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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Dave the Diver! Every bit of the journey is fun, the game broadens in scope bit by bit, you also upgrade in increments, and the story is cute and interesting.

This website is a cancer, and wtf is up with the image they chose…

I think the author is rage baiting or doesn’t appreciate design systems. Calling this “the death of web craftsmanship” is hyperbolic nonsense. I’ve seen mangled UIs in basically every CSS stack.

I use Tailwind as part of a design system’s component library, but I’ve done the same with many other tools before. As with all libs in a UI stack, there is hype, then there is fit with you and your project. I think we could do with less hype & gripe, and more well considered neutral discussion of ergonomics and technical pros & cons.