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Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Well of course it is… you gotta render the service paid for lol let the Russian oligarchs get their money’s worth.

What’s Meta need a bunch of fascist Christian nationalists for? It’s not like they have an overlapping demograph-oh yeah, ofc.

Mark Zuckerbot sure is a shrew bastard. Elon Musk wishes he had his computational brain.

The problem with automating everything is that suddenly consumers have no money to spend on products and services… you know what that means.

Universal Basic Income

That, or an oligarchy class keeps a distance between themselves and 99% of the people via privatised security, or even national security.

So socialism, or a return to the aristocracy. Take your pick.

This, and Bangladesh. All places that rely on wage slavery, child labour and unethical working conditions, because that which is unethical is also very cheap.

You can’t really compete with slavery, because again: it’s very cheap, and the way the Chinese state leads Chinese farmers and villagers into social lock-ins, whereby they legally become stuck in an area where there’s only grueling, deadly, soul crushing and back breaking labour that leads to a life of poverty becomes a problem for the rest of the world if it’s used to manipulate the markets.

I do of course realise this article is about “too big to fail” companies that corner every market, but I also think that the west and the east needs to think about what it means to partake in a race to the bottom where wage slavery is part and parcel of the market. It creates conditions whereby competition involves who can make the most horrible living conditions in the world, and do you really want that?

There are Chinese labourer families who have been trying to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” for generations now, and it’s all thanks to other nations enabling the Chinese regime - especially the west.

Like foreign despotic and authoritarian people promoting a local party isn’t the biggest reddest flag. Like okay, I at least know who to warn people about.

It’s the worst endorsement, but these people are too stupid to realise that.

This is why Godot is so important and that source available can be something the EU has to consider for all newly designed games. Sorry, small, mid and big time game studios, and screw you publishers, what we need is to make sure that the barrier to entry for game developers is significantly lowered. What, you think I’m taking about video game conservation? Leave that to AccursedFarms.

What I’m saying is that you can more easily pitch games to publishers, using assets and engines that are already “standardised”, like Bethesda’s several Rube Goldberg machines, if they are available. I’m looking at Fallout London as saying to myself: why isn’t this on Steam, Switch, and every other platform Fallout 4 can run on, being sold by Bethesda?

Even split prices, one for people who already owned Fallout 4, one for who recently purchased Fallout 4 if they don’t have Fallout 4 - if you wanna be pedantic. But the point remains the same: these lovely modder devs, though they shouldn’t be forced, could have pitched this game to Bethesda, even as an “off-universe” game. Whatever.

But then we remember the Fallout 76 Store. Oh my god, no. And DMCA takedowns, claims of copyright infringement - even though “modified works” doesn’t exclude software - and what about actual live services and competitive games? Like could the community make the server instead? Can it be something even the Olympic Committee has a hand in, so the game can be vetted for the Olympics?

Like update your EULA. “May be used, modified and deployed for free if it’s used for education and development purposes”. I’m not a lawyer, so take them scribblings with a grain of salt, but something like that would really just add an extra level in participation in schools, clubs, organisations, etc, even as an easy way to recruit and receive games and new worlds, for free.

Free the engine! Free all of the engines! NOW!!! “The secret sauce” fallacy has been stupid, is stupid right now, and will continue to be stupid into the future - unless we do something about it.

Free the engines!

Spot on. Racists will scapegoat people groups for the corruption within their own system, in effect blaming someone completely innocent of any wrongdoing against the economy, because that will always be and the politicians fault.

But of course, historically speaking, you screw up the economy and you you go “oh no, it’s the Jews” or “the Darkies” or whatever people group you can find, because at that point you’d be stupid to not play that card.

I mean, what are you gonna do? Fess up and make amends? No. That’s dumb, optically. Better hope it blows over and we can just forget the whole thing… or, you know what we can do…

“You’re not fooling anyone, r/TigTooty - banned.”

r/BigBooty is going to be bone dry…

Unless Reddit actually monetizes the process for content creators, in which case, we need them to open up their books - because then they’ll be running a marketplace.

That man is a goddamn national treasure. What has he been doing for the past half century? Oh yeah, facing the housing crisis head on by just building more housing, personally, with his own two hands.

