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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


The revenue split is the same (30%) on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox, which seems like the number that should matter to the publisher.

I read about their name change and wondered what it was. I had a similar experience. Really bad UX. When you click join it asks you if you want to create a new server or join an existing server. I picked “join existing” but the first button on the page is to “submit your server”.

I clicked the “verified” server which was down (and is still down… who goes down for days for a domain change?)

I clicked another server and hit Explore and it showed me a list of pinned users that supposedly had many posts each, however I clicked on various elements such as the post count trying to view them and couldn’t. At that point I just closed my browser tab.

I assume this thing is some sort of Mastodon-like social network but coming in blind it’s hard to tell.

Fastmail is fantastic from a user experience perspective, though depending on your privacy demands it may not pass the test.

Do the demos generally become unavailable after the fest is over?