• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I’m a little confused. I think that’s exactly how I have it set up currently. The problem is that proxmox doesn’t get an internet connection. I’m unable to ping out or resolve dns from proxmox. The rest of the network is getting internet though. I reserved a static ip in OPNsense for proxmox. Could that be causing a problem?

Proxmox, OPNsense VM with two ethernet ports issue.
I have a tiny lenovo m900 which i added a second ethernet port to and i'm trying to set it up as a proxmox server with OPNsesne. I've got the OPNsense VM setup with the two ethernet ports bridged to it. Everything is working fine on the network except my proxmox server doesnt have an internet connection. How can i set it up so that one of the ports acts as my LAN default gateway and also functions as the management port for proxmox. I'm guessing that's what is causing this issue.

Yeah, that’s what i have. I setup the two ports on the card for wan/lan and passed them to the VM. I could try disabling the firewall in proxmox.

Grep "nameserver” /etc/resolve.conf , shows

Proxmox OPN sense DNS issues
I currently have OPNsense setup inside a proxmox server, and I am having trouble connecting to the internet. It seems like it could be related to DNS. When I ping www.google.com from my lan client (a fedora machine), I get “name or service not known”. When I ping it is successful. If I use OPNsense diagnostic interface and try to ping www.google.com it is also successful. I’m not sure what’s going on here. I’m somewhat new to this.

I have a managed switch. I’m a little confused how everything would be hooked up if I’m using a vm for pfsense and another vm for some Linux distro. I want the router and that distro to be isolated from my other vlans. Could I use the onboard nic hooked up to the switch to put the distro on its own vlan?

OPNsense virtualization
I’m working on setting up my first homelab. I have an older dell optiplex with a duel PCIe NIC in it. I was wondering if I could setup OPNsense as a docker container or virtual machine so that I could also use the extra resources of the box for other things besides just being a router. Is this a good idea?

Thanks for the advice! I ended up getting a managed switch on amazon and an older dell computer to set up OPNsense. Can’t wait to get started!

After much reading today, this is basically what i ended up doing. Got an optiplex on ebay for about 55 bucks and a dual intel network card on amazon with a managed switch. If i can bridge my current router as an access point, i should be on my way!

Advice for home hosting
Hello, I’m getting into self hosting and looking to setup a small home lab to play around with different technologies. I’m considering setting up a DMZ to keep my lab hardware separate from the rest of the network and other users. What is some of the minimal hardware required to do this on a small budget? Also what are some of the necessary security measures I should understand. One of my first projects would be to setup a small Linux box that I can ssh into remotely. Thanks. **EDIT** After much reading today and great guidance from this community this is basically what i ended up doing.... Got a dell optiplex on ebay for about 55 bucks and a dual intel network card on amazon with a managed switch. If i can bridge my current router as an access point, i should be on my way! This community rocks! Lemmy is awesome!