Just another ordinary, average guy.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


People always doubt democracy until they end up in a dictatorship of one kind or another. Then, they learn the hard way why a democracy is better.

And we really only have a few reddit and stackexchange posts to verify that this is not a fake event?

This whole story looks like disinformation.

“there hands”

“nefarious no-gooders”

“to these pirates”

“illegal files”

“of course”

Am I reading an AI trying to sound hip and trendy?

I wish the article did a better job of exploring the subject. It really only presents one side of the story, here.

Discomfort, he believed, was a good thing.

This is really all you need to know about worthless scum like Elon.

I honestly think people using comic sans is more nightmarish than anything inflicted on us by wordpad.

Kiwi Farms is an active terrorist threat. Not taking them down is dangerous and irresponsible.

In a report released today, researchers from Group-IB said they discovered the WinRAR zero-day being used to target cryptocurrency and stock trading forums, where the hackers pretended to be other enthusiasts sharing their trading strategies.

These forum posts contained links to specially crafted WinRAR ZIP or RAR archives that pretended to include the shared trading strategy, consisting of PDFs, text files, and images.

I see an “invest in bitcoin” and I immediately think caveat emptor.

No word on how anybody would ship all that food to places like Kenya.

To be continued…

More charges could come, and Hilson said in a statement: “This process is still ongoing and not over.”

Some warship is going to detect this on their radar, confuse it with a sub and maybe cause an international incident.

I’d really just prefer if they made it easier to arrange bookmarks/bookmark folders on Android.


Nice internet you have there. It would be a shame if something “happened” to it.

Theft is when you deprive someone of one of their possessions. How is sharing content the same as doing that? The only “theft” going on here is content producers trying to steal the meaning of the word theft.

If people need compensation for their content production (and they really should) then that can be provided for by patronage, by donations, by society in general. Putting the round peg of that responsibility into the square hole of each person “consuming” the content makes zero sense in the grand scheme of things.

The real piracy was the friends we made on the way.