• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


I‘ll give that a try, thanks

I have not checked, i might do that. But since i have the issue on 4 different zpools that is unlikely

Proxmox and SSD issues
I run a 4 node Proxmox cluster for a Student Council. Since our shared storage started acting up I needed to move everything to local storage. Since our budget is quite limited I threw all the harddisks we had into the ProxMox servers. My problem now is, that the performance of the SSDs (Sata ,250gb - 2tb , different Brands, Raid 1 ZFS, enough RAM) is horrible, like 50mbit/s max write speed for movies horrible. My assumption is that the SSDs shouldn’t permorm much worse than they would in a Windows machine, but they do. What am I doing wrong? The node with hdds runs just fine, similar SSDs in our truenas also ran fine.