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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I like this list, but how is Diablo IV on there as the sole representation of an ARPG, it’s so bland.

But Solo Self Found is quite popular and surely that’s entirely without trading?

Or are you also talking about Vendor trading/crafting like the Chaos recipe?

I honestly thought the dev team had gone to an end on Grim Dawn, but they’ve kept it going with patches and content.

It’s not a huge threat to the movie and tv industry yet, but it could be soon, from writing scripts, to using actors voices and then likenesses, then eventually crafting scenes and episodes based entirely on prompts and AI its probably only a matter of time, unless regulation and Unions stand in the way.

It’s worth noting too that the games industry these days is bigger than movies, so I think this situation is a good thing for SAG AFRA to stand firm on.

I’d be interested to know more about that.

I played through the game using a couple of mods and reshade plugins that gave it the E3 feel, it was really nice and a great gaming memory of mine.

Just couldn’t get into WD2 or 3

It’s true, I’ve never gone back, also the joystick is a bit naff anyway

Reckon this is worth picking up on sale? I’m interested in it having played all the previous games, but I’m worried the battle pass and mtx is ruining it.

Now it’s been out for a few seasons what do you think?

Yeah I can’t remember my game either, it might have been something like Joe Blade 3?

There was an old Spectrum Game that actually loaded up Pacman first before the main game.

I’m not sure the worst year is specific to game developers though, the whole world is under economic squeeze, take a look at the layoffs in the tech industry.

Yes, but you need to work with a porting company or pay for proprietary software

Sounds like Godot is more for your usecase then

Isn’t this the outcome from it all?

Rational people who aren’t fanboys or haters buy and play games with low expectations, and are rarely disappointed.

Agreed, the best attempt was the subscription model for mmorpgs, but even that hasn’t been ubiquitous

In my experience it’s like 2 players have full agency to play independently, unlike other coop games where the experience for player two is often driven by player one.

In BG3 you can run off in completely different directions, engage with your own NPCs in conversation while the other player starts a fight and it’s seamless

They’re a strange developer are Fatshark, clearly very talented creatively, but their business side needs improvement.

Poor choices but with MTX and their project management is dire

Ah, I noticed this, I felt the same didn’t understand why the truth, doubt system didn’t seem to match up with the response.

Still a great game though at the time and I felt it hard to play other immersive games where the character face animation was so poor in comparison

GoG is no longer completely DRM free, one example is the Hitman games that require online connection to play.

I’ve finished Kingmaker and WotR is in my backlog.

Pathfinder is a really decent RPG system with tons of choice, but the game Kingmaker comes out as quite linear, you don’t really have much choice in how you play the game apart from being good or evil.

The game is split between being a typical adventure explorer RPG and being a kingdom management game, the former is interesting and has good quests, the latter is opaque, difficult to get to grips with and inflexible.

The worse part is no matter your best intentions, it you don’t do exactly the right things with your kingdom you can find yourself in a dire losing position by the late game.

I don’t mind games that have failure conditions, but losing the Kingmaker game after 30+hrs of playtime because your kingdom starts rioting and you can’t complete any events seems too harsh to me.

Personally I had to turnoff all the failure conditions in the options so that I could grind through the game to get through the final quests, it ended up leaving a bitter taste for the game which started off as promising.

I hear most of these issues have been addressed in WotR though so I’m looking forward to picking up that.

Power consumption wise wouldn’t a laptop be expensive to run as a server compared to other options?