• 14 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 21, 2023


Wikipedia, Whirlpool, GiHub are the only big sites I can think of which resisted going commercial. They may still be selling user data though.

Can you think of others?

Sorry, I didn’t read the article. Thanks for picking me up on it.

I just use my Brave browser which avoids ads and doesn’t require login but I see now that FreeTube offers a few customisation features and allows you to import your subscriptions.

And there are privacy benefits too. With Freetube your watch history is stored only on your computer, not YouTube’s servers

Really? I imagine it is free because FreeTube collect data on you.

Isn’t this exactly like the original YouTube?

They get users to provide free content with the impression it is a genuine grassrots community then when the site becomes popular enough they cash in. imdb was like this too.

Die? Hyperbolic much? Gazans weren’t being killed in the weeks leading up to Oct 7.

I suggest Gazans could have used the aid money they were receiving for decades to build infrastructure rather than ripping up water pipes to build missiles.

Well yes. Israel always retaliates disproportionately. Yet Hamas keep repeating their attacks expecting Allah will magically produce a different result. Commonly known as the very definition of stupidity.

Telegram group chats are unencrypted

Not quite true. They are server-side encrypted, not end-to-end. Still bad and I had no idea until I looked it up just now (thanks to you).

I use Gboard keyboard on my phone which undermines my Signal privacy. I could use my laptop instance of Signal to prevent leakage.

Telegram successfully fought against attempt of blocking in Russia in 2018 by providing regular updates and using different techniques to avoid blocking.

I too heard Russia claimed they could not block it. Could be deliberate theatre to bolster its reputation.

It seems Russia has a back door key into Telegram.

Edit: Russia is complaining about the arrest.

Pavel Durov has visited Russia more than 50 times since his “exile” in 2014

Not necessarily. It might be because of the crimes in the public groups and channels in Telegram. That makes it no more immune from responsibility than Facebook or Twitter.

See this thread

Signal doesn’t have those.

Can someone please paraphrase the following which I didn’t understand?

Somebody raised to believe they have high IQ is more likely to fall for this than somebody raised to think less of their own intellectual capabilities. Subjective validation is a quirk of the human mind. We all fall for it.

But if you think you’re unlikely to be fooled, you will be tempted instead to apply your intelligence to “figure out” how it happened. This means you can end up using considerable creativity and intelligence to help the psychic fool you by coming up with rationalisations for their “ability”.

And because you think you can’t be fooled, you also bring your intelligence to bear to defend the psychic’s claim of their powers. Smart people (or, those who think of themselves as smart) can become the biggest, most lucrative marks.

to the point of being an apartheid state that treats non-Jewish citizens worse

Maybe in practice, but certainly not in law.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that “Arab Israelis are citizens of Israel with equal rights” and states that “The only legal distinction between Arab and Jewish citizens is not one of rights, but rather of civic duty. Since Israel’s establishment, Arab citizens have been exempted from compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).”

https://web.archive.org/web/20160803050854/http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/mfaarchive/2000_2009/2001/8/arab israelis

Why would home state advantage not matter much despite it being a swing state? (along with Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin).

A Petabyte would be a thousand movies. No cinema has a thousand movies on its program.

When Palestinians ain’t leaving and Israelis ain’t leaving there is no other realistic option (regardless of our political leaning and whether we think Jews have a right to statehood in that part of the world.).

Here’s hoping the publicity boosts his career and encourages discussions about legalisation of weed in Romania.

It would have been seen by terrorists as a reward for Oct 7 and encourage further attacks.

OTOH establishing a Palestinian state would have been a precursor to a 2SS which is a hopeful path towards peace.

Likud (and Hamas) are both against a 2SS therefore, as you say, this vote count is no surprise.

Regardless of the Hamas issue, that anti-vax publication did untold harm. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary vetting.

Am going off topic, but the BMJ (another titan in the journal industry, and it is an industry) was responsible for publishing a paper incorrectly linking plaques with Alzheimer’s which ended up wasting billions of dollars through more than a decade of other followup studies chasing that angle.

