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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


This Blocky?

Will keep them in mind, thanks a lot.

Thank you, I had to figure it out myself haha.

I’m in MX. It’s not like they actually care about giving the consumer proper permissions. The “business” solution keeps the DNS shenanigans.

So is your ISP blocking or redirecting outgoing requests on port 53?


Why can you not set your own DNS on your devices?

I can, they get redirected to my ISPs DNS, no matter what. This was not an issue with my pervious company.

DNS hijacking
EDIT: So because of my $0 budget and the fact that my uptime is around 50% (PC, no additional servers) I ended up using NextDNS. For the time being it works (according to [dnsleaktest](https://dnsleaktest.com)), an added benefit was improved ad-blocking (100% in this [tool](https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock.html)). I now have plans for a proper router in the future with a Pi-hole. Thanks so much for all the info & suggestions, definitely learnt a lot. So it turns out I got myself into an ISP that was shittier than expected (I already knew it was kinda shitty), they DNS hijack for whatever reason and I can't manually set my own DNS on my router or even my devices. Cyber security has never been my forte but I'm always trying to keep learning as I go. I've read that common solutions involve using a different port (54) or getting a different modem/router or just adding a router. Are they all true? Whats the cheapest, easiest way of dealing with all of this?

Oh, yeah, makes sense. I’ve never watched mor than 5min of any cam ever, if I really wanted to see it for free I would just sneak in to the theater. 🤡

Same, no fucking idea. Is it a visual glitch? A watermark? An IRL object? 🤔

I don’t know what you are talking about.

Even if our dialects (Mexican) didn’t have vestigial racism and fake dichotomies, permitir y bloquear is as straight forward as you can get.

IT switched from white/black literally years ago, if your department didn’t, you are quite stuck in time.

Wait My Fitness Pal went subscription model? Also, pay once, export once, cancel?

Except that that sounds like a Mastodon lack of features. Cuz Twitter had threads. As long as you were replying to someone each conversation was a sub thread and so on.

Really? Fuck em. It was easy to just change the user agent some while ago. So if I try it in 4k monitor, it won’t work‽