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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 10, 2023


No you’re just not understanding. Torrent is a web protocol, like http, ftp, and more. It’s not inherently illegal.

When you’re downloading you spend less time on the public tracker and have less chance of being caught downloading than if you’re seeding, or uploading. In the states, the copyright holder takes snapshots of the public trackers IP address pool for specific torrents of their intellectual property, and requests your ISP send you a notice and threaten disconnection.

Never had any issues with the private tracker I’m in or got any letter from my ISP. I definitely don’t pay for a vpn. I could always use my rented vps(seedbox) as a vpn if i absolutely needed or wanted to.

First, torrenting isn’t illegal, and No ISP “enforces no torrenting” lol

Your understanding of the solution here is a snake eating its own tail. Might wanna think on that one bud. Did the chicken or the egg come first? Solid Ratio or the private tracker account? Figure out how private trackers work first, then come correct.

The real answer here is that there are intro private trackers one can join on an invite or free join days. If one desires, one then works on their ratio there to get into a better private tracker.

Copyright holder’s pay people to take snapshots of all the IP addresses currently leeching or seeding specific material on public trackers, so they can contact the ISP with the info and request they do something about it.

When i try to explain my jellyfin/Arr setup to coworkers that ask “what site do i use to watch shows for free” it just goes right over their head or they stop listening. Even in reductionist terms. If its more work than going to a special website, searching and hitting play, they just aren’t interested.

Get into a private tracker, or rent a VPS in a country that doesn’t bend to the whim of capitalism, torrent to that vps and stream or sync it locally. I find that to have more peace of mind than using a vpn w/Killswitch.

Get into a Private tracker. Or You could rent a vps in a country that doesn’t care, torrent to that server and stream or sync it locally. You would never be torrenting on your local connection.

Ive used Ultra cc for maybe 7-8 months straight now and have a ratio of 40on my private tracker. 7+tb upload with the ultra service alone. Got a little over 100 seeding 24/7I was strategic in the beginning, only going for popular freeleech stuff. Packs are very popular. Ive seeded a ton of a cartoon pack I got for nostalgia, and it wasnt even a fresh upload when i grabbed it.

Edit, also im not using a vpn, for anything. Ultra cc’s service can be used as a vpn tunnel. But since my host is in the Netherlands racks it doesn’t need a vpn for public trackers, and i dont need a vpn to stream from the seedbox.

Op responded to another comment in this post where they stated they werent familiar with streamio/torrentio torrent streaming nuances(being a leech on the community), and that they would get RD implying they didnt have it or use it before, contrary to what the post/guide says now.

I’m familiar with debrid services, thanks. They pose as a download utility. But they cache movies in servers around the world for subscribers to stream, similar to how Netflix caches movies in servers around the world for subscribers to stream

That’s only if you’re paying for debrid, which i think the service is a joke. But everyone using streamio/torrentio for torrent-streaming is a leach to the community theyre benefitting from. I admittedly dont know the numbers but I imagine the majority of streamio users arent paying for debrid because of the paywall. Debrid is just another Netflix to me, with less rules i guess. I will never understand why people pay for access to pirated content when p2p sharing doesn’t paywall access.

Yes it requires you to download before streaming, because specifically torrent-streaming, i.e. streaming the torrent chunks as they download only leaches and is pretty negative in the p2p community. Im part of a private tracker and always seed back.

My grandmother can connect to my jellyfin just fine with her roku and shes the least tech savy person ever so I dont feel like the “wife-proof” holds water. Jellyseerr or Overseer (for plex) lets people request content in an app friendly manner. Theres things so your friends or family can access your content without touching the bones underneath.

No jellyfin is bare bones open source streaming app. It does have addon support, but no Netflix or hbo. But i dont subscribe to any actual streaming services, because i don’t need them because of my Arr stacked Jellyfin. However an Arr stack server with Plex as the headend could do what you’re asking.

Hardlinking works great for me 🤷‍♂️ but my Arr setup is on a paid hosting service so i imagine the virtual server was setup for that intently.

My biggest issue with streamio/torrentio(besides the lacking functions) and streamio users is that they dont seed back, and now streamio implemented client spoofing to spoof as other clients to circumvent tracker bans. As a private tracker user i like having the community of people with the same common goal, private p2p sharing. Not torrent-streaming/leaching.

Eh maybe, I’ll concede to torrent searching but everything else still stands. i used streamio/torrentio for all of ten minutes and uninstalled when i realized it doesnt do half of what my seedbox service does for me. When i discovered its leech only I blacklisted it.

No streamio is the worst, especially for torrents as it’s leech only. Arr setup is still king. I dont pay for usenet though. I use private trackers because i dont have to pay for them like usenet.

Im my view its much, much worse. Setup is a one time thing on an arr stack, with maybe some tweaking here an there. But using streamio instead of my seedbox/Arr stack would mean i would have to spend time hunting down torrents again, dealing with shitty torrent indexers and shitty torrent ad-riddled sites, or worse pay for access through debrid. My Arr stack torrent searching and downloading is completely automated based on rules i set. Id have to start paying for a VPN which i dont need with my seedbox. And then i wouldn’t be able to access my content from everywhere like i currently do with my seedbox.

