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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I love that because it’s such a cautionary tale about bad leadership. He was toxic towards Twitter for years then bought them and doubled down on shitting on them and calling them incompetent… Of course they hate his guts and maliciously comply now.

Actually i found a phone number to the new studio so i might just give them a ring and ask about !

It’s a French series called “Sacrées Coquines”, volume 17 :D i doubt anybody’s heard of it

Kind of shameful but there is this one porn movie I used to have on a CDR that got lost between apartments. It’s stupid cause it’s #17 of a 20+ series and you can find #16 and #18 in like 2 minutes, but this one has disappeared from the face of the internet. The studio stopped listing it some time ago then they were bought out and the new owners never listed that one. Believe it or not I literally sent an email to the male star of the movie, but he never responded. There goes my holy grail. It must have gone out of stock and maybe the masters got lost or something. I know one rip was made at some point cause I found a filename in a listing, but it is long lost. Farewell lost porn 🙋‍♂️ farewell…

Yeah it’s so funny to feel the need to have a “hot take” on branch naming. It’s like if Joe from my team asked me to file some papers under the green folder rather than the red. I’d be like say no more Joe, green folder it is. I don’t care but if somebody cares then they have their say. How do internet people even function in group with other people, with the constant contrarian attitude they carry around?

Honestly I think I’ll go full hoarder with YouTube archivist and find a way to stream/synchronize on my devices. I mostly use YouTube to go to sleep so there is no way I go back to videos being interrupted by loud ass ads.