It was only debunked a couple of years ago. To be fair it is also irresponsible for all that subsequent research to have gone ahead, seeking glory for “the cure” while nobody cared to replicate the study.

As a science under-graduate myself I am disillusioned especially since my Mum has had dementia for thirteen years now.

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis

As if you didn’t know my point…

Their credibility is damaged enough to be sceptical about this report (which is not even medical research).

And here is another example:

They published (and retracted) a key study that linked anti-malarial drug HCQ to increased risk of death and irregularity in heart rhythms in coronavirus patients.

Lancet is the same journal which published Andrew Wakefield’s bs claim that vaccines cause autism.

He really said goodest? Or is that transcript satire? Too much sarcastic cleverness in this thread for me to follow.

The only other European country which has FPTP voting is Belarus.

Canada has it too and Trudeau reneged on his promise to ditch it.

Really? You expected Trump to base his speech on facts?

That should have been expected from Trump. Biden should have memorized statistics to counter the predictable bullshit.

Not that memorizing stuff is important for the job but it would have been effective in the debate for viewers who just won’t fact check anything.

there was so much jumping around and avoiding questions that it was not very helpful.

Trump did this, but where did Biden do it?

they can in turn use it as a point when luring advertisers.

Wouldn’t that be shared only with potential advertisers upon request via a password rather than just making it publicly available?

I am only speculating, are you?

That does not answer my question.

No I don’t trust their methodology. In fact I am suspicious the numbers are entirely fictitious. I imagine they are highly guarded confidential information which is not public.

And where does he get the traffic data from?

The websites would be guarding that and Google Analytics (if installed/enabled) would not divulge it to a third party.

Nikki Haley voting for Trump after he called her a birdbrain proves his point.

I suspect the ranting author failed to appreciate that Bluetooth is probably cheaper to implement for the audio because regular headphones require three wires while power supply only requires two. Ingenious really.

EDIT: Proper wired headphones would also require a soundcard in the dongle.

The guy was having a funny geeky bitch. He was laughing at himself. He doesn’t expect Apple to change anything.

EDIT: I think you are right, that last paragraph of his is weirdly serious. Would have been pure comedy without it.

The Paradox of Blackmarket Wired Bluetooth Apple Headphones
[complete transcription so that you do not need to visit X] A crazy experience — I lost my earbuds in a remote town in Chile, so tried buying a new pair at the airport before flying out. But the new wired, iPhone, lightning-cable headphones didn't work. Strange. So I went back and swapped them for another pair, from a different brand. But those headphones didn't work either. We tried a third brand, which also didn't work. By now the gift shop people and their manager and all the people in line behind me are super annoyed, until one of the girls says in Spanish, "You need to have bluetooth on." Oh yes, everyone else nods in agreement. Wired headphones for iPhones definitely need bluetooth. What? That makes no sense. The entire point of wired headphones is to not need bluetooth. So I turn Bluetooth on with the headphones plugged into the lightning port and sure enough my phone offers to "pair" my wired headphones. "See," they all say in Spanish, like I must be the dumbest person in the world. With a little back and forth I realize that they don't even conceptually know what bluetooth is, while I have actually programmed for the bluetooth stack before. I was submitting low-level bugs to Ericsson back in the early 2000's! Yet somehow, I with my computer science degree, am wrong, and they, having no idea what bluetooth even is, are right. My mind is boggled, I'm outnumbered, and my plane is boarding. I don't want wireless headphones. And especially not wired/wireless headphones or whatever the hell these things are. So I convince them, with my last ounce of sanity, to let me try one last thing, a full-proof solution: I buy a normal wired, old-school pair of mini-stereo headphones and a lightning adapter. We plug it all in. It doesn't work. "Bluetooth on", they tell me. NO! By all that is sacred my wired lightning adapter cannot require Bluetooth. "It does," they assure me. So I turn my Bluetooth on and sure enough my phone offers to pair my new wired, lightning adapter with my phone. Unbelievable. I return it all, run to catch my plane, and spend half the flight wondering what planet I'm on. Until finally back home, I do some research and figure out what's going on: A scourge of cheap "lightning" headphones and lightning accessories is flooding certain markets, unleashed by unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers who have discovered an unholy recipe: True Apple lightning devices are more expensive to make. So instead of conforming to the Apple standard, these companies have made headphones that receive audio via bluetooth — avoiding the Apple specification — while powering the bluetooth chip via a wired cable, thereby avoiding any need for a battery. They have even made lightning adapters using the same recipe: plug-in power a fake lightning dongle that uses bluetooth to transmit the audio signal literally 1.5 inches from the phone to the other end of the adapter. In these remote markets, these manufacturers have no qualms with slapping a Lightning / iPhone logo on the box while never mentioning bluetooth, knowing that Apple will never do anything. From a moral or even engineering perspective, this strikes me as a kind of evil. These companies have made the cheapest iPhone earbuds known to humankind, while still charging $12 or $15 per set, pocketing the profits, while preying on the technical ignorance of people in remote towns. Perhaps worst of all, there are now thousands or even millions of people in the world who simply believe that wired iPhone headphones use bluetooth (whatever that is), leaving them with an utterly incoherent understanding of the technologies involved. I wish @Apple would devote an employee or two to cracking down on such a technological, psychological abomination as this. And I wish humanity would use its engineering prowess for good, and not opportunistic deception.

