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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Oops. Just imagine the karma I would have lost, were I still on Reddit…

Most people are still using Java 8 (including android)…

Surveys don’t seem to back this up any more… Yes there’s a lot of Java 8 code. But more and more of it is maintenance rather than new development. Respondents of surveys that are able to list the versions they use in production (vs ‘pick one’) have indicated that for many teams with exposure to Java 8, they also have newer versions in production - showing that Java 8 is increasingly about maintenance than ongoing development (with the blocks to moving forward being a mix economic and technical factors).

The most dominant frameworks in the industry are ending their support for Java 8 - so not too far down the track, staying on Java 8 will mean that while you can pay for platform support, framework support is going to disappear anyway.

…we are currently at ~java 20.

Yes Java 20 is the current release, with Oracle’s LTS being Java 17 (the previous ones being 17, 11 and 8 - with 8 having the largest paid support window).

Java 21 is out in a couple of weeks and will become the new Oracle LTS (other vendors and frameworks tend to align on this LTS designation so it continues to be important).

Well. It’s certainly close. Still looks a little tight.


Maybe the upcoming Samsung 57" 32:9 2160p will finally get us there…

If I see any other clones show up I’ll add them to my private clone as remotes.

This way I can easily collate any updates they receive and, if they all start disappearing I’ll be able to re-publish it somewhere anonymously.

Hopefully that provides another tricky target for take-down whack-a-mole.

I poured way too much time into Rogue, Moria, Angband and Zangband back in the day… Sad to see Zangband completely disappeared - no idea if there’s a similar flavour floating around.

Played a couple of newer more graphical (and probably better balanced games) but I actually found them less engaging.

My son was madly into Shattered Pixel Dungeon for a while.