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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


I’m always surprised when these weird freaks believing in trickle-down economics actually exist. Morons who still worship at the fecal stained feet of dementia Reagan.

I think $1 million bonuses are unconscionable.

Also, $11 million to the top 10 vampires. It’s not like from that point on it was all shared equally. I wonder what was left after the rest of the worthless executives got their blood money. Nope, shit like that is always in favor of further wealth distribution from the lowers.

That comes out to abnout $87,000 per employee. I’m sure those lower pay scale employees who really appreciated that were happy to get…oh, wait. What’s that? Of that amount, a total of $11,276,700 was handed out as bonuses to BDC’s top 10 executives. of course, give money to those that least need it. Yay capitalism.

I’d just keep a couple different copies and then copy them every 5-10 years, or as new technology comes along. Maybe something like this will be available for consumers in the near future.

I wish they wouldn’t advertise days of battery life, when their “day” is 1/2 an hour. Just say how many hours the battery will run. The math for how long it’ll run for my use is not rocket science. It’s good to see color E Ink in a reasonable price range. I think I’ll wait for the size to increase while staying affordable.

I don’t think you’ll get anything that is a real drop in for Partiful.

Sounds interesting. I’d imagine it would make it easier to seal off the electronics and have a drink-proof keyboard.

I don’t know jack diddly about fishing laws, but when I read the story I thought the processing limits were per processing plant. Not the total limits. I very well could be wrong.

I do know that my parents lived in Newfoundland in the '60s. My dad would go out with a friend on their little boat, drop a line with a hook overboard, jig it a little, and cod would swim up and bite the hook. Nothing on the hook, just a plain hook, but there were so many cod it was ridiculous. I think it’s a bare fraction of what it used to be.

And I love that comic. I’ve shared it so many times over the years.

Seemed more like a way for fishermen to make more money, have better control over their lives, than any changing of yearly catch limits.

That’s the normal speed. Maybe it’s not my VPN. I ran a speed test with the VPN and only dropped around 100 Mbs.

I’ve tried everything but different countries. I’ll get back to you on that.

Edit: Nope. Everything I change seems to make no difference in speed. Not slower, not faster.

Sorry, yeah not much to go on. I have Private Internet Access, I’ve tried both protocols and the available ports. Nothing made a difference.

ISP throttling VPN?
My ISP seems to be throttling my VPN connection. Just started a week or so ago. Anyone have any tips for correcting this shit? Edit: Sorry, I didn't leave much info. I guess I was thinking in more general terms. I use PIA, have for years. I've tried to change protocols and ports, my VPN speed still sits around 10K. Just ridiculous. Speed test without VPN: ![](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/87e6ba52-3092-49ec-bc9a-5ebc8a144ca3.webp) SOLVED!! OK, I'm an absolute idiot. The tl;dr I had accidentally toggled the **Toggle Alt. Rate Limits** setting. Thank you everyone for attempting to help that which couldn't be helped!

Good. Now go after the big companies that need to be broken up.

It’s so fucked up. Most of these stories go a little short on the reporting. I was interested in the minor’s ethnic background (understandable to protect minor’s privacy). Seeing that Tennessee inbreds went heavy for trump, fascism, and against The Constitution in 2020, I’m going to guess that a lot of these shady 80 types are also very vociferous in voicing their outrage at pigment diluting their blood.

This is important because they’ll bitch about people coming across the border, and blame the President if he happens to be a Dem If he’s not this time around, then pivot to “lib” cities or states. Why do people come across the border? For work, for a better life. I can’t blame them, I would hope that I’d have the courage to make the journey if I were in a similar situation.

You made it across the border, now where do you go? If you are an underage, undocumented person, hell yeah, find some red state and you too can illegally do this dangerous job for minimum wage. School? Oh, don’t worry about that. That’s not important. We’re trying to drop the mandatory school age down to 12. Teens should have the right to work full time, same as marriage.

