• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Does this mean the Internet Archive will no longer be archiving reddit posts? That’s how I’ve tried viewing most since I deleted my accounts.

Carbon credits are a bunch of bullshit so this probably is too.

Trump and the like are always screaming about liberals doing witch hunts on them while they are doing very illegal shit. That’s exactly what these guys are going to do if they get a hold of power. It’s always projection.

We ended up nailing them down to plywood. They registered waaaaay better but wore out 3x as fast.

Behold this $400 monstrosity. This is my Xbox Adaptive controller set up mapped for Ultima Online Outlands. I’ve had a few iterations but this seems best for me so far. Can use it with some other games but that requires using WASD with my feets. It costs so much because it took 3 freaking Logitech kits to get all the buttons I needed. 😭

My wife had a PS2 version of this with Final Fantasy 11 and the hard drive/modem attachment. I had never seen one before. It was pretty cool.

Second this. You can set it to enable when you place your finger on either joystick, the trackpad or even set it up to turn on when you press whichever button to ADS. It works very well and has a ton of customization options.

It wasn’t showing up for me on the families beta I was already on. Switching to the regular beta it now is and the family function looks the same.

Is this beta separate from the Family beta? I guess you can’t do both?

Picked up 30XX last night and have been going through it. Very fun so far but the end boss is just a bunch of bullllllshitta.
SpiderHeck because I can never fully put it down.
Finally finished the full Red Dead Redemption 2 story. (After putting 450 hours into Red Dead Online and starting the single player over a year ago lol).
City of Heroes is always in the rotation. Can’t stop won’t stop (unless they shut it down again).

The scraped AI generated SEO’d to hell tech sites that push their bullshit registry/driver/ram software overtook anything actually useful. It’s a sad state out there.

Sounds like Microsoft is the problem here. Their antics finally got me to switch to Linux with Copilot.

Just curious, are you unvaccinated too?

I think their first use of CoPilot was for pairing two Xbox controllers together for accessibility. Instead of making up something new, they just co-opt it from that and now it’s going to be impossible to google Copilot for Xbox Controllers issues.

Oh well, glad I made the switch to Linux.

“Well we let half the team go after the last version launched, so you’ll have to make due with what they left behind.”

What the fuck does Google know about support? They’ve never supported anything.

Pacific Drive was interesting but short. Then went 0-7 on Tribes 3: Rivals. 🥲

I’ve been going through this every now and then with Firefox and uBlock. It feels like maybe it’s in-between Youtube making their change and uBlock catching up. I’ll go through the purge process but will still be blocked. Check back the next day and videos play fine with ads blocked.

My workaround in that in-between time is either open up a private browser (with ublock turned on for private browsing), watching it not logged in. Or I paste the video to a hidden discord channel I have on my server and watch that way (unless the video disables embedding). It’s always worked for me those two ways.

I always uninstall OneDrive after a windows reinstall and I’ve had zero problems with seeing it after. If you don’t use it, remove it?

Skyrim VR modded to hell is nuts and incredibly fun.

At the time of launch, Microsoft was the only vendor that had buttons in stock. All the accessibility sites that sold custom ones were sold out. I did buy a mix of loose arcade buttons with the idea to create my own. I gave up on that once I saw the Logitech kit. It’s built nicer than what I would have been able to build myself, with way less effort. I’ve bought one joystick off Etsy to use with my feet. It’s custom made with a 3d printed shell, it’s nice but it was also $45 for a single input. Ughhhh.

Great article and it sums up my feelings pretty well. I’m incredibly grateful for the XAC. What it has allowed me to combine together to play games, it’s wonderful. But it’s been a bumpy, expensive road to get here. I bought it on launch and the accessories that Microsoft offered at the time of launch were laughable. I only bought a single $60 big red button for it. I get it and the button is so sensitive I think I could set it off by breathing on it. I needed to use it with my feet so that’s no good.

The whole thing sat for a good year or more collecting dust until I came across Logitechs adaptive gaming kit. A great selection of buttons and everything you need to mark and manage them. It’s $120 (ughhhh) and to get all the buttons I want for how I use it, I’ll need 3 of them. My whole setup for it is over $400, ridiculous. Thankfully I am able to work with my disability and can afford that, but back when I was on SSI, no way in hell. I guess it’s cheaper than all the controllers I have bought in the past trying to find one I really enjoy using.

What I came up with, also using foot controls for WASD. https://i.imgur.com/30F9NUi.jpg

Some general rambling, the Xbox Accessories app needs a major overhaul, it’s a mess. Last time I checked Microsoft’s support site for the XAC was a bunch of broken links. Also the XAC stopped working shortly after the warranty expired. It has an internal battery the failed. Opening it up and disconnecting/removing that battery got it going again. Couldn’t find the battery anywhere for purchase, so it only works hardwired now but that’s not really a problem.

I was incredibly sad to see that Sony decided to launch it’s own product instead of just allowing the XAC to work natively on their device. While I’m sure Sony’s will work for some people, I just don’t see how and I’m not interested in buying another device. I’ll just stick with PC. It’s also weird how Sony has yet to show anyone using it, disabled or not.

He sure is a Starfield NPC lookin’ motherfucker.

That rope would provide a more comfortable sleep than his LUMPY pillows. (And a much LONGER one.)

Don’t forget lumpy.

If you were looking for another reason to hate Scientology. Behold.

They’re scared people are going to find out it’s just a repurposed “stress” test machine from one of the thousand defunct malls in America. Or for what it really is, just a box filled with bullshit.

Do they come with HDMI cables? Haven’t bought one in a while but back in the day my Nintendo consoles didn’t come with RF adapters. I remember Christmas 97 and not having one for my N64 and it drove me insane.

If you’re savvy enough to buy a Fairphone you likely have a gajillion USB-C cables and adapters laying around. I appreciate them not generating more waste.

Darksiders Genesis is a fantastic co-op game.

I would agree. It’s wild to me that they are still releasing content (Free and DLC) and regular hotfixes for Vermintide 2. I remember it also releasing in a similar state to Darktide. Which is why I just decided to wait. I’ve had a ton of fun with both Vermintide games, so I have a good feeling they’ll get it there eventually.

“To make us more Agile, we cut off our toes. Now we will run faster!”

Why would you ever want to stream something from ubisoft? I can’t imagine a worse experience.

Should I play Dark Souls original or Remaster?
I already own the original, but back when I got it I was unable to play due to the poor control schemes since I am disabled. Now I own an Xbox Adaptive Controller that I used to play through Elden Ring pretty well. I'd love to go back and play some of the earlier games. I already own the original. Is it in any better state to play? I remember needing to add a fan patch to fix a lot of the issues. Or should I just get the Remaster and call it a day? Is there a recommended play order? I do see people recommending 3 over the first two if you're coming off Elden Ring. Appreciate your opinions. You all are awesome, thanks so much for your recommendations. Decided to give Prepare to Die another shot with DSFix, DS Config Utility and Widescreen Fixer. Looks awesome!! If anyone has issues with the HUD at 5120x1440. In Widescreen Fixer: Uncorrected Resolution: 2560x1440 Bezel-Corrected Resolution: 5120x1440 ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/b0e58fca-5c50-4942-97a2-b3b173184b9b.jpeg)