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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I like “heat pump”. It’s a very nice ELI5 name. It’s a pump for heat. A water pump takes water and forces it to where it wouldn’t go naturally. A heat pump does the same.

I’m obviously a fan of LE but a simple self-hosted option with a custom CA would be great for local machines:

  • I don’t want every Raspberry Pi/laptop/temp VM/whatever published into the cert transparency record
  • Configuring the router to forward every local hostname to the machine’s .well-known would be awful (if my ISP even allowed port 80)
  • Exposing local machines to the Internet is an unnecessary degradation of security

It’s a modern take on the Pidgin concept. Pidgin ran locally on one computer and didn’t sync anything between any of your other Pidgin installs. Also, your login details for every account were usually in plaintext on disk. In practice, it feels

Beeper (really Matrix + bridges) is a network service that you can access with a browser, mobile app, whatever.

Same. I forget how long I’ve had it (primary domain even) and I just got the email today.

Google Voice is not available in my country. Plus, it’s Google.

Also, Google Voice takes my top pick for the next round of Google product executions. It receives no updates: no RCS, no fake iMessage support (parsing the Liked "prev message" stuff), and it’s buggy as shit.

I’d gladly even pay for GVoice if it meant it got a renovation and it was going to outlast Google’s attention span. Telephony is something I just don’t want to self-host because there’s no way telecom companies will make it easy.

I agree and you’re forgetting old people. A lot of them have straight up told me, “I’ll be dead when the worst hits, so why should I care?” People need more cynicism for human behavior; it’s not entirely cartels and conspiracies.

Cisco owned the “iPhone” trademark and was actively using it to sell products. Weirder things have happened.

Apple simply started using it and told Cisco, “Make me stop”.

My Pass setup uses an NFC Yubikey, which works on my PC and Android. On Android, Open Keychain can use the key for the ssh connection as well.

The git server for syncing is just ssh with a forced command.

The gpg key itself is backed up on a thumb drive, in case I need to recreate the yubikey.

What a super weird question. “Cloud computing” is distributed computing. Distributed computing is practically all we have left. Bitcoin/crypto, Kubernetes, Bit Torrent, and endless AWS/Cloud infra patterns. Then we have our happy little Fediverse here.

I feel the author was trying to say “is at home distributed computing dying?” In which case, yes, because Mobile took over and you really can’t do background compute on those. Certainly not like how SETI@Home worked.

Netbooks absolutely were overhyped, and the market for them died really quickly. They were barely usable, and by 2010 when tablets really started hitting the market, there wasn’t a space for them anymore.

I think the Netbook concept lives on in Chromebooks: Cheap, low power laptops that make sense in scenarios where higher cost laptops don’t fit. Schools, kids, etc.

Some fraction of it was probably eaten by Raspberry Pi’s as well. A 12V barrel plug was like the USB-C of 2008. For pennies, you got a intergrate anywhere Linux machine that could augment a lot of hackery.