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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I’ve heard but not confirmed that the various NUC models have CEC

It’s incrementing the problem counter in different threads

Understood. CG-NAT has been so annoying, I would love for IPv6 to completely replace v4 ASAP

I figure the mobile carrier was blocking incoming connections to my phone. This was a couple of years ago, things might have changed since then.

I didn’t mean prevent, just makes it harder by default. You can still open connections from within the NAT

Edit: I do admit to failing at accessing my IPv6 PC from my IPv6 phone

Edit2: apparently NAT is full of security bugs

You’re talking about NAT traversal? We do have control over which we apps we run though?

Edit: apparently NAT is full of bugs

I still have to initiate the outgoing UDP. Are you talking about the specific case where any software running on my host can initiate it without me requesting?

Edit: apparently NAT is full of security bugs

The main benefit of a NAT is that by default it prevents all external access to the hosts inside the network. Any port you have open is not accessible unless explicitly forwarded.

This has a lot of security benefits. Regardless, everything you said is sounds true to me.

Why do you say NAT doesn’t make a network more secure?

How do you decide what to listen to? I assume you don’t listen to multiple entire discographies

Could have pihole running on your desktop as a backup

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“you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole”

I would completely reformat all affected machines. AVs are not perfect. Yes it sucks, but imagine the consequences of doing any form of banking on an infected machine.