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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I know you’re asking about Android, but it’s on Steam. Maybe it can be played remotely…?

I am not a developer but don’t they have to state the engine at the beginning of the game? Really no idea, just guessing, as I’ve seen a lot of games with it.

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I’m not a huge fan of the recent trend of guns and firing in mainstream video games. Besides the janky awkwardness of polygons, there’s something off-putting to me about my character engaging in deadly combat. Am I supposed to be pretending that it’s me as I watch the action happening? When I play a game (esp. an RPG) I can get really immersed in the experience and feel like the mouse/controller is an extension of my hand, shooting fireballs and whatnot. So is it also supposed to be an extension of my weapon when my character starts killing? Am I supposed to be fully engaged for maximum immersion?

In movies, it’s different because when a character in a movie engages in deadly combat, the audience understands that they’re watching someone else do it. I’ve never seen a movie where I’m supposed to pretend like I’m the main character and I’m the one doing the killing. (Hardcore Henry notwithstanding)

I have nothing against action-packed games or games with mature content as their own thing, but encountering it in a regular game always throws me out of the immersion. Coming from a mainstream studio, it also just feels like a desperate attempt to appeal to a certain audience more than anything else, even if it’s nothing more than a short murder.

Debian is named after Debra, then girlfriend of Ian, its creator.

I see Google Drive, Gmail, Google Messages on screenshots so it does come with bloatware.

Daily reminder to contribute to Internet Archive and similar preservation sites.

Didn’t watch the video but is it worth to wait for the updates (and the DLC) if I tried playing the game on day one but got put off by bugs and lack of content that was promised? I know there have been multiple patches that fixed bugs and gameplay but I am still reluctant to even give it a try.

Pardon my ignorance, but did you buy these, or got them for free, or won them? Just curious how that works.

Yes, I agree the AI in F.E.A.R. was awesome. Thanks for letting me know about Selaco, I will check it out when it comes out.