• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


As an alcoholic, I initially agreed. Don’t waste a liver on me. Then this:

Even pleas for a living liver transplant, with Allan offering to be her donor, were not entertained.

What the actual fuck.

I haven’t heard about her in about a year. She may have finally faded out (we can hope).

Women and girls over 12 are banned from schools, and prevented from sitting most university entrance exams. There are also restrictions in the work they can do, with beauty salons being closed, as well as being not being able to go to parks, gyms and sport clubs.

Men have to be pretty insecure to treat women this way. Cowards.

But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.

He still thinks tariffs are paid by other countries as opposed to American citizens. Completely unfit to govern.

The judge said there was “no imminent threat of violence” from the man when the dog was released on him but said he was struck by the officer’s “integrity” and “pride” in serving his community.

Bullshit. Any cop who thinks they’re serving their community is delusional. More likely, this is the costume this officer put on for the judge.

Feels like the French people have been getting fucked around the last few years.

Southern has in the past defended neo-Nazis and other far right figures. In 2017, she was detained by the Italian Coast Guard after she was on board a boat that tried to interfere with the efforts of a search and rescue craft that was funded by Doctors Without Borders. She has also endorsed conspiracy theories about the so-called “Great Replacement.”

Ok, so racist fascist. Got it. Looks cute, but actually a monster. Very useful for them.

A key member identified as Commentator 1 was to be paid $400,000 per month plus a $100,000 signing bonus, while Commentator 2’s contract was for $100,000 per video.

Holy shit. That’s astounding.

Oh Kenney, you rascal. It’s so cool how your corrupt, lying, sack of shit ass gets to meddle in elections like this. It’s great. Keep it up, buddy. You’re the greatest.

Fucking piece of shit.

The consequences of this journalistic malpractice extend far beyond misleading headlines. By laundering Trump’s words in this fashion, the media is actively participating in the erosion of our shared reality. When major news outlets consistently present a polished version of Trump’s statements, they create an alternate narrative that exists alongside the unfiltered truth available on social media and in unedited footage.

The only answer must be that their bosses want him to win. No reasonable editor would allow this.


The consequences of this extend beyond misleading headlines or sanitized quotes. It’s creating a dangerous disconnect between reality and reported news, fostering an environment where extreme rhetoric becomes normalized and conspiracy theories gain unwarranted legitimacy.

This won’t remain just a Trump problem. As other politicians observe the media’s willingness to soften and reframe inflammatory statements, we risk further degradation of political discourse. The bar for what’s considered acceptable rhetoric continues to lower, while the public’s ability to discern fact from fiction erodes.

Let’s let all the crazy inside. It’ll be fun. At least we’ll have endless stuff to report about.

Then your free press either reports what they tell you or you go to jail.

Abousfian Abdelrazik was arrested during a 2003 visit to his mother in Sudan. He spent the next six years in prison or in forced exile at the Canadian embassy in Khartoum as his attempts to return to Canada were continuously rejected by the federal government. He was never charged.

This is how you create terrorists.

Last month, the Crown filed a motion asking that six of its witnesses be allowed to testify behind closed doors “to avoid injury to Canada’s international relations, national defence and/or national security.” The witnesses in question are current and former members of CSIS, the RCMP and Global Affairs Canada.

If you need secrecy to protect your international relations, you’re up to some dirty shit.

“The open court principle is especially important in this case because it involves allegations of malfeasance and complicity in serious human rights abuses by senior government officials,” he writes.

Goddamn right. The man was imprisoned and (allegedly) tortured. You need to explain that.

It’s terrible. I can’t imagine how I’d recover if my savings were appropriated by a thieving trusted party.

I’m a grown adult man and I think I could take pretty much any 15 yo. For the unusual case where a 15 yo is bigger than me, I believe that with the help of another adult we could still take them down. Why would guns be needed? Why wouldn’t a taser be used? Wtf.

This is my favorite commit comment of all time.


Utterly insane.

I’m gonna take the side that tok is potentially liable on the algo argument but these parents also failed their children. Teaching your kids to avoid replicating unsafe internet content should be just as primary as looking both ways before crossing the road.

I really hope so, but I’m less optimistic with our present corrupt scotus. The naked corruption is strong. I plan on leaving the country if he is restored to power (I don’t believe that there’s any chance of him winning the election, at this point, but he still might become potus again regardless).

