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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Sorry, we had to deny your application because you’re Asian. Try another school.

This is the real question. I’m sick of people dismissing criticisms against her because she’s black and/or a woman. Give me an actual reason to like her!

She’s definitely a horrible public speaker. I totally disagree with how she tackled truancy during her time as a DA/AG. Is this just my internalized racism speaking or can I ACTUALLY feel this way?

I don’t like her because of situations like her truancy laws. If you think she’s not liked just because of her race and/or gender, then you’ll never understand why people don’t agree with her.

I’m not a big fan of the Republican party but there are some issues they are championing at the moment like free speech

Free speech like this?

This is so lazy. The burden of proof is upon the claimant. Feel free to toss out wild claims without providing anything to support what you are saying, but then don’t be surprised when no one believes you.

Hillary Clinton was widely respected every year

(source needed)

Here’s a list of objectionable stuff Hillary was involved with prior to running for president:

  • Hillary Clinton’s hawkish stance on war, being more hawkish than Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She is specifically noted for advocating an escalation in Afghanistan​.
  • Clinton’s involvement in the 2009 military coup in Honduras. Rather than condemning the coup, Clinton pressured other countries to recognize the new right-wing government, leading to increased violence and instability in the country​​.
  • The firing of seven employees from the travel office during the Clinton administration in 1993, an act that some critics attribute to Hillary Clinton’s influence. The fired employees were later reinstated due to public pressure​.
  • Controversies surrounding her commodity trades from 1978 and 1979, in which she turned an initial investment of $1,000 into nearly $100,000. No official investigations were carried out, but the incident raised eyebrows and led to criticism​​.
  • Involvement in her husband’s controversial pardons during his presidency, including those for the owners of a carnival company convicted of bank fraud​.
  • A controversy regarding gifts taken from the White House upon the Clintons’ departure in 2001. Some items, worth $28,000, were meant for the White House estate and not as personal gifts for the Clintons. These items were returned after complaints from the donors​.

For me, it’s this:

[Harris] fought for this law, which raised the financial penalty and made it a criminal misdemeanor for parents, up to a year in jail, when their children missed at least 10 percent of school time.


Reddit still has hundreds of millions of active users per month. They may have lost some people, but this many eyeballs has a huge potential for profit.

I’m curious why this is classified as “losing battle”… seems pretty successful so far to me.

For better or for worse, news outlets care about engagement. “50th boat full of migrants lost this year” won’t get many clicks. “Billionaires in trouble under the sea” will. If you think these type of stories are under-reported, feel free to start your own blog or discussion forum.

I keep seeing this but I don’t get it. Can you give me the outline of a proposed law that you would enact?

I had wanted to host an instance of myself… grabbed the docker setup, flailed around for a bit and threw up my hands in frustration.

The amount of config needed for the fronting proxy makes it annoying to bring your own proxy.

Smaller domains are blocked all the time, ask your local email admin… just because you’re not getting messages about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen