• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Without context this is meaningless. Are you gotten blocked in Github from a specific repository? And why posting it here, what do you try to achieve?

Modding isn’t specific to PC Gaming only. There are entire communities and specialists dedicated to the development of Romhacks for old console games. Today we are looking at the Genesis / Mega Drive system.

I felt getting ripped off by just reading the article. My recent PC build has 32 GB, is cheaper and the upgrade to 64 GB (meaning additional pair of 16 GB) only costs me around 100 Euros. It’s nice that their devices are probably more effective and need less RAM, which the iPhones proved to be correct. But that does not mean the cost of the additional RAM units are more expensive. Apple chose to make them expensive.

This Is A Very Serious Situation… (By SomeOrdinaryGamers) ~ NFT Party fail, eyes and skin burned
Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at a situation where one of the biggest brands in the world of NFTs, Bored Apes Yacht Club hosted an event in Hong Kong that left it's attendees potentially blind for the rest of their lives. --- Note from me the poster: I added a bit title, because the original title is not descriptive.

You can just transfer the files and it should find them again. I did that with Kiwix and Zeal, if I’m not mistaken. Nowadays I don’t use Zeal, but don’t remember having such a trouble when installing a new os and taking old HDD over.

Nice website. There is also Zeal: https://zealdocs.org/ and for other type of documents. There is Kiwix: https://kiwix.org , which I use to download the entire Wikipedia.

Every software should respect your freedom, not just software that controls your body.

What makes it worse for me is, that I sometimes fall in love with a Free to Play game, instead playing “owned” titles. Then there are the even more enormous count of emulation games with ROMs… and my brother gifted me a Series S where I had tried the Game Pass trial. I don’t know where left and right is anymore.

Sometimes I get hyped when a game is on sale and want to buy and download, to play it. But then realize I already have it and immediately loose interest and move on with my life. Humble Bundle ruined my life.

I have tons of games on Steam I forgot to have them. In example I forgot that I had Skyrim and never played it. I’ve tried it this year for the first time in my life, just to see how it is. And immadiately could not play it, because the intro was bugged and I thought its a puzzle I had to solve. Took me until I understood that I had to limit the fps to 60, because Skyrim is buggy if you play it on a 120 Hz monitor.

That’s interesting! I use RSS (and love it) and never tried this on YouTube. You know what, this is actually amazing! Right now I am visiting some channels which I do not want to miss content on and add as RSS News. Thank you for this!

The satire in me says Microsoft would have lost all Game Pass players if they did that. /s (does the s make the satire non satirical?)

Looking at the comment history of this profile, is this a spam account trying to collect likes before it casts his spam magic spells? Sorry if you are a human, but you look like a malfunctioning robot.

I actually wasn’t aware of this possibility. Thanks. That’s probably what I will do soon and stop visiting YouTube altogether.

At the moment, I am in a hybrid state. I also use Indivious to watch the videos, but I still use the subscription view of YouTube to see what video is new. I have 145 subscriptions. I installed a new addon Redirector, which you can guess what it does, and it redirects each new tab to an Indivious instance if it’s a YouTube video page. So YouTube thinks I stopped watching videos at the moment. Sometimes I forget to middle click instead and get reminded how bad the ads are.

The reason I am doing that is, because I feared Google could delete my account, if I keep blocking ads with uBlock Origin. It probably never happened to anyone, but the uncertainty was too high to risk for me, as I need this account for other things. Also sometimes I want to like or comment on the video too.

Well, well, well, Google. I told you.
This is only 20% of our power. We are not even Super Saiyan yet.

BTW in case you didn’t know, a bare cd without arguments will bring you to your home. I have alias setup to quickly navigate one or two directories up and print the path then:

alias ..='cd .. && pwd'
alias ...='cd ../.. && pwd'

Should works with every shell and I don’t even need to type cd itself.

That’s what Google want you to believe, forget about and step back. It’s not over yet. We just stopped the first wave and it will get harder with each wave.

If they can’t storm the front door, then try to sneak in through the back door I guess.

Came here for Zig too. I never programmed anything in it other than hello world stuff. I think the world is waiting for the 1.0 release with complete tooling and package manager and a solid foundation that won’t change too soon. I watched talks from Andrew and what this guy and his team is doing is amazing. It’s a small team.

I recently switched from regular Vim to Neovim, using LazyVim config.

I agree with you! He changed in recent years and I usually don’t like him anymore and most of his content. But this was really good and any Half-Life fan or anyone else interested into gaming or Valve history might be interested into the interview. The Half-Life developer talks about the development of the original game and how this came to be.

Play the mod we are playing here: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/812440/HalfLife\_Absolute\_Zero/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/812440/HalfLife_Absolute_Zero/) Watch the (nearly) unedited stream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js4H-jq4DLw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js4H-jq4DLw) We're playing a Half-Life Cut content recreation mod, Half-Life: Absolute Zero, with one of the original level designers from Valve Software, **Brett Johnson**. Mr. Johnson worked at Valve from 1996 until 1999, and was responsible for most of the design of Anomalous Materials, Unforeseen Consequences, Surface Tension, the multiplayer map Stalkyard, among many other things. We play through his sections of this recreation mod, judging it's accuracy, and telling stories of what Valve was like back in the 90s. This one is special, thank you Brett.

or merging the ad into the video stream itself. This would make it un-skippable

That’s not true. Besides the point that people can skip any video content manually anyway, I already use a Firefox addon called “SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip sponsorships”, which is configurable and works for other sites as well. The skip points are community maintained, but with the help of AI it should be easy to detect ads automatically. The point is, there are already tools to help with skipping video encoded content.