Aren’t ads dispersed throughout the discussions? If not, then why not?

Trump posted that he had an “enthusiastic” audience at the Libertarian Party convention.

FACTS — Round 1 voting was:

Story Daniels 1 vote

Denali the Cat 1 vote

Sean Ono Lennon 1 vote

Christian Weston 2 votes

Art Olivier 4 votes

Donald J. Trump 6 votes

Toad 16 votes

RFK Jr 19 votes

Charles Ballay 21 votes

Jacob Hornberger 59 votes

Joshua Smith 73 votes

Lars Mapstead 122 votes

Mike Ter Maat 141 votes

Chase Oliver 181

Michael Rectenwald 259 votes

The video is great schadenfreude but a better analysis is available (RFK Jr wasn’t well received by attendees either).

Trump Republicans tried to take over the hall (assisted by the Secret Service confiscating noisemakers) and hijack the Libertarian convention. They lined up early then stole the front row seats marked *reserved*. It all backfired wonderfully.

I prefer promotion of humility and a lifestyle which puts the emphasis on values relationships, nature, personal time etc, for instance…

In August 2020 the Chinese government launched “Operation empty plate”, a campaign to stop food and beverage waste and cultivate frugality.

However banning materialist fetishes will probably do more good than harm anyhow. Slippery slope though.

In my quote the claim was that Australia was there enforcing the UN resolution. That resolution was made a long time ago, well before China took sides in the Ukraine war. Too late to veto the resolution now.

PS Admittedly my quote is not from a credible source. I haven’t time to test its veracity.

The “you came close to your airspace so we scare you away” response seems like regular old territorial bullying to me.

See my other comment about the EEZ.

