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Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


No there isn’t. Companies are incentivised to extract as much money as possible from any given buyer. There is never a “this is enough money, I won’t charge you more” situation. Inevitably every buyer will become a non-buyer, because they were outpriced.

Competition should solve this issue, but it doesn’t work in media because there’s no two rights holders for star wars content, or marvel content, or whatever. So services cannot compete on the same content, because the rights holders simply won’t let them.

Copyright is a pest.

Acquisitions don’t need to pay for themselves. Ideally they do, but sometimes it’s enough if they just help the company’s main business stay in business, or grow.

IBM is making $30bn+ in gross profit each year.

I hear you. It’s amazing how much some company’s code / projects is allowed to suck.

Not even “my” tiny-little-side-module inside the project source recompiles within 20 seconds… because of absurdly complex and large dependencies to the actual project code.

Most likely the mic is simply powered by the voltage which also powers the headphones.

But there’s also mics which don’t need voltage to work at all (unlikely for headsets tho).

Unfortunately that’s not just gaming related news, but all news (and non-news).

It’s by design. It leaves you wondering (and ideally click on the article).

What I actually would like to know if journalists, or whoever writes the articles, are picking these headlines consciously or if they’re following guidelines. I can imagine both scenarios.

Dude shouldn’t worry. Kids will understand that he has or had a boring job with not much to talk about… and still be the greatest dad in the world. Kids don’t care about the job of their parents.

Unfortunately, if anyone, I do.

We do that for some of the more complex business logic. We wrote libraries, which are used by our tests, and we wrote tests which test the library functions to ensure they provide correct results.

What always worries me is that WE came up with that. It wasn’t some higher up, or business unit, or anything. Only because we cared to do our job correctly. If we didn’t - nobody would. Nobody is watching the testers (in my experience).

Meme answer: Changed a manual wait from 20 seconds to 18 seconds. Boom, 10% performance improvement. I can only do it so often though.

My current project is building a (almost) 1gb Java rich client which takes around 2minites to load… while it’s merely a gui with some small client to client capabilities. The technical debt is insane, and it’s only getting worse because neither can they afford to rebuild it from scratch.

It does have that vibe, but it’s unarguably true that a lot of software and websites are ridiculously bloated and slow.

Just like the OG Pirate Bay. They closed down, and someone else, unknown, took over.

That’s not unproblematic ofc as the new owner can do whatever they want without the oversight of the non-profit.

Dictatorships (or any otherwise ideology driven entities) will have their very own problems training AI. Cannot feed the AI material which goes against your own ideology or it might not act in your best interest.

Well I don’t know why it’s being done like this, but my informed guess would be:

Resilience. If the content wouldn’t be copied, defederating/blocking an instance would mean that the content you created there (topics, comments, etc) would be lost to you. So if you wrote a nice comment, or saved a bunch of topics for later, and then your instance blocks the other instance… that would be gone for you. With the copy this doesn’t happen.

Performance. Instead of having to deal with every user (from a different instance) individually, your instance only has to deal with other instances. With this updates between each other can be sent in larger chunks (and definitely with less network connections). Additional benefit: smaller instances don’t get knocked down by user-heavy instances when they host a popular community.

Just guesses tho.

All social media is a liability time bomb unfortunately. That’s why only the biggest players can afford it so far.

Are the admins of somehow responsible for what their members do, even if it´s not on their own instance?

They are not responsible for what their users do, but for what is saved on their instance. And by any user interacting with content from a different instance, their will host a copy of that content. That’s how lemmy works.

So if a user subscribes to a pirate sub, that whole subs content is now mirrored on

Not just related to piracy that’s a huge liability issue for admins.

I don’t think that’s entirely fair. Typically answers are getting upvoted when they work for someone. So the top answer worked for more people than the other answers. Now there can be more than one solution to a problem but neither the people who try to answer the question, nor the people who vote on the answers, can possibly know which of them works specifically for you.

ChatGPT will just as well give you a technically correct, but for you wrong, answer. And only after some refinement give the answer you need. Not that different than reading all the answers and picking the one which works for you.

I don’t want to compare the behavior, only the quality of the answers. An unintentional error of ChatGPT is still an error, even when it’s delivered with a smile. I absolutely agree that the behavior of some SO users is detrimental and pushes people away.

I can also see ChatGPT (or whatever) as a solution to that - both as moderator and as source of solutions. If it knows the solution it can answer immediately (plus reference where it got it from), if it doesn’t know the solution it could moderate the human answers (plus learn from them).

Amazing how much hate SO receives here. As knowledge base it’s working super good. And yes, a lot of questions have been answered already. And also yes, just like any other online community there’s bad apples which you have to live with unfortunately.

Idolizing ChatGPT as a viable replacementis laughable, because it has no knowledge, no understanding, of what it says. It’s just repeating what it “learned” and connected. Ask about something new and it will simply lie, which is arguably worse than an unfriendly answer in my opinion.