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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Do EV and OV certs actually provide additional useful? When was the last time you reviewed the certificate of a site you access for non work purposes?

Might throw some off but that is NetBios and things will totally go for that because Windows is terrible for security.

All my stuff avoids anything below 1000 or that ends in 22 because most people will just go 2222 or 1022. pick a random number between 1001 and 65000

assuming they are not behind a CGN whitelisting your mates place should be OK. But I would also move SSH away from a well known port. In the event something happens to the whitelist, crawlers will not jump on you straight away.

Replacing the UPS batteries is required maintenance.
Compare the cost of new batteries to a new UPS and realise it’s the cheaper option.

You can and Qbittorrent has this functionality built in. You set your in progress download folder to be the SSD then set the move when completed to your HDD.

As for the size, that would depend on how much you are downloading.

Correct horse battery staple

Need to pad those passwords.

At some point they will do a Redis or Terraform and say no more open source, pay us to use it.

All contributions are now owned by us and not by the person who wrote it.

Sorry, RPM is rotations per minute. How fast the drive platers are spinning inside the drive. Also 7200 is fine for what you are doing.

Rpm is a thing to look at. A 7,200 drive is faster than a 4,200, but slower than a 10,000.

Depends where in the world you are.

We use A in Australia and from what I have seen in western Europe A is also used more.

Ewwww orange first? Why are you making a crossover cable backwards for?

As with everything, it depends.

A video stream and general web browsing can easily take a 300ms delay no issue, but voice and gaming will have issues.

Voice is fine for upto 150ms according to the IEEE.

Create a serverless function on alibaba that calls a serverless function on Azure, which calls a serverless function on gcp which calls a serverless function on Oracle cloud which loops it back to alibaba.

Now stick CloudFlare in between each step of that and we should hit 100M by Tuesday.

Wanting answers to things you don’t want google to know that you don’t know.

Thats not really how it works. Lemmy works on a Push model. When a post is created and the instance knows you are interested in the post by a user subscribing to it, the Lemmy instance will send the post to your server. But if your sever does not respond then the other instance will mark your server as dead and stop trying to send you posts.

When you turn on your instance you aren’t going to get a flood of posts that you have missed over the past few days/hours.

Yea, you can but unless you plan to leave your PC on all the time and open ports on your firewall directly to your PC.

There are some major risks on doing that though.

It’s still the wrong tool for the job though.

As others have said get a regular desktop os and enable qemu.

At the moment I am only doing jellyfin but I am looking to expand into pihole, audiobook shelf and some arr stack.

Does it need to be 4 bay?

Aoostoar it is only a 2 bay though.

They have a AMD variant if you want to go down the Proxmox route with LXC or docker in a VM.

Jim’s garage has some videos on it.

Traefik for reverse proxy. Tag your container with the route and let traefik take over.

This is true. Which is why I said tinfoil hat guess.

Because Cloudflare acts as a reverse proxy it can see everything that happens in a session.
This is also known as a man in the middle attack. But Cloudflare meds to do this in order to do it’s checks for bad actors.

Now, as Cloudflare has access to the unencrypted traffic and we know that NSA is all about data vacuuming due to the Snowdn leaks we can make a tin foil hat guess whaylt goes on.

To make matters worse, Red Hat who own Ansible are also owned by IBM.

All hail International Business autoMation

Recently they changed their license at a drop of the hat, then got purchased by IBM.

Id say this falls into the consult a lawyer category because that is what EA will do. Also isn’t dedsec from Watchdogs by Ubi?

You may have to set up split zone DNS so names resolve to private IPs when at home but resolve to public addresses when not home.

I prefer technical neglect over technical debt because debt implies it is manageable where most of the time those systems are genuinely neglected due to their complexity.

If you want some extra budget start calling it Private Cloud instead of on prem so when your bosses get calls about cloud strategies you can say we already do cloud and we don’t need their particular product.

Yeah the cheaper the domain the more likely it is for abuse to occur and your own domain to be lumped into that category.

You can also build your own thing with something like a Jonbo N case.

It is 100% ok to break your homeland into 2 parts.

Get a dedicated nas and secondhand eBay PC. The windows licence doesn’t matter, no one is going to discount the price because you are not going to use the licence.