DJ Grothe on Facebook writes: [The Economist](https://www.economist.com/2023/11/30/real-wages-have-risen-in-america-and-are-rebounding-in-europe) just did a big cover article on how great the U.S. economy is. Here is an [unpaywalled](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.economist.com%2F2023%2F11%2F30%2Freal-wages-have-risen-in-america-and-are-rebounding-in-europe) version. Real GDP is +8% vs. 2019, making “America...the only big economy that is back to its pre-pandemic growth trend.” This is compared to just 3% for Europe, 1% for Japan, and 0% for Britain. Economists across the political spectrum (excepting the goofy ideological ones that feature on Fox News a lot) give most of the credit to the three big laws passed by Biden: the huge Infrastructure bill (that Trump always promised but never delivered), the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPs Act, which provide incentives to build stuff in the U.S. And of course they credit Biden’s American Rescue Plan, too. Good policy matters. Time for some skeptical debunking of the economic doomerism. Biden is getting more done for the people than any president since FDR: A smaller percentage of Americans are [uninsured](https://www.healthaffairs.org/content/forefront/national-uninsured-rate-record-low-focus-maintaining-gains) now than ever in our [history](https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/08/03/new-hhs-report-shows-national-uninsured-rate-reached-all-time-low-2023-after-record-breaking-aca-enrollment-period.html). Child poverty is at historic lows, thanks to Biden's child tax credit in his American Rescue Plan. Real wages are outpacing inflation for all socioeconomic quintiles. The cost of living is actually going down (don't believe the doomers) America is [energy independent](https://www.theautopian.com/america-has-achieved-energy-independence-for-the-first-time-in-40-years-jp-morgan/) for the first time in 40 years, and has been a net exporter of oil every year since 2020. The cost of a gallon of gasoline nationwide on average is around three dollars a gallon, which is just a little higher than it was under Trump, and actually lower than it was under George W Bush and Obama. Natural gas prices are at 10-year lows. Wealth inequality under Biden is narrowing for the first time in almost 20 years.. The wealth of the lower two socioeconomic quintiles have seen their average household wealth increase by over 50% just since 2019. The stock market is on an historic bull run. [Violent crime](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/low-crime-rates-public-opinion/676365/), including the murder rate, is lower than it’s been in nearly 50 years. There is actually less illegal [immigration](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/) under Biden than under Trump, believe it or not. (There are many more illegal border crossings now than under Trump, sadly, but there’s an order of magnitude more [detentions](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden) and deportations under Biden than there were under Trump, which actually results in less illegal immigration now than under Trump. ![Immigration graph](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/dc51c64f-1a03-45ac-9768-69dea2c1a721.webp) Unemployment is at almost a 50-year low, and it’s never been lower than it is right now for Black Americans and Latinos. Average [debt-to-income ratios](https://wolfstreet.com/2023/05/16/household-debt-as-of-disposable-income-fell-to-good-times-lows-on-much-higher-incomes-despite-breathless-omg-headlines/) for American families are falling, and bankruptcies are at historic lows. The average American household has cash savings equal to five weeks of income, which is the highest ever on record, and it’s also the record highest for the bottom half of the population by income. ![Savings graph](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/d2b56d8e-d45f-4103-8646-78a1659a5f19.webp) Homicide rates have decreased since Trump.![Homicide graph](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/4a0b7f91-9f03-4345-bdc5-222f14960777.webp) Things certainly aren't perfect, but they are much better for all socioeconomic quintiles than they were in 2019, and much better by many measures than they've been in many many decades. Thanks Biden!

He brought out evidence on a piece of paper showing there's a foreign conspiracy to oust him. And instead of denying the authenticity of that evidence, they claimed that he's leaking confidential documents by bringing out that "evidence".

