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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


You could try headscale instead, which doesn’t actually pass much traffic between the VPS and clients (client to client is where the actual data transfer happens).

Or just test out regular hosted Tailscale to see if it will fit your needs.

Another case is listing a huge number of steps to do some task, without acting describing what the end goal for each set of instructions is (common in “how to” guides, and especially ones that involve a GUI).

This means that less technical users don’t really understand what is going on and are just following steps in a rote way, and it wastes the time of technical users since they probably know how to achieve each goal already.

There is a case to be made that people should be a bit more well rounded in general, and not just find a specific niche.

So non-technical people should still have a decent familiarity with computers and maybe be able to do some very basic coding. And technical people should spend some time working on their written and verbal communication.

Because in both cases, it makes people more effective in their roles.

I had a similar experience with NixOS-anywhere and a VPS issue. Reset the OS, setup SSH key access and ran NixOS-anywhere and within like 15 minutes was back up and running.

I was going to say you could use a smartphone with the Jellyfin app to control it, but it looks to be limited (just the actual launching of videos not play/pause etc).

and the measurement is something like 10-15DB per drive

It seems to be a relative measurement, and so the values look to be 10-15dB above ambient, not the absolute dB of the drives. You can see he subtracts the background dB from the spl meter calibration early in the video.

Using amdgpu on that card has been considered experimental ever since it was added like 6 years ago

If I recall right, it hasn’t been enabled by default simply because it is missing some features like analog TV out support (which most people don’t want or need in 2024).

They’ll supply a giant paper manual, and you’ll have to look through it to find the key. DRM, 1980s style.

I think that’s reasonable, and is the impression I have of FUTO as well. I’m using their Android keyboard at least and have been impressed by it (although I don’t have demanding needs).

It’s commonly used by spammers, so it could cause issues if you’re planning to use it for mail.

Do you need 6Ghz as well? Because I don’t think there are any that OpenWRT supports yet.

The Flint 2 suggestion is reasonable, although the firmware situation is currently a bit problematic with the stock version using an out of date Openwrt version due to issues with the open source drivers. But it should get resolved in the long run.

Unless something has changed recently, OPNSense doesn’t have an ARM build so it won’t work on the Pi4.

If you want to use the PI as a router you’ll probably end up with a double NAT situation which isn’t ideal but may work well enough. In terms of wifi performance, I wouldn’t expect a Pi to be particularly good here so I’m not sure this even worth it unless it’s just a budget issue and you don’t have any other options.

In terms of your problem, you should be able to assign the Pi ethernet port to the default WAN and WAN6 networks. As for wifi, the Pi adapter needs to have support for AP mode, and looking around it doesn’t seem clear if the built in wifi adapter supports that or not (most people using the Pi are using it purely as a router and not a wireless AP). If not, you’d need a USB wifi adapter that supports AP mode. You might want to get that additional ethernet adapter too for testing/debugging and it will allow you to add a dedicated wireless AP.

It’s nice not to deal with HTTPS warnings etc and as you said it’s more convenient to access by domain name rather than remembering port numbers. You should be able to technically achieve the latter in another way by using docker and configuring it to assign a real IP for each service (a bridge network presumably), then setting each service to use port 80 externally. But that’s probably as much work as just setting up a reverse proxy.

And if you’re concerned about exposing ports, you can use DNS challenge which doesn’t require opening port 80 on your router.

I haven’t tested the ebook functionality and I mostly use it for podcasts, but you should be able to download on the mobile client at least.

And if you’ve hosted it at home it will continue to work on the LAN if your internet connection goes down.

Assuming the Switch supports ipv6, and given how backward Nintendo’s tech tends to be, it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t.

Although at least nintendo.com has an AAAA record.

I think there are more people that are #1 and #2 the same time

Probably where some of the attitude comes from. People are assuming that it’s paid IT people bringing their work home with them, which is a different case then a casual user trying out self-hosting without the broader background.

Although I haven’t seen this attitude myself so I suspect it’s not that common, and probably just a handful of users jumping to conclusions.

I haven’t tried it, but Tube Archivist may fit the bill.

The downside with ULA is that ipv4 is given preference, which is annoying on dual stack networks. I believe there is a draft RFC to change this but it will take a while for it to be approved and longer still for OSes to change their behaviour. I workaround it by using one of the unused (but not ULA) prefixes.

