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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


I believe you may have missed read the post or not at all.

Wait yeah can someone explain why this exploit couldn’t be used to say rewrite it to support coreboot and turn this into a good thing?

Can you provide your /etc/fstab (I assume you are automounting) on the *arrs machine?

I see your valid points. However, my point regarding backups being in a trust worthy area still stands. Idk why you would chance it by doing this. Besides that there are other reasons I will point out which I assume is their reasoning, statistically, is that Windows users tend to be a ton less savvy than Linux users, so they would be only backing up what is available on their system, and I bet on average they don’t have more than 1TB drive with maybe 300gb if storage used that needs to be backed up, like pictures which is equivalent to the 1TB a month plan which I am assuming is the cost of the windows unlimited plan. If you want to screw over companies with exploits, please do so the evil/terrible companies; otherwise this makes you look like an asshole. My 2 cents, and no I don’t work for them.

TL;DR - average windows user most likely uses no more than 300GB so offering an “unlimited plan” to them to make money on under-utilized plan makes business sense.

Awesome and hopefully they never find out as that’s against their TOS. Sticking it to the man for what? ~$20 a year, potentially losing your backups and not having any if they find out? Why would you want to potentially lose your backup service over this? Idk why but this seems dumb. The point of 3-2-1 is to reduce points of failure and you are increasing your potential of data loss by doing this.

toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHDD data recovery

Could you be more specific on what issues you are having? What Debian version are you on?

Yeah… That probably because either the drive thought it was falling and triggered the HDD falling mechanism (often found on 2.5" hdd) which would move the arms off the disks to prevent them from hitting it and damaging the platters to unrecoverable states.

Or if done on 3.5" without this feature built into it, could just damage the platters.

Would probably be less risky to open it up and unstick the arms yourself.

Yup this was the first thing I tried. Nothing changed.

I was aware of this trick also, the first thing I tried. Nothing changed. I even tried it in 2 double double zipped freezer baggies for a week. No difference in acoustics from the drive after spin up.

However thanks for bringing this up; I forgot I tried this lol.

HDD data recovery
I have a HDD 4tb Toshiba drive I had in a Raid 1 NAS device (NSA320) that failed in the raid and I replaced it and rebuilt the raid and life was good. I have finally moved to a better custom TrueNas scale setup with 2x 8tb HDD in a Raid 1 with weekly encrypted backups to online cloud. I have 2 4tb Toshiba HDDs that match closely with the dead hdd. I want to try to recover data from it mainly because I want the experience... Let me explain. The drive clicks, yes you can hear the disks spin up to speed and then you hear clicking as it's trying to read. I want to know if I can start off trying to swap the circuit board to rule that out without much issue? I have true HEPA filter air purifiers and I can rotate and angle them to have a positive pure air pressure if I need to open it up and swap out the arms. Is it worth trying? Anything I should know or think about in my decision to try this?