Me too. And I even purchased the official proprietary dongle from Microsoft and play it wireless. Why not Bluetooth? I don’t like Bluetooth, as I have bad experience with it in the past and would need a dongle for it anyway. Otherwise, the controller works very well with Steam and with non Steam emulators. Microsoft knows how to make good controllers, I give them that.

But on the other hand, I wonder how it is to have a PS5 controller. First, Sony has open source drivers for it and they are included in the Kernel I think (tag me wrong, if it’s not true). Plus it has some features, which the Xbox controllers do not have. I’m very curious, but the prices for new controllers are so expensive!

I give you right about those overnight experts in forums. 100% true. But I would not give too much respect to the developers (unless they were forced to released it early), because they knew the game was not ready to launch. It’s even their official statement: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/updates-on-modding-and-performance-for-cities-skylines-ii.1601865/

Cities: Skylines II is a next-gen title, and naturally, it demands certain hardware requirements. With that said, while our team has worked tirelessly to deliver the best experience possible, we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted.

Then why the hell do you release the game? So it’s another rushed game and that is you can blame the devs for. That is what upsets me personally the most from all those drama.

But Java and WASM doesn’t solve the compatibility issue on ARM. Games and other programs for x86 are still something people want to execute on ARM machines. That’s why compatibility layers and emulators are build for. And having a dedicated CPU would help with that. And if you do not use the x86 “extension”, then you won’t pay for power consumption. And if you aren’t interested into x86, then you simply don’t buy a dual architecture motherboard.

I’m not looking this from the perspective of laptops or handhelds BTW, but from the perspective of desktop PC. Overall I think its not practical to have them both on a single motherboard. But you know, the industry is full of non practical ideas. So it’s not unimaginable this could be reality someday. Maybe just for a small audience.

Having compatibility to legacy software is a pretty upside. Either you use an application that runs power efficient, maybe the entire operating system uses the power efficient ARM at default and then for compatibility or for faster calculation (games?) the x86 cores could be used. Intel already does two different kind of cores, performance and efficiency cores. And smartphones have something similar too. I imagine this would be expensive and it is not for everyone. And who knows what other cutbacks and drawbacks it would require.

My hope, no… dream, is that we get both ARM and x86 compatible chips on the same motherboard one day. Off course the operating system needs to support dual architectures. Then they could run ARM binaries directly without any major compatibility or performance hit, without the need for recompilation.

A man can only hope. Is this something that could happen? Technically it should be possible, but realistically, probably not.

I don’t know who said this, but my bet would be Intel. Without AMD, we would probably still stuck on 4 cores.

Matrix is decentralized, as the servers are independent from each other. They choose to cooperate, so that people can talk to each other. But the servers are run by different people or organizations and act independently. Or do I get it wrong? If so, can you explain why Matrix is not decentralized?

It’s even worse if you look further down on the other unofficial figures list at Marvel’s Avengers. It nearly costed as much as Red Dead Redemption 2 (also unofficial numbers). My assumption is, that the license is in these costs included and why it balooned it.

But there is a big difference to all those games: Star Citizen (and therefore Squadron 42) is backed and payed by customers already.

Squadron 42 is the single player campaign of Star Citizen, that is supposed to launch as a separate game. It's basically a small portion of Star Citizen, but with a story and ending. I'm still not confident; waited too long for that.

Reddit might cut off Google and force users to log in to Reddit itself to read anything, if it can’t reach deals with generative AI companies to pay for its data.

On the one hand I really hope this happens. On the other hand, it would be devastating to the communities. But this shows how Reddit has the last say and can hold the content hostage on their platform. People need to stop using Reddit and switch to open and free alternatives, that is not controlled by a single entity / company. The problem is, there is lot of good legacy content and solutions that would be not available for most people searching the web.

But for the search engines who do not respect robot files, would still be able to index. Right? Ironically an AI could also write summaries…

Makes sense. I hope Nintendo uses these as game cartridges in the future. :D

A platform driven by customers, I would say this has direct impact for Amazon too, if it impacts the customer.

Fake reviews with false information or recommendation could lead to a lot of wasted money and disappointed people. Even refunding in mass. And probably avoiding to buy from Amazon. Well it’s a bit dramatic, but I don’t see a positive effect for Amazon with many fake reviews in place. I’m sure Amazon want them removed, but it is hard to do this automatically for millions of products and reviews. It’s hard to find out automatically which one is real and which one is false. They don’t want delete legit reviews either.

I have some questions: How fast are read and write operations and random access? What are the expected prices, once it hit mass production for the average consumer? And how long is expected to take until this happens?

while our team has worked tirelessly to deliver the best experience possible, we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted.

In light of this, we still think for the long-term of the project, releasing now is the best way forward.

At least they admit the game is not finished yet. But sad another company pushes an unfinished game.