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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I guess you could hope to find someone here that could help you with that, but it occurs to me that you’re working with people who definitely understand it. Perhaps you could ask them for some guidance?

I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of them, but I don’t mind them. If there’s a game from that list that I really, really want to keep playing, I can just buy that game. In the mean time, I got to enjoy all the other games that were fun for just a short time.

I definitely prefer XB Game Pass instead, though, where the whole catalog is available no matter when you started and whether or not you clicked a button in time.

Looks like a gaming table with a screen in it. There’s a lot of custom builds like that on Youtube, and there are even a few companies that sell them, I think.