Soyjak Neo-libs hate this one simple trick. “Noooo! Let the markets adjust themselves!” Haha power tool go brrrr.

Goddamn, the republicans really just love utelizing organisations like battalions on warmaps. It’s all about defying democracy and centralising power in favour of the Republicans.

You gotta project, because then it seems like you’re the one calling out your opponent, also known as the pre-emptive dog and pony attack.

This is why Russophobia is dumb. They can hardly organise in diaspora because people become sceptical and paranoid, in effect helping Putin to cut off the oxygen of any dissent movement.

You should help Russians in your town or city. You should help them organise, get funding and to basically form a clear Russian identity outside the Russian nationalist propaganda engine.

This is not only important, but crucial to save Ukraine, because pressure must be applied - on both sides of the border.

Is this a good time to pipe up and say New Public Management was a bad idea?

They spent a lot of GPU time trying to get it just right.

Is this a good time to say the obvious? No? Well fuck you.

The republicans run the courts.

“The ratio will go down, after a while, bear with us.”

The company, and also probably the Chinese government… most likely.

This is what corporate speech control looks like, kids. Not even once.

TL;Dr licensed firmware is garbo - open firmware ftw

This - is what we need.

The only ones who can really push the envelope on getting RISC-V into the hands of consumer, and indeed up to an IPC comparable to ARM, are companies like Deep Computing and Si-Five.

The biggest problem in the computing world, bar none, are not the predatory companies, vendor lockins, or proprietary operating systems, it’s always been licensing. This is why BSD existed in the first place, because a $1000 a month per seat to copy a file without pulling and pushing bits around is a bit too much, even if it was the 70s.

Similarly, in a time of green washing, eWaste and even planned obsolescence, one of the things that help to underpin all of these afformentioned evils is secret sauce firmware.

No matter what you say, if you don’t have access to the source code for firmware and bootloaders, you’ve got a lifetime set by the vendor based on how long they can actually support the hardware - because employees cost money. You can’t realistically expect a company to support something they’re not making money on anymore, and they’d most likely just want to sell you new hardware.

This is where RISC-V comes in swinging. I’m not saying that all RISC-V hardware will come with open firmware, but the ball is rolling and with it we can finally bridge the gap spanned by tech companies, where the average Jane or Joe can in effect easily modify their firmware code, albeit through security principles of course.

Unlike Open Source, Open Firmware is a bit trickier. Decades of industrial precedent, and indeed vendor lockins the OEM’s are beholden to, like proprietary BIOS, makes it that much harder to establish - especially when designing an entire ISA and getting it to prefab is a Lord of the Rings length journey. There is no griffin shortcut.

No doubt I’ll have naysayers. Just mentioning open firmware in the average matrix chat riles the gallery, as is the style, but even the likes of NVIDIA are opening up their code (thanks, AI) to the point where NVK is not that far from stable, untainting your kernel. Yay.

Everybody ♥️ open source, don’t they? But how about giving some love to Open Firmware? In the FUTURE 🐙 we’ll hopefully have vendors and foreign interests shoved tf out of our hardware, and good riddance, because they shouldn’t be in control of it in the first place.

I await your ire.

And shout outs to the libreboot maintainer. What in the ever loving Carmack is FSF up to? Libre ain’t a brand, it’s a philosophy.

TL;Dr you’re a dog whistling fool.

I challenge you to go live in Gaza and pretend you’re Palestinian…

See how stupid that sounds? Though you’re probably so delusional, you think you’d be fine, running around safe and protected areas within Israel screaming "WHERE’S THE APARTHEID?!?!!’ Not only that, but your ignorance of geopolitics needs to be broken down as well.

“basically every Muslim country”… oh, you mean the middle east? That place that keeps getting invaded and overthrown? Why did we invade Afghanistan… again and again? Thank you the three stooges of western geopolitics , the US, France and Britain - the tag team of degenerates in fancy suits. Why was the democratically elected government of Iran overthrown? Oh right, the only thing worse than liberalism, SOCIALISM. Let’s help install a a very socially conservative Ayatollah instead… also, let’s destroy Iraq and install yesmen - y’know, for oil. Surely that’s not a bad idea… it’s like Yosemiti Sam shooting and being pushed back over, and over, and over again, as western society takes another geo-political black eye.