You wanted a multipolar world? You got chaos. [Edit: Do Hamas represent Palestinians?]
Paywall bypass: # You wanted a multipolar world? You got chaos **Hamas terror attack was aimed squarely at the global order** By Paul Mason 12 Oct 2023 for medium.com https://paulmasonnews.medium.com/you-wanted-a-multipolar-world-you-got-chaos-5b8f3ea48e09 The Hamas terror attack has triggered war in Gaza, a geopolitical crisis and now — from Sydney to New York City — outbursts of street-level anti-Semitism in the West. Unless it de-escalates quickly, it looks like a strategic turning point both for Palestinian nationalism and Israel. I covered the 2014 war both from [inside Gaza](https://www.channel4.com/news/by/paul-mason/blogs/brit-gaza-fault-line-heard-lot) and on the streets with the Israeli peace movement. I’ve interviewed Hamas and seen how they operate up close. So, though I am no expert on the region, I can throw some concreteness into the current battle of abstractions. Let’s start with the obvious: **Israel has a right to defend itself, rescue the hostages, arrest and prosecute Hamas and engage in lawful armed combat with its enemy**. But the international community has a right to demand proportionality, restraint, respect for international law, and condemn breaches of it. President Biden last night was right to emphasise the need for lawfulness. People claiming the Hamas attack is the “violence of the oppressed” are deluded. Hamas rules Gaza like a mafia state: its operatives walk around neighbourhoods in twos, dressed in dark suits, prying into people’s business. They run the place on a mixture of terror, public service provision and the kudos of their fighters. They are feared but there is widespread disrespect for them, especially among secular and nationalist sections of the population. Paradoxically, the Western “anti-imperialists” trying to apologise for the terror attack, and the Israeli right calling for retribution against civilians, both need to identify Hamas with the Palestinian population of Gaza in order to justify violence. **But there is no basis for doing so**. The fact that a violent action takes place in the context of a wider oppression does not make it either (a) just (b) lawful under international law or © effective in pursuit of social justice. In this case, Hamas’ act of terror looks set to achieve the opposite. # What does Hamas want? Hamas has offered a truce and asked for negotiations, stating that it has “achieved its objective”. If so, it’s logical conclude that the immediate objective was to demonstrate proof-of-concept of an unstoppable pogromist terror. Do as we ask or we do this again, might be a fair summary. The wider aim, according to numerous [experts](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/hamas-and-israel-irans-role#:~:text=The%20Iranian%20role%20in%20the,by%20training%20is%20well%20known.), is to force Hamas and Iran back into the power-broking process in the Middle East region, paralysing Saudi-Israeli rapprochement. Iran’s leader Imam Khamenei, in a [speech](https://english.khamenei.ir/news/10146/The-usurper-Zionist-regime-is-coming-to-an-end) to the made International Islamic Unity Conference on 3 October, gave what now sounds like an early warning: >*“The firm view of the Islamic Republic is that the governments that are gambling on normalizing relations with the Zionist regime will suffer losses. Defeat awaits them…Today, the situation of the Zionist regime is not a situation that encourages closeness to it. They [other governments] should not make this mistake. The usurper [Zionist] regime is coming to an end.”* Hamas could only achieve the aim of ending Saudi-Israeli rapprochement with an attack designed to trigger massive retribution, risking a regional all-out war. So why, despite its formal [turn](https://digitalprojects.palestine-studies.org/jps/fulltext/214551) in 2017 to “anti-Zionism”, ditching the [1988 Covenant](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) and its violently anti-Semitic language, did the attack take the form of a deliberate and extreme slaughter of Jewish civilians? Here Zeev Sternhell’s rule applies: the [pioneering historian of fascism](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2020-06-22/ty-article-opinion/zeev-sternhell-the-oracle-of-anti-fascism/0000017f-f4ec-d460-afff-ffeeb27a0000) taught us to “take fascists at their word”. Both Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran have stated their aims of destroying the state of Israel often enough. But there’s a line in Khamenei’s 03.10.23 speech that, in retrospect looks explanatory: >*“Thus, [the Zionists] are filled with grudge. They are filled with anger! Of course, the Quran exclaims: “Say, ‘die of your rage!’” (3:119). That’s right. Be angry, and die of your rage. And this will happen. They are dying. With God’s help, this matter of ‘die of your rage’ is happening now as regards the Zionist regime.”* **“Die of your rage” might actually be a good summary of what Hamas intends Israel to now do.