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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Cutting out someone’s liver to transplant isn’t easy nor risk free. You are risking death to have a low probability of saving someone. It doesn’t matter if they are volunteers.

That would be nice if we had an unlimited supply of livers to transplant. Give everyone a chance.

Unfortunately I’d still rather give whatever liver we have on hand to someone guaranteed not to wreck it immediately, because giving her a chance means taking away someone else’s.

It was a fun game, I enjoyed it. Didn’t realize games needed to be accurate treatises on revolutionary political theory to be good.

or they get around it by not making it a “login” bonus but “do this really quick and easy daily quest” bonus.

I think someone also recreated the entire SC1 campaign as custom SC2 maps

lol that sounds like vocabulary only an alcoholic would invent.

“I’ve heard of being sober, but I’m to afraid to try it right now.”

Nebula: pay $300 once, lifetime access. They had it up for a week on a trial run a while ago, and they decided to bring it back for now.

curiosity stream: I think I found a deal on Stack Social, + coupon, that worked out to $180. The basic 1080p format only. Again, pay once, lifetime access.

The payoff time for Nebula is around 8 years (not counting possible price increases in the future), so you’ll have to have faith that they’ll last that long. I hope they do though. Curiositystream is obviously less. Then again, the immediate cash infusion they get from this can also help them survive/expand faster.

Anyways both Nebula and Curiositystream have lifetime subscriptions available right now… 90% of my YouTube viewing is from creators on those sites anyway

it’ll hit business servers first… speed and power draw = profits. Even if they cost 1000x more than SSDs, the power savings and speed alone could pay for itself in a datacenter.

The power draw and nonvolatility could mean it can replace SSDs and hard drives entirely. Just store everything in RAM.

Is this like when Stephen Harper tried to demonstrate he that he was a real human?

If camping is too effective, then the map or weapon balance is what needs work.

For example, of people are camping spawn points, why is the spawn point so easily accessible at all? Why don’t players spawn behind cover with multiple exit points? Do they not get temporary invulnerability?

Or camping objectives. Why is there only one, easily defended path to the objective? Why isn’t there a path for you to sneak up and just stab the camper in the ass while he’s staring down the scope? Or just walk around him and ignore him completely?

Watch some professional CS:GO. Those maps have been refined and balance-tweaked for decades. You can’t just camp one objective because there are two objectives. Every good camping spot is still leaves you exposed to getting flanked. Even with arguably the most OP camper’s weapon in any competitive game - the AWP, teams still only run 1 AWP, maybe 2 at most. Simply because camping alone isn’t effective.

Definitely an amazing game, but really should only be played after you’ve played at least a dozen other FPS games.

maybe he’s hoping that people accidentally mistaking the button for “close window” will drive up traffic

This feels like the early days of Google, when it was basically a cat and mouse game of their page ranking algorithm vs website creators trying to game their page rank. Still happens, but it’s less obvious and easy.

It’s been true for a long time. Even long before the lootbox era.

Look at WoW. It was one of the biggest games in the world for the longest time. Randomized loot drops after a boss is very like a slot-machine and addictive, and you had to pay monthly to keep playing.

They’ve discovered that making people pay for each pull of the slot machine is more profitable. But the tactics and design have been around for a while.

because it’s easier.

You have one “frame” where you just do everything: read the player input, do whatever actions, calculate collisions and physics and whatever, and draw everything when all those calculations are done.

Then you move on to the next frame and do everything again. Everything lines up all the time and always happen in the same order. Simple, quick, and consistent.

To decouple calculations and framerate, you don’t know when the game will try to draw something. It might be in the middle of when you’re calculating collisions, or moving the units, or calculating physics. Or you might end up doing multiple calculations while the GPU is slow and can’t draw anything.

So you have to add an extra layer in between, probably saved to some memory somewhere. Now every time the GPU draws something, it has to access that memory. Every time you calculate something, you also access that memory. Let’s hope they DON’T try to read and write on the same spot at the same time, that could cause bugs. And so much memory access, you’ve basically doubled your memory bandwidth requirements.

It’s complicated, more resource intensive, and introduces potential bugs.

What’s hilarious is if you play Wolfenstein 3D, then played the modern Wolfenstein (New Order), it’s so radically different you’d have no idea they were related in any way if they hadn’t stuck the Easter egg levels in there.

  1. Scale property tax for number of properties owned. Double it per property owned.

i.e. own 2 homes, property tax for ALL homes owned doubles. Own 3 homes, pay 4x property tax. etc. Homes should not be hoarded. And corporations are definitely not exempt, except perhaps before first sale (i.e. they constructed the property) or demolition sale (buying multiple properties for demolition to be able to construct denser units)

  1. Add or expand speculation tax (like the empty homes tax): it should be decently large, like at least 10% of the property’s assessed value per year. However, it can be negated based on income tax paid by someone who lives at that location (as reported on their tax filing). There may need to be some additional reductions for retirees/seniors too.

Either way somebody’s gotta live and work there to avoid the tax. No “students” owning multi-million dollar mansions.

nope. lol. Not unless my salary doubles, at minimum, and that’s just to make sure I don’t go bankrupt from healthcare. Actually fuck that, because if I get an injury that prevents me from working I’m still completely fucked. They’re also notoriously anti union and worker rights are eroding day by day

That place is a shit show. Let’s not even talk about Republicans…

I wonder if it’s time we revisit hydrogen airships. Use it both for lift and fuel, powering a electric engines via fuel cell. It would also allow remote communities to generate fuel on site.