• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023

{ "key": "six",
  "value": 6,
  "comment": "6 is a bad number. Use five." }

please be Amex, please be Amex, please Amex

I feel like I’m the only one here eloquent enough to attack this preposterous stance, so allow me to gather my wits to plead my convincing rebuttal when I say:

boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (that was hard to type on a smartphone)

and Julia? Well we all know what Julia is slang for

fun fact: Pythagoras was named after the snake god Glycon.

(this is not true)

I’m surprised there aren’t more languages labelled after highly addictive stimulants

I remember when I was added to the wheel group. The change was immediate. It was small things at first: a nod from a cyclist, an apple falling off a tree, the quickening of a hula hoop. But then it got more intense. Bikers would show up outside my house at all hours asking for small change. Beach balls kept ending up on my lawn. Someone defecated perfectly spherically on my doorstep. Friends started noticing my midriff, and made comments about the equator. I finally caved in and bought a camera, only to notice that it too was round. I reached my limit when Da Vinci’s virtuvian man would roll by in my dreams and I would awake screaming. I moved myself directly onto sudoers and haven’t looked back since.

That looks almost real, kudos to the nightmare machine creators

It’s amazing what modern game engine’s can render. That looks almost real, kudos to the creators

“It’s my turn with the stick now, right? Right?”

// outputs 19 billion prime numbers. Checkmate, atheists.

I don’t think they did always (e.g. they dunked on women a lot), but I think their intent was to be more of an absurdist comedy using some known tropes to bond their audience (e.g. in 2000s, where women were dunked on a lot in popular media or portrayed in anti-progressive ways) rather than to propagate the trope itself.

WKUK were very anti-authoritarian, so I give them slack if they messed up along the way and punched down from time to time.

someone made that joke already and it wooshed over my head. I just now got it, thank you

this is beautiful, no more do I need to use regex to get the damn IP address out

WKUK really does look bad out of context. Or in context. Or whatever, I love that show:

If this were Skyrim, I would have murdered you by now without setting a save first

Room 418 seems like a nice place to sit for a quick soothing break

I had to protect myself from you detailheads somehow!

I’ve never understood prompt decoration like this.


sorry, I didn’t mean trigger you. I’ll refer to it as a daddy-pig duo instead

I think since it’s now a software implementation, USB-C supports many such modes, some of which are slave-master as is needed, but others such as various display modes, and power modes.

With USB-C isn’t there still a slave-master dynamic that is now negotiated via software rather than hardware?

Just make sure the first chapter is dedicated to spaghetti, and contains various GOTO statements telling where the reader where to go shove it and other obscenities.

This interface is laughably terrible. For one, everything should be tabs: you should drag files from one tab to another completely blind. For another, I can see the scrollbars which is just bad. Further, there should be a giant ad at the header/footer which shills bitcoin. Finally, the password field shouldn’t be obscured but synced to our online Safe™ for easy retrieval at just 12.99 a month.

We’ve sure come a long way since those primitive days…

without proof, we’re up voting you because we want it to be true

For the entomologists, this is approximately 2.6 trillion ants

its not a ho, Marge. Gee, she’s a real person.

ah no sorry, I actually have no idea what you wrote - I just find the “deleted by creator” stuff I see so often super funny because of how biblical it sounds

I hope you have a better day than this one, and don’t let the mob get you down


immediately a Fremen begins to extoll about my water giving virtues

Cartoons back then were a little bit sambo so to speak, but the intent wasn’t strictly malicious, just uninformed.

You use the words/concepts you know to express something to an audience. If society tells you that native Americans wear headdresses, then you will likely add a headdress when introducing a new native american character, not neccesarily realising the damage of the stereotype behind it.