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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 01, 2023


And don’t forget about namespaces. Look at formats like HAL and ODATA that try to add HATEOAS onto JSON.

Why? JSON hasn’t given us anything XML hasn’t, except maybe a bit of terseness.

I do agree SOAP is a bit over engineered, though, but that’s not the fault of XML.

We were using XML for that before JSON.

After spending enough time debugging Jenkins pipelines, I wish I had used shitty bash scripts.

If you’re reading this, you probably live in a country that is a party to United Nations Convention Against Torture.

If your company is allowing this, please contact your government or another member state.

And don’t forget him breaking one of his biggest election promises of electoral reform, which has not helped him among left-leaning voters.

Well, more like 20th century. He was active from early 90s to 2002.

Wow, so much incompetence. From the RCMP to the Crown prosecutors to the judges.

How can someone be imprisoned for 32 months with no trial and no evidence?

The accessibility laws are actually quite new and not fully in effect.

These would be different than broadcast-specific laws or regulations. That being said, I’m a bit surprised that the CBC would be missing CC.