Pretty cool especially since it’s RISC-V. I’d have some concerns about the software and driver side of things, though (and the performance).

Ah Nvidia. Bazzite uses Wayland I believe since it uses the same gamescope session as SteamOS (unless something has changed recently). While it may be possible to get it working, I’d expect a much better time with an AMD card.

A traditional distribution may be a better bet with Nvidia for now.

There’s a bunch of other variants like PiKVM and BIiKVM as well. Even some cheap knockoffs on Aliexpress that may do the job.

Mainly because running multiple desktop machines adds up to a lot of power, even at idle. If you power them off and on as needed it’s better, but then it’s not as convenient. Of course, if you leave a single machine with multiple GPUs on 24/7 that will also eat a lot of power, but it will be less than multiple machines turned on 24/7 at least.

And the physical space taken up by multiple desktop machines starts to add up significantly, particularly if you live in an apartment or smaller house.

Vanguard is especially bad because it will not allow to run the game with Intel-VT/AMD-V enabled even if you are running bare metal as of its last update.

The Vanguard anti-cheat is incredibly invasive and something akin to malware, so that’s not surprising.

I’ve recently tried to do that using sunsine and different linux gaming distros and it was awful, the VM was working great for a few minutes and then suddenly crashes and I have to hard stop it.

Are you running this with something like libvirtd/qemu? If so, VFIO configurations can get pretty complex. Random crashes seem like MSI interrupt issues (or you’ve allocated too much RAM to the guest). Or it could be GPU reset issues that would also occur on the (Linux) host, a newer kernel and Mesa version in the guest may help.

Setting on the kernel commandline for the host to workaround MSR interrupt crashes:


If you’re running on a Windows host or with something like Virtualbox (assuming GPU passthrough is supported by these), YMMV but I wouldn’t expect good results.

Systems themselves are all around 5-20W, although the ones with mechanical HDDs obviously add their own idle usage.

In fact, if you are capable of the admittedly high bar of self hosting, use bit warden instead.

Vaultwarden, typically, because it’s fully free and more resource efficient. But bitwarden as the client of course.

Ledger/hledger may be an option if you’re command line inclined although more local only then self-hosted per-se.

Try jellyfin-mpv-shim. It directly uses mpv (either a built in version or even your system mpv) and if it doesn’t play well there, it’s likely not going to play well anywhere.

Just to add to the other comments, you probably want to use a wildcard cert so you don’t need to individually certify each subdomain (or expose them at all).

Look at mini-PCs like the Lenovo Tiny series. These can be had for very little on the used market, and don’t use much power (<10W typically, although I don’t have any mechanical HDDs in mine).

EDIT: Obviously missed that you meant just a single device for everything. SFF PCs usually have a few SATA slots, and their power usage and price on the used market isn’t too bad.

I suspect the delay would still be longer than a Youtube like implementation which may need to switch transcodes multiple times, but that’s probably unrealistic at this point anyway.

Transcoding everything to AV1 could be a solution too, since high resolutions can look quite good at low bitrates, so you could limit it to 5mbps or 10mbps for any resolution and be done with it. But I’m not sure Jellyfin supports that, and at least from the UI it doesn’t give you particularly fine grained control over resolution/bitrates. Perhaps having a secondary library of just AV1 transcodes that you handle manually (perhaps even using a software encoder) could be an option for some.

The client side is also an issue, with not that many devices supporting hardware decoding (although I’ve found it’s fast enough in software with most modern smartphones at least).

Of course. Youtube and the like “pre-transcode” it so that would be one way for Jellyfin to better solve it, at the cost of a significant amount of disk space.

Maybe Jellyfin, where I believe you can force a low bitrate for every remote client. It wouldn’t be “adjust to internet speed” but you could minimise buffering that way.

Except for ipv6 (usually). Although most routers will block incoming traffic anyway by default.

having them VPN into shit is a hurdle that none of them are going to overcome.

If you have a lot of people connecting, then that’s fair. But setting up a VPN for one or two households isn’t hard. Even easier if you use Tailscale (apparently, never tried it myself).

I hope to see Jellyfin support this too (Plex is already getting support apparently) and hopefully it will work desktop-to-desktop and not just between streaming devices and phones.

Although it’s probably not massively needed as Jellyfin can already control remote devices.

Looks like it would eat power in a 24/7 setup but might be useful as an alternative to multiple systems.

It’s svt-av1, as can be seen from the ffmpeg command in the article.