/html/index.html does not keep the formatting and is all just left aligned as before. That’s not really a problem, just more of a curiosity as to why it did not inherit the formatting of the input.

I have never used cat like that before. If you just ent cat abcd > file it says abcd doesnt exist but does create “file”. I know you can cat contents of a file into another file but why the <<-EOF > file works is a bit beyond me.

So I need five digits after the decimal point, but then when I do the multiplication, I only want four digits in total. I did move “scale=” to five and that made the sed command in rmdec much shorter, but its still needed. I thought i could add “length=4” but that throws an error.

Hmm. I had a look at the example given. I see the idea, but would cat be the thing to use or would it be echo <<-EOF > “$file”?

Oh dear Lord, and see, this is why I do not code for a living. What I ended up doing is using a function like this

  • rmdec() { sed ‘s/…$//’; }
  • i1xmr=$(echo “$i1p/$apiresponse*1000” |bc -l |rmdec)

Yep, the function did the trick. My guess is it was being misread at execution as a variable and thats why it was breaking

Perfect. That did the trick. So when running a bash command like that putting it in a function keeps it from getting screwed up apparently

Yeah, my goal is to shorten that sed command to that variable. It seems like it would work, but nope. It throws errors

issues with bash commands as variables
Any ideas? I am attempting to write a script that uses sed. If done this way it fails * rmdec="sed 's/..................$//'" * i1xmr=$(echo "$i1p/$apiresponse*1000" |bc -l |$rmdec) But if i do it this way it works * i1xmr=$(echo "$i1p/$apiresponse*1000" |bc -l | sed 's/..................$//')

Some crypto has legit use, but a lot of it is scams for sure.

I use porkbun for exactly this reason. I make crypto and want to use it.

I use porkbun because i can and do pay with crypto to renew my domain.

I will be happy when KeePass can store and use passkeys so public/private key cryptography to the rescue.

I was a lastpass user until ~2020 when i moved to KeePass and deleted my account. However, my master passphrase was close to 20 characters long. An 8 character password is laughable. I have my password manager generate 32 character or 64 character passwords with ~150 bits of entropy or 300 bits of entropy. My master password has also grown in length to the mid 20s area.

Do what i did and stop watching TV completely. I have watched about 10 hours worth of TV in the past 12 years.

When “Don’t be evil” conflicts with profits then “Don’t be evil” gotta go.

Yep, i like knowing i have at least seen everything new. But, its bad for business to let the user leave when they are all caught up

Cotton on the roadside, cotton in the ditch. We all picked the cotton but we never got rich. Daddy was a veteran, a southern democrat. They oughta get a rich man to vote like that.

Alabama - Song of the South