** Enraged by the barbarity of the attacks, Israel unleashes unprecedented collective punishment against Gaza, triggering both Hezbollah and West Bank militants to join in the fight; this in turn prompts a wave of anti-Semitic demonstrations in Western cities, and draws the USA into a regional quagmire, testing the limits of American support for Israel. Meanwhile combat losses, and retribution over the complete failure of Netanyahu’s strategy of “managing” the conflict, raise political divisions in Israeli society to the point where its democracy fails. In a context where both Russia and China have complex hybrid destabilisation operations going on in Western democracies, and where the BRICS+ project is pursuing the active decomposition of the rules-based order, **this objective does not look as mad as at first sight.** # Multipolarity is chaos Contrary to the [homilies](https://mronline.org/2021/10/28/is-a-multipolar-world-the-answer-to-u-s-imperialism/) of the pro-China influence networks aimed at the global south, the “multipolar world” turns out not to be one of peaceful coexistence, but characterised by **extreme conflicts and genocide.** There’s another 2000 words. I will publish the whole thing on my Medium site in the next 24 hours. To read the whole article now please subscribe … In pursuit of systemic competition Beijing and Moscow are scraping at every open wound in the body geopolitic. Mass ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh; a Serbian provocation in Kosovo designed to trigger ethnic conflict; genocidal actions and rhetoric by Russia in its war against Ukraine; the genocide of the Uighur people and culture; the genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar; the Sahel’s descent into warlordism, terrorism and military rule — that is a heck of a lot of genocidal activity to happen in a short space of time. But it’s what you get when you purposefully dismantle an international order based on treaties and explicit rules. And where elites in Russia, the USA, Brasil and parts of Europe are openly experimenting with ethno-nationalist politics. # Chaos, then, is a feature of multipolarity, not a bug. I doubt Netanyahu, and his project of replacing Israeli democracy with an oligarchic far-right autocracy, can survive this shock long-term. His project of tolerating Hamas, to play it off against Fatah, has failed. So in framing the response of the international community, we are also attempting to frame the response of any stable Israeli government that emerges from the current crisis. Israel has signalled its military objective is to destroy Hamas. From my experience in Gaza I would say: *that is possible.* But be in no doubt. It will need a sustained urban combat operation, a long-term military occupation, massive loss of civilian life, an existential refugee crisis in Sinai, and the diversion of US-supplied ammunition and resources from Ukraine. Attempting it with a largely conscript/reservist army, full of recently mobilised and enraged soldiers? Again it’s worth remembering Khamenei’s exhortation to Israelis to “Die of your rage”. Typically, from my experience, combat in Gaza takes the following form. There is a street with children playing at one end; in the middle it is eerily deserted; at the other end is the IDF and above is an IDF drone. **But there is no front line.** The *mujahedeen* are in tunnels, popping up to take sniper shots or lay IEDs at night, and only committing ATGMs once a vehicle comes into view. **The only front line is, for most of the time, between the IDF and Palestinian civilians.** That’s what makes it a lethal environment for the latter. They can’t effectively shelter: and Hamas instructs them not to leave. There is no reason to believe that it will break from this modus operandi now. In addition, the civilian population cannot flee — without the creation of formal safe routes south and a corridor into Egypt; and many will not move because as stateless people they believe they will never be allowed to return, nor to claim asylum elsewhere. # So if Israel launches any significant attempt to seize, hold and pacify Gaza, there will be massive civilian loss of life. As someone who’s been there during a war, and seen extensive civilian deaths happening right at my feet, I am appalled at the prospect of something qualitatively worse. If in addition the attack is prosecuted using the kind of collective punishment we’re seeing now — “damage instead of accuracy”, the deprivation of water and electricity to the whole population etc — not only will liberal sympathy for Israel evaporate, but the Muslim minorities in some Western countries will be radicalised. That is what gives the international community legitimate right to demand Israeli response is *necessary, proportional and legal.* # Danger of miscalculation Both sides risk miscalculating. Hamas does not care what happens to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, many of whom hate Hamas. A chilling [Channel 4 News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeuNRaNGQr8) report from inside Gaza shows Palestinian civilians frantically searching for medical help for their kids, where there is none. What happens to their minds after a month under bombardment of this severity would be uncharted territory for the people of the strip. The thought-patterns I remember from 2014 were these: people in Gaza knew that the resistance had launched rockets, or staged incursions, in order to extract some tactical concessions from Israel, and that the bombing would at some point stop. There were regular ceasefires and continuous