Pro-Choice, Pro-Science, Pro-Gun, Pro-Democracy, Pro-Decentralization, LGBT+ Ally, Open Source Advocate, and Collectivist-Anarchist, currently sailing in the High Seas. If you aren’t already here, Join Us at: ! Sail Free in the High Seas!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Honestly, our attention span is so fucked, most of us only read headlines.

Source: Me, I read headlines most of the time. Too depressed to read a full article.

Using Tor is considered terrorist activity in France

Why couldn’t the US just do the same?

Internet freedom and privacy needs not only needs protection by technological tools like Tor or VPNs, but also needs legal protection. Would anyone use Tor if the government starts raiding houses? Tor users are such a small minority that the government can easily throw you all in prison.

Why is there always an authoritarian law being proposed every month?

Govenment censorship? No I don’t support it (except the censoring of direct calls to violence, calls to violence should not be allowed)

Tech companies de-platforming you? Hell yea!

If you’re having trouble finding a company that is willing to host your content, maybe your content is the issue.

Just don’t have anything that can potentially be “incriminating”, from the perspective of a border agent. Never hurts to be overcautious, but being too careless can get you deported. Wipe all devices, and have a few photos and populate your browser history with random non-political content so your devices look “normal”. Do not have anything that “criminals” use. Do not have a VPN app that’s visible, do not have Tor, do not have any encryption apps. You can download these things once you get in the country. Just act “normal” and you’ll be fine crossing customs.

How do people not get caught recording? Wouldn’t someone sitting near them notice?

Noob question about newly released movies…
Okay so for context: I've never really downloaded movies right after release, the movies that I've downloaded were all released at least few months before the time of download, so I don't know how movies releases work. So when a movie is released, how long does it take for there to be a high-quality pirated version of it? I can't seem to find the movie on an online platform even if I were to pay for it. Are movies exclusive to an actual theater when they first get released? Right now I'm searching for that movie that was just released and all I find is HDCAMs. Does this mean that someone just secretly recorded it in a theater? Oh btw, the movie I'm talking about is about a scientist that was involved in (at the time) a secret government weapons program during WW2. The movie was released very recently. (Hey, I didn't mentioned the name of the movie, I hope I'm not breaking the rules 😉)

Don’t forget you also lose all the android apps you purchased. Oh wait, isn’t there a community that helps you avoid that?


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Thank you for using Google!

Noooo, you can’t just steal MY Declaration of Lemmy Independence that I stole downloaded. Hello, Lemmy Police? This fucking Lemming just stole MY document!

Blast! My evil plans are foiled!

Brb, stealing some documents…

My evil plans are already underway. MUHAHAHAHA

Someone: Photographs pages of a book in a book store

OP: “Hello Police? Someone is stealing a book!”

Netflix will be losing to a competitor with an ad-free tier that costs $0.00


In other words: Humans are an existential threat to other humans

Tbh I don’t trust any so-called “antivirus” these days. It’s all a lie.

Those towers actually fell because someone used an oven as depicted by the image on the right, those planes are CGI and a corporate cover-up trying to avoid an OSHA fine. So obvious, I can’t believe these sheeple actually fell for the lie. Smh my head… 🙄

Your pin may not be longer than 1 digit.

Your PIN has been detected to be NSFW, please download our app!

Birds Aren’t Real


/s Because of Poe’s Law

Enter your species…

Error, a user of this species already exists

How is it piracy if I’m modifying information that is sent to a device I own? If you don’t want me to see the information, don’t sent it lol.

I’m not a lawyer, but they need to make it absolutely clear that recordings that include copyright music shouldn’t be copyright infringement unless the recording is solely containing the music and nothing else. Like if someone is talking over it, it should be automatically exempt. (Most pirates wouldn’t talk over music just to avoid copyright laws. Most pirates are gonna want the original, high quality version, not one where there are people talking over it.)

I think such a change would be acceptable to most people, even those who are against piracy.

Here’s how copyright laws can be dangerous.
A malicious law enformement officer or a criminal can exploit copyright laws to prevent criminal activities to be posted on mainstream platforms. Read the article for a real life example. No matter your stance on copyright laws, I think we can all agree there needs to be an exemption to copyright laws where if a video or audio recording contains copyrighted material but also contains unrelated content (like police violence or other criminal activity), then that should be exempt from copyright laws. Beside, who wants to listen to music that also has a cop screeching in the background, therefore, this wouldn't affect music subscriptions services in any way. Even with such law, I don't have hopes of youtube changing their policies. I'm honestly sad for the future.

This reminds me of the conflict between Graphene OS’s Dev and Louis Rossmann, and now Rossmann had to uninstall Graphene OS because he fears of the Dev injecting malware.

Edit: Video link, same one as the one in the replies below:



You mean like donations? Or something else?

Lemmy Devs: peacefully developing the Lemmy code for free

Reddit Refugees: “WHY IS THIS SO BUGGY?”

How I’ve dealt with morals is that if you steal a book from a bookstore, the bookstore now has one less book. But if you took a notebook and went to the bookstore and started hand copying, word for word, when you’re done, you can leave with your notebook but the bookstore owner haven’t lost anything. I know hand copying a book is implausible, but what if you had superhuman writing speeds? Therefore, using technology like cameras shouldn’t be any different than hand copying it.

So I concluded with: Digital Piracy =/= Theft.

Now whether digital piracy is moral or not, I don’t care. I’m not stealing, I ain’t a theif. Whether I pirated a book, or if I never even existed in the world, the result is the same: The bookstore never loses anything.

So I wanna download a car…
cross-posted from: > Lets say in 10 years, 3D printing technology become so advanced, almost anything can be perfectly replicated. So I find some leaked car 3d file, I download it, I print the car. What current laws would I be violating? Civil or criminal? And what future laws can you anticipate?

Welcome, but damn its been days since r/piracy closed, where have you been, sailor? 😆

Too busy searching for treasure I guess. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

(This is one of my many alts so my account creation date might seem new. But I’ve been here since June 12.)

Did you know, the entire world is filled with terrorists who use Arabic Numerals? Thats why we need the great and mighty American World Police and intelligent French Detectives to rid the world of evil!

-Source: A terrorist who uses Arabic Numerals

I think France just needs a few revolutions. Very fitting considering their anthem.

90% of Terrorists use the internet. Therefore, if you use the internet, you are a terrorist.

Edit: 100% of terrorists drink beverages containing water, therefore, if you drink water, you are a terrorist.

Soon: The FBI recommends using an ad-blocker approved by the Department of Defence

Ahoy maties, I’ve got a confession to make…
I am ~~an ad-block user~~ a terrorist?!? France just declared people who use ad-blockers terrorists. Anyone else here a terrorist? 🤣 I'm part of the uBlock Origin faction, what faction(s) do you belong to? ----- ::: spoiler spoiler For legal purposes, no we are not terrorists. I mean unless you have a twisted worldview as a french bureaucrat. :::