Sure if you’re not tech savy enough to setup a seedbox(and some providers make it so simple with guides and documentation), i guess there’s streamio 😂

Eh paying for debrid(paying for access to pirated content) goes against being a pirate, not streaming. I pay for a seedbox and torrent/stream all my content. Its beautifully automated and worth the $20 a month for the online storage. Dont have to use a vpn, and i can easily download anything from the seedbox locally

A Seedbox running jellyfin and an *Arr stack running on torrents work much better for this than streamio. It’s like having a pirate dvr. Notifications goto my private discord channel when content is added or applications need updating, and i just open Jellyfin on my android tv box(or literally any smart device) to stream my downloaded content. I tell people its like having my own Netflix server.

I live in the states and exclusively use torrents/private trackers 😂 seeding over 100 as we type (however they arent seeding from the states). There’s no valid reason to use debrid or streamio imho, its pretty crap software.

Pretty crap software for those not tech savy enough to setup a seedbox. It uses a service called debrid for p2p content that you have to pay subscription to access.

Haha yeah fuck debrid an fuck streamio too 😂 checked it out once and it pales in comparison to an Arr stacked seedbox.

Thank you. I swear some people must be exhausted with all the mental gymnastics they do for self justification.

Lol what have you got against images in posts/comments? 😆 Take your silly hangups back to lemmy world

Yeah well no shit, it’s a meme from an old 80s movie that has probably seen multiple levels of compression. Yet somehow it still got my point across, despite your keen observation.

They can be. It’s really down to user preference. You can setup your own server locally with containers and vpn Killswitches, or you can pay monthly on some server space remotely. A seedbox is basically just a server for seeding/torrenting.

I use syncthing for my emulator savestates between retroarch on my deck and retroarch on my android tv(no steam client or steam cloud sync for android or android tv), no matter where i decide to play I always have my most recent save. It also has versioning so i can go back to older versions of saves. I use a virtual private server(or seedbox) running syncthing as the in-between cloud host.

I wrote up a guide on how to do it in the Steam Retroarch community guides. It shouldn’t be much different for PC game saves, just choosing a different folder, specifically the one with your chosen files.

IP alone isnt enough to convict someone in the states though. Since it only points to the local network and not the person on the network it could be anyone on that network. It was the issue the RIAA ran into when trying to take music downloaders to court.

Precisely but it doesn’t have to be remote. Some people self host locally but that requires a fast connection and a vpn. Most remote seedbox’s are basically virtual private servers. They usually have apps like Jellyfin or plex for streaming all your content locally. Which is what I do and it’s very automated and convenient. You can also use your seedbox as a vpn tunnel. If you’re a member or interested in private torrent trackers, a seedbox is recommended to help keep your ratio high.

Most of my roms are in NSP format for some reason, I’m playing with an emulator though, my switch isnt hacked.

“Son i could really care less about what you’re watching but why in gods name are you watching it in low definition??” 😆

Try to find a place with open registration or someone whose got a spare invite. Ive managed to get into a couple. But to get into the better private trackers it takes time building up your intro private tracker accounts.

The only big thing it cant do is Av1 streaming, and its not really mainstream yet. The only possible upgrade would be a mini pc setup as an htpc, but then you’re giving up android tv. And I don’t think they can stream av1 yet. Afaik there arent any better arm based android tv units on the market than the shield tv. Im planning on changing out my shield tv for an htpc someday, especially now Nvidia has dropped gamestream. Android tv is a headache, and id rather deal with just linux/kodi at this point.

He means whats the point in paying for usenet when p2p torrenting is free. And from my understanding its for people without enough bandwidth to seed.

Ahh this makes more sense to me now. The seedbox service i pay for has great bandwidth, and my personal bandwidth is enough to stream 4k content from it. So i kinda use my seedbox as a proxy instead

I get what you’re saying, but personally speaking, that’s not enough of a benefit to start subscribing to a usenet provider and invest time hunting down newsgroups for content access. Its also not worth changing the bottom layer of my arr stack. Not to mention the time I’ve already invested into getting in the couple private trackers I’m in. I already don’t have any issues getting the content I want to watch. I honestly don’t see how its worth it for anyone. Like how often would one need to be searching for obscure content for it to be worth the monthly cost?

Edit, 5 downloads per day for a free membership is downright laughable to me. We’re pirates ffs. This is p2p sharing.

I looked into usenet but i could never get over having to subscribe pay for it. Why bother when torrenting is free. I’m on a couple private trackers and use a few public, but I never pay for access for the trackers or pirated content. Ive donated before to private trackers, and I pay for my seedbox monthly but that’s for a service, it’s not a paywall for access. I also read there are download limits and having to find newsgroups that have the content you want. It all seems more work than its worth and you have to pay for the privilege to do that work for the same exact outcome. 🤷‍♂️

I think OP needs a decent private tracker that’s pretty easy to keep up with. My main private tracker has a rule, seed 3x or for 3 days to avoid hit an run on any torrent. You can also use earned coins from seeding to pay off hit and runs.

Thats pretty much the entire point of this, they stated these are all scene releases. So fitgirl et al etc.

For some masochistic reason they sometimes come rar’d, iso’d, and custom windows based unpacker which is all really unnecessary and creates more points of potential failure for the linux gamer.

LinuzRules releases have linux .sh based unpackers, but even those arent guaranteed to work and can get stuck. I’d much rather just get the complete uncompressed files.

Tl;dr Scene releases use unpackers which often fail and multiple levels of unnecessary compression.

If you’re standards are so low that you could hit a random button on Netflix and be satisfied with whatever comes on, then just use free services like tubi. It has a ton of content. Doesn’t mean its worth watching to the majority of us, but hey if your bar is already that low 😂