mediation. There was food, for those who could afford it, and a continuous 3G signal for people’s cellphones. I also remember the vehemence with which in 2014, for example, Fatah sympathisers would quote Mohammed Deif’s claim that “Hamas only attacks the IDF, not civilians”. The panic depicted on Channel 4 News suggests it has dawned on some people that these assumptions no longer hold. People fear they will be either massacred or forcibly expelled into Egypt, with the option of living in an Israeli occupied wasteland as the only alternative. There may be no ceasefires, no foreign medical teams, no electricity or water. As I write, the rapid deterioration of medical care, and large numbers of child victims of Israeli bombing, already show a marked change compared to conditions at this stage of the 2014 conflict. # So Hamas now either cements the loyalty of the population or its support collapses as a consequence of defeat. But there is a danger of miscalculation for Israel too. Netanyahu’s far-right government completely missed the threat, actively stoked tensions in the West Bank and Al Aqsa, and could easily now double down on a self-destructive course. Ultimately, you cannot hold two million people in an open air prison without a gaoler to keep order. If Hamas can’t do it, the IDF will have to be a permanent occupation force, or it will have to install the PA, or the UN will have to send a stabilisation force. The very impossibility of all these outcomes shows why we need an internationally mediated peace, alongside a functional two-state solution, which allows the people of Gaza to live in peace, exercise democracy and travel across borders. If Netanyahu’s endgame is a revenge fantasy of flattening Gaza and pushing its inhabitants into the desert, that’s not an endgame at all — only the casus bellifor a regional war. # The BRICS+ ideology The Gaza crisis is the latest example of how the Russian/Chinese “multipolar world” project works in practice. It doesn’t matter whether there is a chain of command that goes Moscow→Tehran→Hamas. There is a *chain of understanding* — seize every opportunity to militarise all conflict; exploit every unexpected breakthrough; make all violence symbolic; weaponise the information space and push conflict into the heartlands of “imperialism”. It’s the information-era version of Tukachevsky’s [maxim](https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/English-Edition-Archives/November-December-2018/Blythe-Operational-Art/): assault the enemy throughout the depths of his formation. Both Russian and pro-China proxy networks have created media outlets, money, content and social media amplification systems for the BRICS+ ideology. Its central tenets are that a multipolar world is better than the Charter system; that universalism and international law are over; that the West no longer has the right to use the structures of international governance to normalise concepts like democracy or human rights; and that everything that disorganises the rules-based order is progressive, even when carried out by reactionary political forces. And that explains what’s happened in the West over the past five days: Palestinian solidarity movements that which were generally aligned with Fatah suddenly moving in the direction of overtly celebrating Hamas terror. Arab nationalism no longer looks like the dominant ideology on the demonstrations we’ve seen in Sydney, London and NYC. Alongside it there’s a mixture of Islamism plus the “decolonisation” agenda of postmodernist academia. That’s why we’re seeing the phenomenon of left-wing politicians haplessly turning up to events where the crowd, as in Sydney, chants “Gas The Jews” or, as in NYC, wave images of Swastikas on their iPhones, or where as in Brighton speakers hail the murder of 1200+ Israelis as “beautiful”. For the past two years, during the Ukraine war, this incipient red-brown ideology has been mostly contained: see the bedraggled Stop The War demos here, the pathetic rallies staged jointly by Sara Wagenknecht and the AfD, the failure of Zoe Konstantopoulou’s left nationalist party in Greece. What they were missing were the masses. But with this conflict there is now a danger that the masses turn up, and are corralled into this emergent fusion of far-left/far-right politics. I’ve spent the period post-2016 trying to equip the democratic left to defeat this ideology. It’s not about being “anti-woke”, or apologising for colonialism: it means teaching people that a cocktail of anti-humanism, anti-universalism and anti-rationality is a route to excusing the totalitarian states in Russia and China, and — now — the genocidal actions of their proxies. # That Harvard statement… A case study of this is the [statement](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1654370) issued by 31 Harvard student groups saying they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all the unfolding violence” — just hours after the Hamas attack began. They have been condemned by elderly conservative alumni, but I think it’s better to engage them. The logic of the statement is pretty simple. It makes no mention of the *actual terrorist attack*, the calculated killing of civilians, the hostage taking or use of disgusting imagery to instil terror. Its title refers simply to the “Situation in Palestine”. The only concrete reference to what is happening comes in the line: >*“The coming days will require a firm stand against colonial retaliation. We call on the Harvard community to take action to stop the ongoing annihilation of Palestinians.”