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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


I really like it, the ai stuff can mostly just be ignored but the ai button on mobile is really big and annoying. My biggest issue with it is that there’s no way to download documents you made using a cloud account, but I think they’re planning on adding that

I realized a while ago that there’s nothing stopping me from writing rust like this

;println!("This is great")
;println!("I think everyone should write rust like this")
;println!("Probably works in most languages that use semicolons")

I have on multiple occasions done a much more verbose variant of that: “I genuinely cannot remember what I changed”

I interpreted the typo as strut instead of shut at first and it was way funnier that way

Can we just call you all jason because javascript has json

No I have no trouble using arch and I still use it on my laptop, I just like opensuse because it’s fun so I use that on my main computer now

I feel like with this analogy that would be like saying vegans are part of the meat community which I would assume most people would disagree with.

It’s steven crowder, he’s a sexist, homophobic, transphobic content creator.

I switched from arch to opensuse tumbleweed, and even though I really like opensuse, arch was so much simpler to maintain, pacman is so much better than zypper. I disliked arch until I gave it a real try, but even though I’ve moved on for now on my main computer, arch is stil a really good distribution if you know how to set it up

You do realize that people with celiac disease aren’t just choosing to not eat gluten right?

I accidentally put all the interfaces on my router running openwrt into the wrong firewall zone so now I can’t access it via ssh or the web interface. I already had it configured though and it still works so I’m just ignoring the problem until something breaks

Interface is bloat; return to sed (or better yet some horrible combination of using echo and cat)

Well it detects it for me and I am neither using a VPN nor any additional encryption. I’m guessing it’s just their normal thing of slowly rolling out changes instead of to every user at once.