• 5 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 17, 2024


This thread has reminded me that I have Ruckus APs that mesh. But support had been dropped because they are “old”. Presumably there is no open source solution that I can flsh these with, still allowing me the meshing?

Exactly. I moved to Jellyfin because Emby introduced the life time support thing

I’m not sure what the right model is to get money flowing in. It seems like they took the easy route. 100 dollars for a server licence is not really that small amount considering that most server users are families? I would have preferred massive fund raising campaigns … I’m a bit lazy and need lots of nagging to get my credit card out … But its right these guys get some income for their work. As long as code remains AGPL … I bet soon there will be a fork like happened with Emby. I ended up purchasing the server licence a a few month later moved to the forked version …🙂

Connectin pfsense directly to 1GBit ZTE ONT
Hi, I have my TIM (Italy) ONT installed (its a ZXHN F6005, which I think is also installed by OpenFibre in the UK). This is connected to a TIM router and them to a minipc machine that has pfsense installed. I believe the ZTE ONT can be directly connected to the WAN port of the pfSense machine by having pppoe set on the WAN interface. That way I can drop this intermediate TIM router which is simply sucking up energy. I tried setting a pppoe connection the pfsense machine by giving it userid and password but the connection never comes up. Strangely, even when leaving the WAN interface set to pppoe on pfsense and reconnecting it to the intermediate TIM router, the connection comes up (i.e. doesn't seem to be a requirement). Any thoughts?


Very nice but looks expensive. Do you think I could upload the pfSense configuration to it? I dread the pain of having to configure the whole thing from scratch.

I dont’ have IDS/IPS installed on my pfsense box.

Any more specific recomendation of the machine you have running?

sudo ethtool enp2s0 | egrep ‘Speed|Duplex’

Assuming you mean running these in the command prompt of pfSense? Tried but says “not found”. Same for “ip link”

I probably didn’t realise how CPU intensive the work of 1Gbit connection must be …

Yes, checked and are all on the 1000M (1G) link

Any thoughts on a good little fanless device that I can use as a pfSense machine that has a resonable CPU. I would just swap the SSD from my curent device to the new one and it should all work nicely.

Ok, starting to think I need a new little device for my pfSense. I was thinking of going OpenSense and buying one of their devices to support the project.

Regarding my switch, the ports where my Rukus APs are connected are showing 1000M on the interface. But I think a step by step testing is what is needed as suggested above.

Now I have 1 GBit fiber and can’t benefit :-(
My old setup was: VSDL modem -> pfsense on mini J1900 Celeron (2 GHz) -> CISCO SG300 10MPP switch -> Rukus R310 wifi -> Laptop Currnet setup Fiber model -> pfsense on mini J1900 Celeron (2 GHz) -> CISCO SG300 10MPP switch -> Rukus R310 wifi -> Laptop Today i got my 1GBit fiber installed (big deal for those like me living in rural areas) only to discover that my current network setup is not allowing me to benefit from it. I was on VSDL copper wire before and was probably in the region of 50-60 MBit/s with my above current setup. Even when removing the wifi bottle and linking with Cat5 UTP wire directly to switch, I'm not getting major improvements. When I got the fiber installed this morning I was disappointed when I saw only marginal gain running at 80 MBit/s (c. +30 MBit). So I decided to connect the laptop via LAN cable directly to modem. I got a starkling 900MBit/s. So, along my network I have bottlenecks. THe first one I tested was my little pfsense machine. I installed the speedtext-cli command and was surprised to find that it was giving my around 300 MBit/s. So a lot better than my laptop on its usual wifi connection but still only 33% of what I get directly off the modem. So my first question is how can it be that my little mini J1900 Celeron (2 GHz) with 4 GB RAM cannot handle this bandwith? Do I need an upgrade for my pfsense machine? I noticed that the peak CPU demand as speedtest-cli was running was in the 60% region, far from a saturated CPU and RAM only occupied for about 30%. If it is my little pfsense machine, how far do I have to go with finding the right little machine that can handle 1 GBit/s. The next question is if I'm getting 300 MBit/s on the WAN connection of the pfSense machine, how is it that I only see a small percentage of this on my laptop? i.e. a drop from 300 MBit/s to 80 MBit/s? I guess I would have to test the switch to start and then move to the wifi access points ...

This is an intersting thread because I read through the lines the concerns that many have about losing parts of their homelab. Something I too am concerned about. While I have learnt to put my data securely on NAS with docker compose (I.e. docker image runs on VM while data i s stored on NAS and nas dataset is mounted via NFS on VM), in still not clear ho I save the config on the docker container. Basicalky, if I want to move that docker image to a new VM, how do I go about it?

I’m also looking into this a bit as I’m ditching Nextcloud and need a more modulare approach to managing the three things i care about: calendards, files and bookmarks. Sorted calendars with Radicale (superb) and files with Syncthing but now looking at the bookmarks. This (https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#bookmarks-and-link-sharing) has several solutions proposed. lingding and linkwarden seem to be good and reasonable active on Github. Anyone compared these?

ss -tlnp

Yes, it returning the right address:port but as I said earlier, the problem was me mis-spelling the config folder so it was ignoring the config file.

Turned out I had created /etc/radical rather than /etc/radicale and of course the app was looking for a folder that didn’t exist. I can confirm the above procedure works for anyone trying to install it.

Ok, removed the conflicting bit but it made no difference. I wonder if this is to do with ‘radicale’ user not being able to open ports or something like that …?

