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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


Firstly, Putin has decent support in spite of the elections being a sham.

Secondly, there’s literally nothing else you can do to make a regime change happen from the outside. Except war, which no one wants.

So keep rolling your eyes in ignorance.

Africans and Asians pirate a shit ton of stuff, so I don’t know why you had to bring race into this

HTTPS does enforce at least one sided authentication though. In the scenario the service they access is most likely being hosted by a server that does authenticate via X.509 cert.

Unless it’s p2p of course.

Ah, okay, thank you.

So the problem isn’t for the downloading party but for content availability on the server.

Dumb question: how can you get DMCA’d?

I thought it’s all encrypted and servers are no log?

I don’t know what you do exactly, but I appreciate every single volunteer and the work they put in to make everyone’s life better

The idea that they would begin to ask a question and I’d say “well thanks for your time but we’re done here” is legitimately hilarious.

Lmao I did never say that. You can ask questions but I cannot tell you about confidential information, e.g. the exact budget. After all you could just be someone sent from a competitor.

Something you probably should know as a manager.

That’s how we get pay inequity and ensure that workers’ power is diminished.

Ehm no, as a manager you can circumvent that very easily by just paying people the same amount or offering the same amount at least.

Maybe you’re hiring for extremely entry level positions (like…cashier) or something where the job is extremely well defined and you’re looking for a pair of hands to do a job but I want to hire the kind of people who ask these questions.

That is a very euphemistic way to describe a lack of roles and responsibilities within your company. That is something I would avoid like the plague.

You are interviewing and the interviewer usually asks the questions. After all the interviewer already has a job and you are supposedly looking for one. In this scenario you are always operating at a disadvantage, because I know the budget and you don’t.

You are not obligated to provide a number by law or anything, but if I ask for one and you go “no you” that is just… Weird and unprofessional.

I’ll end the discussion here though and wish you all the best with your future negotiations. I just wanted to provide a counter point from the perspective of an IT manager.

I have never been an interviewer or interviewee where you are not supposed to give a number.

Of course they try to low ball you. You counter act by giving a number that allows you to haggle. That is how negotiation works.

You’re not negotiating by refusing to give a number. At this point you denied the negotiation that was started by me asking for your expectation.

Yeah, exactly. People upvoted this take that won’t work for 99.9999% of people lol

As a manager that contest would be ended instantly and I’d tell you to give me a number or get out

If people are working on 200 things at once it’s your job to provide them with clear cut tasks, priorities, and deadlines.

Spoken like a true cyber security professional.

Great answer.

Nothing was stolen.

Drawing inspiration from someone else by looking at their work has been around for centuries.

Imagine if the Renaissance couldn’t happen because artists didn’t want their style stolen.