Yet, whenever steps are made to address the paperwork issues, these formaldehyde-smelling, regressive, idiot Republicans bitch about too much gov’t. Or the policy placing an undo burden on the business. If companies are people, they sure need to be getting the people’s judicial treatment, and not the rich people hands-off bullshit.

Yeah, Hamas did say they want to get rid of Israel. Not sure why people support them.

I thought the science says a steak can safely be rare, but not hamburger? Still a weird thing to get upset about. Although I’ve been to dinner with people I thought were reasonable only for them to turn into fuckheads with waiters. I think some people just get really dickish when they are customers. Fuck em.


Loops are a complicated relic of archaic programming languages. In DreamBerd, there are no loops.

To install DreamBerd to your command line, first install the DreamBerd installer.
To install the DreamBerd installer, install the DreamBerd installer installer.

Haha, this is a great README.

Kind of all over the place, but mostly 1080 or so. Here’s a little data:

I have 48 movies that are 1.7G, 43 that are 1.5G, and so on.

# of movies   SIZE
     48 1.7G
     43 1.5G
     33 1.9G
     31 2.2G
     31 2.0G
     30 1.6G
     27 1.8G
     25 1.4G
     21 2.1G
     19 2.5G
     16 1.3G
     14 2.6G
     14 2.3G
     12 2.4G
     10 2.8G
      9 3.0G
      9 1.1G
      8 4.1G

I have about 10TB of stuff. Around 600 movies and not quite 200 TV series. I’m planning on leaving societies embrace and being away from it all in a couple of weeks and have been hoarding stuff to keep me entertained, if needed. I’m not the one you asked, but here you go. I don’t really feel like I have a ton of stuff, from a datahoarder perspective, but probably a little more than the average torrent monster.

Seems like you’d need 6 different charging ports to push that much electricity into a battery pack that quickly.

Don’t let a single issue cloud your judgement. Vote green, independent, or don’t vote, or suck it up and don’t let single issues decide your vote. I think if we all honestly looked back on our lives, there are at least a handful of things that could make us hate ourselves. Or others to hate us for. I don’t think anyone should be judged by their worst (to a point at least).

The continuing lack of exposure to the Ukraine/Russia war I find far more disturbing. The lack of urgency about the status of the climate I find far more disturbing. There are for more issues even at home that I find more disturbing.

This is pretty mild. Weird as hell, sure, but not even top 10 of things about Johnson to be weirded out about.

It really doesn’t. you’re just falling for conservative bullshit.

[H]istorically, economists have largely agreed that the link between government spending and inflation remains weak. - source

Hey, thanks. It sure sounded like they wanted the original prescription. I’ll try out my new doctor. Doesn’t hurt to have a spare.

I had one of those devices. I was prescribed it after being in the hospital for an unrelated reason. Had no idea I needed one, made a hell of a difference. I was contacted by the recall and gave them all my info. They have let me know several times that they won’t send me a new one unless I can send the prescription from 10 years ago. The sleep study place was contracted with the hospital, but the office has since closed. I let them know and they just told me,“Too bad, so sad.” I was able to buy a used machine off Craigslist for $180 that is better than that old Phillips. Sorry for the verbal spew, all just to say, fuck Philips.

How does the saying go? Something like For the rich, fines are just part of the cost of doing business

Don’t underestimate the herd instinct in humans to have the same shit Håkon does.

Cheaper to lobby some Republikan congressmen to underfund the IRS than to pay their fair share.

It can really slow down pages loading on youtube, but it’s worth it for me. This is what I show, it de-clickbaits the title and changes the clickbait thumbnail.

Ah, yes. That’s it. I have the dearrow extension running. I apologize for my snark and direct it to the true OP from youtube.

Why did OP shout EVERYTHING? The original title doesn’t have that clickbait formatting.

The bully pulpit in Roosevelt’s mind wasn’t about pummeling legislators with presidential authority; rather, he believed the president could encourage the public to push their legislators on behalf of his agenda. - source

Not using the bully pulpit as president to push your agenda is almost malfeasance. If he has votes/support, there is no need for it.