* From this implicit premise — the non-existence of Israeli victims, or Hamas war crimes or genocidal intent — flows the conclusion: >*“The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years.”* This, of course, is a direct echo of pro-Kremlin propaganda over Ukraine, where “NATO aggression” is the only thing to blame for Russia’s criminal aggression. The logic is that Israel is responsible for everything Hamas does *because* its violence has “structured every aspect of Palestinian existence” since the Nakba. It is a ridiculous assertion. By the same logic Israel was also “to blame” for the Black September movement, Leila Khaled, Yasser Arafat, the Oslo accords, and the two Intifadas. The logical implication is that Palestinians have no agency whatsoever. That Hamas murders civilians because Israel has “structured” Palestinian reality to make that inevitable. For people presumably wedded to “decolonising” the curriculum, it is a shockingly colonialist premise. Our task — on the democratic and internationalist left — is to offer the signatories of this statement a route out of this. Learning to use formal logic might be a start. Accepting, as Marx says, that “history is nothing but people pursuing their aims” regardless of how oppression structures their behaviour, might be a second. Reference to some basic shared ethical principles might be a third. But we need to understand how closely this hyper-deterministic and anti-universal world view maps onto the ideology presented, for example, by Putin at [Valdai](http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/72444) last week. For Putin there is no single human civilisation, only civilisations, which must be rooted in ethnicity establish their co-existence through the survival of the fittest: >*“There are many civilisations, and none is superior or inferior to another. They are equal since each civilisation represents a unique expression of its own culture, traditions, and the aspirations of its people.”* In a way, what Putin preaches is an “intersectionality of the peoples”: identity politics raised from the level of the individual to the level of the ethnic group. And it turns out anti-Enlightenment leftism makes it pretty easy to converge with that view. The common assumptions are disdain for universalism, scorn for international law and human rights, repudiation of the Enlightenment (and thus liberalism, social democracy, humanistic Marxism and anarchism) and worship of any totalitarian government that delivers economic development. This is the modern incarnation of Stalinism, and — to the surprise of nobody who has studied actual Stalinism — it has no problem seeing fascists like Hamas as the “agent of progress”. # Two irreconcileable lefts There’s much [soul searching today](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/10/a-left-that-refuses-to-condemn-mass-murder-is-doomed.html), especially in the US media, about why so many on the left, and in academia, have thoughtlessly cheered on mass murder. The answer is that, first over Ukraine, and now over Hamas, the global left is rapidly splitting into irreconcileable camps — as Edward Thompson [recognised](https://www.marxists.org/archive/thompson-ep/1978/pot/essay.htm) it would, under the influence of post-structuralism in the 1970s. One camp, he said, is a theology. The other a tradition of active reason. The first repudiates liberalism and universalism. The second recognises its debt to liberalism and wants to make universalism consistent. The first claims international law is a sham; the second knows that, though the institutions of the rules-based order are flawed, they are better than chaos. Today, the first is on the side of Putin, Khamenei and Assad. The second knows that you can stand with the Israeli people under attack while simultaneously standing up for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. And here’s the ultimate irony. The entire Palestinian project of a state has, since 1967, relied on [resolutions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_resolutions_concerning_Palestine#:~:text=Resolution%20681) passed at the United Nations and on international law. In short, on the multilateral rules based order. Those who advocate a multipolar world without treaties, laws and norms of state behaviour need to understand how perilous such a world would be for the people of Gaza. Those flaunting their joy at the murder of Israeli civilians need to understand the licence this creates in the minds of rightwing ethno-nationalists in our own society. What Hamas did to the kids of Kfar Azar, the far right wants to do to you. Solidarity to all my friends in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Negotiators from EU countries and the European Parliament agreed on a landmark new law to restore at least 20% of Europe’s land and sea areas by 2030 and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

Multinational firms will have to pay a minimum of 15% tax on all of the profits they make worldwide, regardless of where the profits are generated.