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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


So what’s Noita’s appeal? I’ve tried getting into it several times, but it never clicked. It feels overly difficult, but not in a fun way. I’m sure I’m missing something, as this kind of game would be up my alley otherwise.

Joyce Carol Oates is there; She counts for hundreds of cool people; I think some other writers make use of it too. I hope they voice their discontent.

Nazis find a way to ruin every fucking thing. I really believe certain groups of people should not have right to free speech. In 2024, we should be well-aware that tolerating intolerance does not work. Just fucking look around and take a look at what these people are doing with their free speech. I am not the gatekeeper or good morals and the bastion of good values. Some ideologies are objectively bad, though.

Unfortunately, there’s no correlation between game quality and its price. The standard now is 70 euros.

One of the things I hate the most is when people say, “You gotta be X hours in and then it is really great!” If you have to wait for a game to get good then, in my opinion, it is not a very good game. I want to have fun right from the beginning.

I’m 34 and can’t say I’ve ever had this problem. All the people I’ve gone out with just see it as a hobby I have and nothing else. I think the may problem is when people assume you don’t have any other hobbies or don’t do anything else because you like video games. I find that as I get older I’m gravitating towards vastly different hobbies so when the topic of video games comes up their reaction is usually what you describe: “Ah my kids love them!” then we move on to the next topic. That has never been a deal breaker though, which I assume is what you’re somewhat implying in your post.