Getting Radicale to work system wide
Hi folks, I installed Radicale earlier today and when I installed it as a user as described on the homepage using `$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale`. I initially created a local storage and ran as normal user `$ python3 -m radicale --storage-filesystem-folder=~/.var/lib/radicale/collections`. I was able to see the webpage when I type the server address (VM on Truenas) ``. So the install went well. But I wanted to create system wide so that I can have multiple users loggin in (family members). So i did the following: - `$sudo useradd --system --user-group --home-dir / --shell /sbin/nologin radicale` - `$sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/radicale/collections && sudo chown -R radicale:radicale /var/lib/radicale/collections` - `sudo mkdir -p /etc/radicale && sudo chown -R radicale:radicale /etc/radicale` Then I created the config file which looks like: ``` [server] # Bind all addresses hosts =, [::]:5234 max_connections = 10 # 100 MB max_content_length = 100000000 timeout = 30 [auth] type = htpasswd htpasswd_filename = /etc/radicale/users htpasswd_encryption = md5 [storage] filesystem_folder = /var/lib/radicale/collections [logging] level = debug ``` Of course the users file also exists in the `/etc/radicale`. Then I created the service file as per the guidance without changing anything: ``` [Unit] Description=A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server After=network.target Requires=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m radicale Restart=on-failure User=radicale # Deny other users access to the calendar data UMask=0027 # Optional security settings PrivateTmp=true ProtectSystem=strict ProtectHome=true PrivateDevices=true ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectControlGroups=true NoNewPrivileges=true ReadWritePaths=/var/lib/radicale/collections [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Then I hit the usual sequence: ``` $ sudo systemctl enable radicale $ sudo systemctl start radicale $ sudo systemctl status radicale ``` and of course it all seems to be running: ``` user@vm101:/$ sudo systemctl status radicale ● radicale.service - A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/radicale.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-05-25 19:44:54 BST; 18min ago Main PID: 313311 (python3) Tasks: 1 (limit: 4638) Memory: 13.1M CPU: 166ms CGroup: /system.slice/radicale.service └─313311 python3 -m radicale May 25 19:44:54 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. ``` When I run `$ journalctl --unit radicale.service` it only provide the following output, despite the logging level is set to debug: ``` user@vm101:/etc/radical$ sudo journalctl --unit radicale.service -- Journal begins at Sat 2022-12-31 15:45:51 GMT, ends at Sat 2024-05-25 20:04:37 BST. -- May 25 19:25:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Stopping A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server... May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: radicale.service: Succeeded. May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Stopped A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. May 25 19:44:54 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server. ``` Any clue as to why i get "Can't establish a connection ..." error when I type ``. I'm clearly missing something but can't quite get what it is. Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm connecting to the Truenas server (where the VM runs) from my laptop, the same one that allowed me to connect when I used the normal user approach described at the start.

Thanks. I’ll give this a try over the weekend since it appears to have worked for others. This is something I would have expected the developers to have implemented. Multiuser computers is not that rare …

Server is Truenas Scale. Syncthing is running as app. I and wife have it installed on Android phones. We both share a Debian 12 laptop with different logins. We both want to keep respective phone synced with laptop login. We want to have a folder shared on nas where we can exchange files.

I actually do have an always on server and I was planning on using it as a client-server type system. I think that the file sharing option is complicated to implement. I tried to launch syncthing in my wifes environment on the laptop and while I get a new ID, when I register it with the server, it complains saying that there are conflicts with the IDs for the device. I wonder if its getting confused by having two IDs against the same IP

Mmm, Seafile is is developed by an for-profit organisation. Looks interesting but might stick with nextcloud if I have to move to Seafile. Syncthing seems really robust and simple. I think its just the file sharing bit that I’m missing. Nextcloud is just a beast.

Its an unlikely event that both would be editing the same file at the same time. I think I’ve achieved this. Been messing with Syncthing today. we each have a “shared” folder on our phones and the server has one too. I selected to share with both devices.

The trick now is when you have a PC with multiple users that want to share that “shared” folder. I need to work that one out … :-)

So this is where I’m getting confused. Say I want to share a folder with my wife. We each have a phone: Phone_1 and Phone_2. I need to create two devices (Phone_1 and Phone_2) and 3 folders (my_folder, wife_folder, shared_folder). Phone_1 would sync to my_folder + shared_folder whereas my wifes phone (phone_2) would sync to wife_folder + shared_folder. All shared files would go in shared_folder. Both of us can edit files in the shared_folder?

Syncthing … where are the users?
Just installed Syncthing on my Scale server. It looks like it doesn't have users but rather folder IDs that are then used to sync devices. One of the cool features of Nextcloud is the ability to share files with other users. Can this be done with Syncthing?

From other responses to this thread it appears that Baikal does have a web UI so maybe it closes this gap?

Well, I was looking fo r the docker container but as my VM is Debian, I’ll go down the apt route which is official and maintained.

I solve this with immich too. Its a real game changer and agree with others that have indicated this as one of hthe best pieces of OSS.

What Made you make the move from Joplin to Logseq (which I didn’t even know of?)

OK, so seems like best way to install Radicals is on my Debian VM using apt. I wonder if anyone has compared Baikal to Radicale …

Joplin may ne good for you with notes

Just thinking of ditching nextcloud and its just too much for my family use. All i needis carddav, caldav and file sync. Have a Debian VM running on Scale and was thinking of using Cloudron docker install. Is this the way others are installing on VMs?