Came here to say exactly this. I’m glad we’re both here to make sure no one disparages the reputation of Mr. Foot.

I don’t think you’re asking in good faith, so I believe OP doesn’t owe you a response. But I think you’re being a rude jerk.

The shifty hockey lovers wanna come down here? I’m very suspicious.


Your safety comes at the expense of our profits.


My ex had to move to Canada during his first term. She’s a doctor (psychologist), supposedly the kind of person we “want” to have immigrate here. But that doesn’t matter. She isn’t white.

I tend to notice that it’s only fascists that try to promote their agenda in other countries. Stop interfering with other peoples’ elections, you fucks!

Until 40 years ago, the federal government actively tried to help with this: Competition regulators rigorously monitored mergers and enforced the Robinson-Patman Act, a 1930s-era law intended to prevent suppliers from offering better pricing to big retailers than to independent stores. By the 1980s, however, some economists argued that allowing big retailers to expand and negotiate favorable deals would bring lower prices for all. The Robinson-Patman Act, and an underlying desire to protect small businesses, remained popular with the public, so Congress never moved to repeal it, but regulators increasingly stopped enforcing it. This era gave rise to a rash of consolidations and a huge building boom by the likes of Walmart and Kroger. And as the power of retail chains grew, more small businesses folded.

Once again, look to the 80s for the architecture of our misery. Fucking baby boomers.

I was sent to Wentworth Military Academy when I was 16yo. It was absolutely a hellhole. A kid got hot oatmeal poured on him for oversleeping. Another was put into a coma from a “fight club” style boxing match overseen by other students with superior ranks. A “company” of teens rioted and burned their school shirts when one from their rank was suspended. I participated in hazing new cadets by striking their asses with broom handles the second year.

I was one of the only escape attempts to succeed that I know of. A friend met me off-campus and drove me away. I survived on couches and the like for a month before calling my mother and informing her that I’d come home, but if she sent me again I would escape and she wouldn’t hear from me again until I was 18.

The abuse was unbelievable, so my mother didn’t believe me when I begged to be released from the school. Only my escape and her not knowing my status for a month earned my freedom from the school. These places are prisons for children and should all be shut down. They literally give “troubled teens” power over one another and then act as if that won’t lead to abuse.

When I described seeing an apparently unhoused woman conceal food and didn’t speak up, a co-worker described it as an ethics issue. I hadn’t developed my thinking enough to see it that way and was surprised. I will never out someone for stealing necessities. Good on you.

That’s super fucked. I think of Canada as a much safer place (than USA). Good reminder that shitheads are everywhere.

> “I am the most investigated man in the entire Congress, and right there you saw Kevin McCarthy lying like a dead dog because I have never asked him to interfere in any ethics matter,” Gaetz said. Wtf, this is such a strange statement. Repubs are such backstabbers. Whatever.

> The three women were members of the Church of Scientology, as is Masterson. All three women said they were initially hesitant to speak to law enforcement because they said church teachings discouraged reporting to police. The women eventually left the church. Cults are bad, people. Religion is bad because it's a normalized / accepted cult. Eff this guy. I noticed that Topher Grace didn't get mentioned for writing a letter to the judge. I've never thought he's a great actor (he was pretty good in Traffic), but I like him a bit more now.

I’m looking forward to Elon paying his dues
The fucker has so many lawsuits. He's violated so many laws. We saw how long it took for Trump to have suits. I have to believe people are working on them for Musk.

2 Nigerian men accused of running a global ‘sextortion’ ring linked to a teen’s suicide have been extradited to US, officials say
> According to prosecutors, Samuel Ogoshi used a hacked social media account to make contact with DeMay while pretending to be a young woman. After persuading DeMay to provide a sexually explicit photo of himself, Ogoshi allegedly threatened to publicly release the image unless DeMay paid the scammers. > DeMay paid Ogoshi $300, but Ogoshi demanded more, authorities said. > After DeMay wrote that he was going to kill himself, Ogoshi allegedly responded, “Do that fast, or I’ll make you do it,” Totten said. > DeMay died by suicide on March 25, 2022, prosecutors said.

Pocket for Mac to stop being maintained Aug 15
> At Pocket, we strive to provide our users with the best possible experience across all platforms. As part of this commitment, Pocket for Mac is no longer supported and may not work as expected. After August 15, 2023, the app will no longer work. I don't know about anyone else, but I've been adding web articles to Pocket for years. I'm very discouraged by this.