You get it!
Fully agreed things need to get shipped but that’s why I’m a fan of test driven development. You’ll always have your tests written with your feature.
Then again even if someone does it after as long as you write a test every time you write a feature you’ll eventually have the code base covered.
Input coverage is new to me, mind linking me some info so I can learn? (Yes google exists but if someone has the low down on a good source I’d prefer that)
That’s why test coverage exists and needs to be a mandated item.
I have absolutely no patience for developers unwilling to make good code. I don’t give a shit if it takes a while, bad code means vulnerabilities means another fucking data breach. If you as a developer don’t want to do what it takes to make good code, then quit and find a new fucking career.
If you need 4k you’re going to need a shit ton of storage. If you go for the good quality profile 4ks you’re looking at 50GB easily per file.
Sonarr and Radarr can fetch downloads, yes. You’ll need to configure your indexers and then you’ll need to set up your download clients. I use a torrent server and sabnzbd.
You’ll need a graphics card that can handle transcoding 4k I’m not sure which is best. Ram and CPU won’t be the biggest concerns for you.
Ahhh gotcha gotcha. I was doing this by default in my python testing, glad I was doing things right