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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 30, 2023


Wait I do that and never realized it. YAMLception

I had the same need and didn’t want to read tooo much about ffmpeg and its options. I ended up using fastflix which uses ffmpeg under the hood with built in presets. Supports queues and lots of more stuff.

Dont think so. Desktop application relies on podman

No daemon needed, better security because of rootless approach, but well docker also runs rootless nowadays. Podman came up from frustration from Red Hat over docker, that’s why they developed their own thing. Afaik it is nearly full compatible and can be used as a drop in replacement for docker.

What exit code shows when you execute podman ps -a?

Oh I don’t give a single fuck about the discussion, it’s technology, not politics. I am more upset that my company has some legacy repositories with master and the newer ones with a main branch. So everytime I want to create a MR with push options via command line I need to change main to master or visa versa.

I run a k3s Kubernetes cluster on a single KVM host(multiple VMs). Honestly I do not care a single f*ck about that machine nor k3s itself. I update once a year, do not have any documentation written nor IaC somewhere. I always forget how I configured the networking stuff for example. But that machine runs my critical services flawlessly without a single crash in like 3 years. So no I cannot relate.