And you wonder why they go against western ideals? It’s that problem where sovereignty doesn’t mean shit the second you step over the border, and after DECADES of meddling and destroying economies, literally colonizing a place, the entire region becomes authoritarian nationalist, and you go “lol Muslims”?

Bro, go back to school. Stop being retarded with your smooth brain. Learn what the word “precedent” means in a social historical context. Unless, y’know, you ignore it for a specific purpose…

“Uh, but they are authoritarian nationalist based on religion, but not the authoritarian nationalism based on religion that I want”. I bet there is no LGBTQ persecution in Israel by nationalist, orthodox Jews… right… right? Or here in the west? No? “No, it’s the mozlems”.

To conclude: either everyone is free, or no one is free. Any exception is some authoritarian mental gymnastics bullshit by smooth brained westerners who got skullfucked by instituonal parties - and then, and then having the balls to pretend they are fighting against authoritarianism…

Stfu, bro. You can shove your ignorance, fear mongering, dehumanization and dog whistling straight up your hypocritical, delusional ass. We got healing to do, and you are against that movement - mostly because you won’t seek therapy instead of doing stupid hot takes online.

Laugh all you want, but you know Microsoft will make a TUI version of VSCode and Copilot+ will be implemented into BASH.

No! Now take this slave labour cobalt and partake in the market place of ideas… I said partake! *shakes fist*

We need to criminalise the proximity of congressman around microphones.

Good. The US shouldn’t get a blank cheque to just arrest somebody without a good reason.

That the leaked information caused the US government some pain is not a good enough reason, mostly because no power should be beyond reproach… because it’s extremely undemocratic and very anti free speech.

But congress gonna congress, I guess.

Don’t blame the Americans. They don’t see that we have our own slow crawl in a race to the bottom. The EU has recognised it and pays lip service, but that organ-grinder gotta spin, spin, spin…

…but yeah, regulation wise Europeans get a ton more representation. In the US representation means which talking mouthpiece is going to serve the instituons today, and then they go do a lil insider trading - as a treat.

This is what people misunderstand. The question is what effect will it have regarding to how certain governments, organizations and companies deal with ICC law. It’s not a question of getting Netenyahu arrested, but adding more precedent on file to continue pushing divestment.

If the verdict is passed, it’s up to anyone who can use it to weaken the Isreali government and strengthen the Palestinian government, by adding it to the pile of legitimate reasons to cut funding.

So yeah, it’s up to government and people in general - as per usual.

An economist, ey? Running low on shells? Need to nip, tuck a few budgets? Well…

With each passing day that is less and less true. Ask any Hong Kong patriot. Even though China technically hasn’t annexed them, the Hong Kong leadership leans closer towards Beijing every day. I wouldn’t put it past Hong Kong intelligence “doing favours” for Beijing.

You mean liberals are crooked… so both the democrats and republicans… one is neo, the other classical… both imperialistic :D Yeeeey Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raegen were liberals…

So yeah, definitely corrupt. Vote third party, or vote for electoral reform. If not? Stop complaining.

You’ll have to install it onto your soul, once again revolutionising the video game industry - and the world at large.

Gosh darn it, Newell. It’s too much winning. So much good faith. Leave some for the rest of us! Look at Elon! He’s dying over there!

Why are people so confused? Microsoft wanted monopoly by acquiring a bunch of companies, to consolidate their intellectual property and shaft it’s employees, the people who created the software in the first place.

Classic Microsoft.

It’s an ancient political tactic of “I was just defending myself”. What was it the Nazis said about Jews? Oh right, they were just “defending themselves”.

Why not? Because they’ve done this before and it’s getting ridiculous. The process goes thusly.

  1. Isreal announces a ceasefire plan they are sure Palestinians will reject
  2. Palestinian officials accepts the ceasefire
  3. Isreal goes “Well screw it then, now I don’t want to do it” and continues their genocidal ways.

And so on, and so forth.